Saturday, May 9, 2020


My west coast brother informed me that today is Butterscotch Brownie Day and also Lost Sock Memorial Day.  Both of these seemed liked days worth celebrating so I immediately Googled butterscotch brownie recipes and found an easy one for which I had all the ingredients.  It's basically a mixture of brown sugar, butter, flour and an egg.  Easy and delicious.  Very chewy, just as a brownie should be, and I'm pretty sure 'special day' calories don't count.  
About those socks; my all time favorite author/philosopher Erma Bombeck once noted that it's a sad fact that, unlike geese, socks don't mate for life.  I know it's true.  I came back from doing laundry Tuesday morning, having very carefully checked the washers and dryer for any left behind items, and still found, as I sorted and folded, that I was one sock short.  Three days later I found it curled into the sleeve of a sweat shirt that I had hung to dry.  So that one didn't get away forever, although many have.  I suspect it's all a plot by the sock industry to assure that we will continue buying more socks. 

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