Sunday, February 4, 2024


 Have you ever notice that "new and improved" often isn't?  I don't mean to sound like the 'grinch' but I will admit that new and improved doesn't always bring out the best in me. A flashy new package with contents noted as 5oz less than the previous package, really doesn't seem improved to me, even if there is some new ingredient included that I probably don't want in my food anyway, or in my laundry.  But enough about food.  This evening, I logged on to the ACPL site to renew some library books.  Now please don't misunderstand, I am a huge fan of the ACPL and have been a regular borrower since I was a child.  Naomi Tremp was our ever helpful librarian at the Woodburn branch and had been librarian there since my dad was a child.  She told me once that he had read every book in the library. Possibly an exaggeration, but one certain source of my love of reading.  Years later my children and I were regulars at the book mobile that stopped just down the street from our house when they were pre schoolers. One of the joys of my life was when I had a job right across the street from the library.  You get the idea.  So imagine my dismay when I logged on to the ACPL site this evening only to discover that while I was sleeping through much of the last month, the site has become 'new and improved.'  But I was patient.  No way I'm going to give up on the library, so I took a deep breath, looked carefully at all of the 'buttons' and gradually found my old familiar links and was, finally, able to renew my library books.  Hooray, success!!!

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