Sunday, March 6, 2022

a great performance

 I saw an excellent play this afternoon.  It was performed at the PFW Studio Theater in Kettler Hall.  For those who can remember way back to the late 60s - early 70s the same space used to be called The Pit.  So that was a bit of nostalgia.  The play itself is "Women Unbound" by a Fort Wayne play write Ruth Tyndall Baker.  It was a very well written and wonderfully performed play but what made it especially interesting was the history behind it.  The play was about the three Hamilton sisters who grew up here in Fort Wayne and two of whom became very successful in their fields.  Edith Hamilton (1867-1963) wrote many books about the ancient Greeks, Romans and early Christians.  Her book "Mythology" was one of our college Art History text books but I didn't know until much later that she was from Fort Wayne.  Her sister Alice (1869-1970) did ground breaking work in studying toxicology in the work place, basically started OSHA, and was the first female professor at Harvard. Enough said, it's an excellent play and is still on next weekend if you're interested. Check out

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