Friday, May 10, 2024


 According to my west coast brother (what would I do without him?) today is "National Liver and Onions Day."  This is not a dish you see on menus very often, at least at the restaurants my spouse and I frequent.  This evening, for example, we ate at "Shigs 'n' Pit."  Excellent ribs with garlic toast, green beans and tomato cucumber salad.  Great food but nary a sign of liver and onions.  However, I do know how to cook liver and onions.  My high school Home Economics teacher (do you remember Home Ec?) taught us how to cook it correctly.  The trick is to not over cook the liver.  I suspect that she taught us this recipe because it would be an inexpensive meal when we became young housewives, which it was assumed we would all become.  Also, liver is supposed to be really good for you.  At least that was the belief back then.  It's probably something like coffee, eggs and butter that are good for you one day and not the next.  Interestingly, I don't remember my mother ever cooking liver and onions for us.  I actually did cook liver and onions for a boyfriend once.  I think that was in 1967.  It was good, he said he liked it, but we broke up later that year and I've never cooked it since.  Neither of my spouses ever asked for it.  I don't think it's a great loss.  If I've offended anyone who loves liver and onions I do apologize.

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