Tuesday, March 8, 2022


 Today is "International Women's Day" which, according to my trivia calendar has been celebrated since 1911.  Coincidence possibly but that was a year after my mother was born and she turned out to be a pretty amazing woman.  But they missed it by two days.  Mom was born on March 10.  In honor of the day, I have scored a small silly victory.  I switched over to Netflix this evening and a message popped up telling me that my monthly payment was going up to $15.98.  It had been $12.98 so I wasn't too stressed.  Three dollars more won't break the bank.  But, while I was watching, the screen changed to offer 'other options.'  I clicked the box marked $9.98 and it turns out the only difference is that it isn't in high definition.  Well, guess what, I lived without high definition TV for most of my life so I chose the $9.98 option.  Woo hoo... I'm saving six dollars a month, and I'm excited.  How silly is that?  Oh, by the way, in case you're wondering, "National Men's Day" is November 19.  How will you celebrate?

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