Sunday, March 9, 2025

spring forward

 Today was the day we all sprang forward, at least we did if we remembered to set our clocks ahead before we went to bed last night.  My west coast brother (who had to do the same thing) has informed me that it's also "Panic Day, co-sponsored by The Sky is Falling Committee and Get Over it Day."  That seems like an extreme reaction to setting a few clocks forward.  I know I'll be over it by tomorrow. There was a time (I remember it fondly) when the time didn't change in Indiana or Arizona, the only two unchanging states I believe.  Since my son and his family lived in Phoenix then it was easy for us to keep track of each other's time.  My spouse and I are actually not feeling the effects of this time change as much as some might.  On our recent three week trip to South America our time for the entire trip was two hours ahead of Indiana.  This surprised me.  I didn't realize that South America was so far east of Indiana.  Anyway, since we had only been home one day when the time changed, for us it felt more like going back one hour.  Weren't we lucky?

Here's a map to help you see what I mean.

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