Friday, March 22, 2024


 Today was a rather chilly day.  Actually I would call it cold with a high of 34%, but I won't quibble with the weather person.  In search of something warm and comfy to wear for just working around the house, I came upon a pair of flannel lined jeans.  I'm still finding clothes in several second floor closets, wherever my spouse could fit them in when he moved clothes from my apartment.  But I digress.  My west coast brother and sister-in-law gave me these for Christmas about ten years and 20 pounds ago.  They were tight at the time so I didn't wear them much, but today they were loose and comfy and very warm.  Interestingly, just pulling them on made me remember my first ever pair of flannel lined jeans.  I was in first grade and may have been the first of my girl friends to ever wear jeans.  At the time, Central Lutheran School in New Haven, where we had just moved, allowed girls to wear pants to school, instead of dresses or skirts, in cold weather.  Very progressive I think.  That bubble was popped when we moved to Woodburn when I was in third grade.  At Woodburn Lutheran leggings were accepted, but only for getting to and from school.  Some how seeing twenty or so little girls at the back of the classroom stripping off their leggings does not seem less risque than simply letting them wear pants. But back to those wonderful jeans. What I remember most vividly was that the lining was plaid (with lots of red) and when my mommy turned up the cuffs, you could see the lining.  So cool. Today's jeans have a dark green lining but they aren't long enough to turn up the cuffs so it really doesn't matter.  At my age warmth trumps style every time. 

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