Monday, August 5, 2024

glass half full???

 I'm pretty sure that I have now reached the age of invisibility.  I have been told that it happens to older white haired people and it would seem that it's so.  Today I picked up my new pair of glasses.  Admittedly they are not quite as distinctive as my previous pair.  Over the last three years, I've received several compliments on those glasses.  The ones my daughter helped me pick out.  She had to work this year. One waitress even told me that I had a nice vibe going with those glasses.  After I picked up my new glasses I went to a gathering of the yarn group I belong to.  I was running a little late but everyone greeted me as I walked in and then we all settled down to conversation while we worked on our various projects.  Not one person said "Hey, you got new glasses." or anything similar.  Even my wonder spouse wasn't wowed when I walked in the door.  Ah well.  On the positive side, I can see better and am even able to read the fine print with my new glasses.  I am not good at selfies but here is a look at my new glasses in case you're curious.  Woops, I promise you that I took a selfie but it refuses to be transferred to this computer.  Invisibility strikes again.

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