Tuesday, April 26, 2022


 Today is School Bus Drivers Day and if ever a special group of brave men and women deserved a day of tribute, it's school bus drivers.  I was a teacher and over the years taught, at one time or another, every age from kindergarten through college and adults.  No problems there, well not many anyway.  But I would never, ever have the courage to turn my back on 48 to 60 raucous children and drive them anywhere.  When my grandchildren were very young I would sometimes have all four of them in the car with me.  I had a nifty SUV at the time with a third row of seats, and that is as close as I ever want to come to driving a school bus, thank you very much.  So when you're stuck behind a school bus letting children on or off, don't be impatient.  Just take a deep breath and think "Glad it's not me."


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