Sunday, February 6, 2022

They're at it again.

 I do enjoy the Olympics, summer and winter, but I wonder some times at the lengths and heights to which the athletes will go.  I've watched some pretty amazing ski jumps and luge slides this evening but my first love is still the figure skating.  The ladies are doing that spinning thing again and somehow manage, as they spin, to lift one leg and both arms way up over their heads so they look like a tulip.  I can't even imagine getting one leg up that high, let alone spinning around on ice while I do it.  And then there are the spinning jumps.  And. almost always, landing on their feet and skating right in to the next part of their routine.  I feel so bad when a skater falls down after one of those jumps.  How frustrating to have practiced for so many years and done the jumps correctly over and over again (although I imagine there were many falls along the way) and then to fall during the Olympic competition.  But what I most admire is that they just get up, gracefully, and go on.  I think there's a life lesson there somewhere.

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