Saturday, February 26, 2022


 Anyone who knows me knows that I am a boarder line chocoholic.  Which is not all bad.  It is a basic food group after all.  I am particularly partial to dark chocolate, but I do not spurn milk chocolate or white chocolate or chocolate mixed with another flavor.  I believe I have mentioned chocolate covered cherries and caramels in previous blogs.  Tonight, though, I have discovered a new chocolate experience.  I am a fan of the Great British Baking Show but tonight, when flipping through the channels, I discovered The Great Chocolate Showdown.  It has all kinds of advantages over a piece of chocolate.  First, I can watch the contestants create amazing chocolate concoctions; things I would never dream of creating.  Then, it keeps me so busy watching that I don't get up to fix a snack.  It is an absolutely calorie free chocolate experience.  Now if I only had 'smell-a-vision.'  

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