Wednesday, March 13, 2024


 My west coast brother sent me this quote today - Einstein supposedly said "If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then is an empty desk a sign?" Something to think about.  I am happy to report that there is no fear of me having an empty desk any time soon. I did, however, spend several hours today replacing files, that had been packed in boxes for the move, in my filing cabinet, and even managed to throw away some stuff, like my most recent 20 page lease agreement.  My husband has a more powerful shredder than mine, which really helped the process. As a reward for this diligence (and because it was already planned) we went out to dinner with my spouse's son and family for a delayed birthday celebration for said son.  We went to Ziano's, so the food would have been reward enough, but it turned into one of those really delightful family get togethers where conversation flowed freely and no one had to rush away after dinner.  That was my reward for my desk work.  By the way, if you're looking for something to celebrate tomorrow, it will be March 14, also known as pi / pie day.  I was very impressed that my step-granddaughter, who, by the way, is heading off to Ball State in the fall (that's my school) could rattle off the numbers for pi to the tenth digit.  No, she won't be a math major.  She has been accepted in the theater department.  That's my girl.

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