Wednesday, October 9, 2024


 My west coast brother informed me that today is "Curious Events Day."  He then went on to tell me that he had heard a report that Amelia Earhart spotted the Loch Ness monster in the Bermuda Triangle.  That would indeed have been a curious event, even if it had occurred while Amelia Earhart was still alive.  I know, I know, no one ever proved she died, she simply disappeared.  But even if she didn't die when she disappeared somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, she was born in 1897, so I feel safe in assuming that she's not still alive.  But thinking about curious events, I think it is safe to say that many of the 'special days' of which my brother has made me aware, are certainly curious.  For example there was National Find a Four Leaf Clover Day (you must be curious to search for 4-leaf clovers), National Water Balloon Day, (someone will wonder who threw that), World Beard Day, (there are contests to see who has the longest bushiest beard) and my favorite - Wiggle Your Toes Day.  I love to wiggle my toes.  My first husband often asked me why I wiggled my toes so much?  He usually observed this curious event when I was relaxing, watching TV or reading, sitting in a recliner with my feet up.  The simple answer, then and now, is because it feels good.  So if you were curious about toe wiggling, now you know.

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