Saturday, June 8, 2024

a slight delay

 I must postpone writing about  my history with zippy little sports cars until tomorrow because today was a very important race of another kind.  Every year as part of German Fest here in Fort Wayne the National Weiner Dog Race is held.  I have a great interest in this because, when my children were young, we had two miniature dachshunds. They were good runners but only when chasing squirrels.  But enough about Remington and Heidi.  Two by two, today's little dachshunds (a very German dog) made their way down the track (a two lane straight run about 100 feet long) enticed by treats or toys held by one of their owners, while someone else holds the dog at the starting line until the MC shouts ready, set, go!  Some run their little legs off, ears flapping wildly while others merely saunter down the track, and others have no interest in running whatsoever.  By the end of the preliminary elimination the competitors who are left, first the final eight then the final four and last, the two top dogs, are really racing, and it's a joy to behold.  In case you're wondering if size matters, it's all about speed.  The final winner was actually one of the smallest dogs in the competition. If you haven't ever attended this event you really should.  Having a beer and brats at the food pavilion before hand probably improves the enjoyment.

I got a picture of this cute little miss after the race.

Waiting a the starting line, giving their dogs pep talks.

As you can see, there was a large crowd to cheer the wiener dogs on.

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