Sunday, October 9, 2022

memory work

 When I was a student in Lutheran elementary school, we had 'memory work' every day.  We memorized Bible passages, Luther's Small Catechism, hymn stanzas and so on.  I even remember the first Bible verse I ever memorized, "Pray without ceasing."  That was in kindergarten. I had to ask my mother what ceasing meant.  One of the reasons I enjoy the bits of acting I do is because I'm required to memorize.  I think it's probably good for my brain.  

Yesterday, I realized there was something else I should memorize.  In conversation with a friend, I commented that all my contact information is on my phone and I didn't even know my children's phone numbers.  I had said it laughingly.  It's so easy to text or speed dial numbers in a contact list.  But then I got to thinking, what if I lost my phone by theft or accident?  Assuming I could to get to a phone somewhere, I could always call 911, but what then.  How do I let my kids know what's going on in my life?  I thought about writing their numbers on a slip of paper and keeping it in my purse, but same problem.  If my phone got stolen my purse might have gone with it.  I thought about a tattoo but that would hurt, and they might change their numbers.  So I decided I need to do this the old fashioned way and memorize their numbers.  I only have two kids so it's really not a big deal.  My daughter's is easy - lots of repeating numbers.  I'm still working on my son's.  I can memorize numbers easily if I can see a pattern.  

Now I know you're seeing one more flaw in this plan.  What if I'm unconscious?  In that case, I won't be worried about it, will I?

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