Saturday, October 12, 2024

It's inevitable...

 On Sunday mornings, in place of a more traditional Sunday school curriculum, a church groups I'm in uses a program called Wired Word, which provides contemporary topics for discussion. I highly recommend it.  Our topic for tomorrow, which I will be leading (we take turns) deals with how we face death and presents the idea of writing our own obituary.  This topic is not intended to be morbid and is based on a recently published article by a woman who writes, and rewrites yearly, her own obituary, which, she says, gives her a chance to look at her life and see if she likes where things are going.  Since I'm leading the discussion tomorrow I decided to try my hand at writing my own obituary.  I know this sounds weird, but it actually was fun.  I wrote much more than would probably ever be published and included names of all my relatives, all the jobs I ever had, and so much more.  I even included a space for future great grandchildren (wishful thinking). It was nice to think about all this stuff.  When I told my wonder spouse that I was writing my own obituary I expected him to laugh or at least ask why on earth I would do such a thing.  Instead he asked to read it, then asked me to email a copy to him so he could store it on his computer.  I'm pleased that he wants to keep it, know that I can make changes whenever I want to, and plan to revisit it at least once a year.  Try this exercise.  I think you might really enjoy it.  By the way, in case you're wondering, I'm in great health, and don't expect to 'kick the bucket' any time soon.

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