Friday, July 23, 2021


 The Olympics are starting and I'm excited.  I'm watching the parade of nations right now and it's fun to see the beautiful costumes of some of the countries.  It's also fun to spot some countries I've actually visited and humbling to realize how many, many I will probably never get to see.  I like the Olympics because I don't feel guilty about not participating.  When I see someone out walking or exercising or even doing goat yoga, I think "I really ought to be doing that."  Well maybe not the goat part, but Olympians' performances are so far beyond what I could ever reasonably have been able to do, I can just relax and enjoy their prowess.  When I try to imagine competing, I remember my college swimming class, one of a required series of physical education classes we education majors were expected to take.  Why I needed to be able to swim to be and art teacher I will never understand.  To pass the swimming class we had to swim the length of the pool six times (up and back using three different strokes).  Then we had to dive off the low board and swim to the side of the pool.  I actually did manage to pass the class but I'm really glad that people weren't recording my performance.  Happily, smart phones hadn't been invented yet.  Suffice it to say, no one was waiting at the side of the pool to sign me up for Olympic trials. 

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