Wednesday, July 24, 2024


 Today, according to my west coast brother, is "National Tell an Old Joke Day."  While he was about it, he even shared some old jokes with me, so this blog is largely his doing.  It's easy for him to think old jokes are funny since he's ten years younger than I am.  But he is, as he would admit, closer to 70 that 60.  Of course I'm also closer to 70 than 60.  

You can tell you're getting old when your doctor refers you to an archaeologist.

Other old, but not age related jokes which he saw fit to share:

Two blondes walked into a bar.  The brunette ducked. (If you're offended by this one, please note that I didn't say blonde women).

A minister, a priest and a rabbit walked into a blood bank.  The rabbit was a type O.  

Just coincidentally, my spouse and I bought a birthday card for his cousin who will be 83 soon.  The card reads "Your birthday is a good opportunity to salute Father Time.  Which finger you salute him with is your business."

But the happiest old joke I've heard recently was from my dentist at my most recent teeth cleaning and check up.  His parting shot was "No dentures for you."  It's good to know that some parts of my body are still in good shape.  Of course they are, on average, about 11 years younger than the rest of me.  

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