Saturday, October 8, 2016

dating was never this hard

I saw a delightful play at Bishop Dwenger High School this evening. It was called "Check Please" and was a series of blind date / first date scenarios. Each scene was a young man and woman meeting in a restaurant. There was one reference to a mutual friend but all the rest seemed to have met on line. The really bad dates included an old lady with a walker, a man who wore only burlap, a mime, a girl who spoke only in text short hand and so much more.  Finding the right man or woman should never be this hard. I think I'm glad I dated before the era.  I only had two blind dates in my life. One was a dud but I married the other one. Since I am single again now, the idea of trying out an on line dating site has flitted through my mind.  Not after tonight.

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