Sunday, November 3, 2019


Technology strikes again. Fot the last two days I have been unable to access Google on my laptop.  Which also means I have been unable to write this blog or access my bank account. I'm not sure why it's working now but I did turn off and on everything I could think of. Maybe that helped or maybe it was magic.  Who knows? So, here's what I've been up to.  I went to the Philharmonic last night.  Beethoven's 5th was amazing and so was an original work by a Fort Wayne musicial named Patrick O'Malley.  He's no Beethoven but he's a young man who shows great promise.  The third piece included a viola solo that was fantastic.  All in all a great show.  
Another musical note: Carroll High School band did very well at the semi-state competition (6th in the state I think) and they are going on to the state competition  next Saturday. The Charger Pride has come a long, long way since my husband and I were pit parents 30 years ago.  That's all the news for now. Hopefully I'll be able to blog again tomorrow.

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