Saturday, March 30, 2024

Playing house...

 Ever since I was a little girl and my mother showed me where the knife and spoon and fork go, I have enjoyed setting the table.  As I grew older one of my favorite parts of getting ready for a dinner for family or friends was setting the table.  Today I was able to enjoy the same experience.  My husband and I are having Easter dinner for ten tomorrow afternoon (some from my family and some from his).  Because we don't have small children I was able to set the table today.  We're eating at the dining room table which easily seats ten, and it gave me great pleasure to get out my china and stemware and set the table in my new home.  It was also reassuring to see that nothing had been chipped or broken along the way.  

Here's the finished product, just waiting for the food and guests. If  you're wondering why I seem so calm it should be obvious to those of you who are regular readers.  My Wonder Spouse is doing the cooking.  Ham, sweet potatoes, coleslaw (with his homemade dressing) rolls with butter and jelly, and, from my son-in-law, deviled eggs.  Wine, water, coffee, etc.  Wishing you all a Blessed Easter.  

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