Saturday, September 5, 2015


Not the kind where you hit people, the kind where you load stuff into them.  I am beginning to have a very fine collection of boxes sitting around my house. After selling and donating and trashing 4/5ths of everything I owned, how can I still have so much stuff?  And now I'm at the point that I don't really want to get rid of anything more.  So I'll just keep boxing and hope that all that closet space in my apartment will be enough.  Several years ago my dad downsized from a 3 bedroom house with a full basement (and I do mean full) to a tiny studio apartment in an assisted living facility. Of course he was 86 at the time.  I read recently of a woman who downsized to the point that she only owned 100 items. Hah, I have more than that in flatware and glasses.  To top it off, I spent some time today making a list of things I "need" to buy.  I guess I'm not really clear on the concept of downsizing.

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