Monday, May 25, 2020


I hope you all had a nice, quiet, safe, socially distanced Memorial Day weekend.  I honor all of those who served and died in the military, in the meantime being so greatful that all of the soldiers, sailors and airmen (and airwomen) in my family as far back as I can trace served and survived.  
On a totally different subject, yesterday I wrote about old practices including wearing gloves to church.  I realized, after watching most of the Downton Abbey marathon on PBS this weekend, that seeing all the lovely ladies constantly taking off and pulling on their long elegant gloves is probably what made me think of gloves although ours, at least in summer, were only wrist length.  My father used to tease my mother and me for wearing gloves in the summertime, but I suspect, looking back on it, the gloves were a way, at least for the adult women to cover up work worn and wrinkled hands.  Hmmm, I wonder where my gloves are.  

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