Tuesday, November 12, 2019

a more interesting study

So it turns out there may be a legitimate reason why some children, and adults, don't like vegetables like brussel sprouts, broccoli and cabbage.  Scientists have determined that some people are born with a gene (it's always good to be able to blame things on genetics) that makes them 'super tasters' who react more to bitter tastes.  Who knew?  I bet there are thousands of kids out there who would like to tell their parent "Sorry, I'm a super taster and __fill in your least favorite vegetable ____ just doesn't taste good to me."
On the other end of the spectrum, I had a friend in college (yes, I can remember back that far) who could not smell or taste anything, and yet she had very definite likes and dislikes in food.  I asked her once how she knew what she liked if she couldn't taste it.  Her answer "Texture."  

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