Monday, July 22, 2024


 My west coast brother wasn't able to send me special day suggestions today.  He does, after all, have a life of his own.  So I did my own research and discovered that today is PI Appreciation Day.  "But wait," you may say, "I thought March 14 (3.14) was PI Day."  You are right of course and I'm sure you remember just how you celebrated PI Day in March.  Some of you may have 3.14 traditions that stretch back for many years.  But today is PI Appreciation Day because July 22, or 22/7 is another way of getting PI or at least close to it..  Divide 22 by 7 and you  will see that I'm right. Oh, ok.  I'll do the math for you.  22 divided by 7 equals 3.142857142 while PI to the tenth digit is actually 3.141592653.  If that's not close enough to let you appreciate PI today, perhaps a slice of pie will help, or a nice relaxing nap.  As it happens today is also National Hammock Day, so lie back, relax and enjoy some PI or pie.

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