Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy 2015!

It's official, the ball just dropped, people are shooting off guns or fireworks outside.  People on TV are cheering.  I prefer to thinks all the booms outside are fireworks but I suspect there are a few guns being fired into the air in response to the frequent mentions on the local news that firing guns into the air is dangerous and illegal within the city limits.  Since I live about 1 mile outside the city limits I suspect some celebrators are thumbing their noses at authority - or maybe they just don't listen to the news, but it does seem like it's going on much longer than usual this evening. I shall be satisfied with a quiet Happy New Year! I did my toasting and celebrating earlier this evening.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The count down has begun...

No, not that count down, that's tomorrow night.  I mean the countdown to my retirement. I finally counted the days today and I have 32 working days left until I am officially retired.  Next week we have three interviews scheduled with potential replacements and a few more applications/resumes have come in so I am confident that we will find someone very competent as my replacement.  I'm excited and curious to see what might be coming next.  There are some volunteer things I want to do, but not too much, I want to travel some each year and I definitely want to sleep in in the mornings, at least until daylight, and, oh yeah, within two years I want to down size which means I have a whole new full time job waiting for me cleaning out closets, rooms and garages.
What I will resist doing with every fiber of my being is critiquing my replacement.  I'd better make that a New Year's resolution.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Well, here's a new idea.

I was just watching a discussion on the local news about the virtues of recycling, and I totally agree.  It's an excellent habit to get into.  I started to seriously recycle with the big bin and everything a couple of years ago and I've been amazed at how much stuff can be recycled.  My recycle bin fills up much faster than my garbage bin.  I also know that real Christmas trees can be recycled (ground up and used for mulch) but one man being interviewed said he has friends who keep their Christmas tree, and when the ice melts on their lake, put a weight on the tree and throw it in the lake where it becomes habitat for fish.  Who knew?
Of course I practice the ultimate recycling.  On New Year's Day I will take apart my not-so-natural Christmas tree and pack it away until next December. No fuss, no bother, and I don't have to haul it away anywhere so I guess I'm saving gas too.  Wow, it just gets better and better.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Keeping things in perspective.

I found myself complaining internally (a private little pity party) about taking yet another trip from laundry room to the other end of the house where the bedrooms are located to remake some recently used guests beds with fresh clean sheets still warm from the dryer.  Oh, poor me, all those steps from one end of a fairly modest house to the other.  Then I remembered National Geographic type scenes of women beating clothes on rocks to wash them, and even my own mother-in-law using a "mangle" to wring out sheets, then hanging them to dry in her basement when it was too cold outside. We did offer, several times to buy her a modern washer and dryer but she wasn't convinced they could possibly clean as well as her system. Well, so much for the pity party,  I've given myself a metaphorical smack up the side of the head, and decided to get on with things.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

I think I need to get some of these.

Have you ever heard of "My Happy Feet" socks?  They are billed as the original feet alignment socks. I hadn't heard of them either but my daughter-in-law got a pair for Christmas and I must admit I'm intrigued. They are socks without toes but with thick coils of yarn (fabric) between spaces for your toes.  The idea is that, as your feet adapt to them gradually, they spread your toes, relaxing your feet and making them feel happy.  I think it sounds like a fine idea.  Mind you, I'm not aware that my feet are particularly unhappy but you never know.  If you're curious you can check out these super socks at

Friday, December 26, 2014

Snow far, snow good!

I was reminded today, by some pictures on a local news show, how very different last December was form this one.  This year, no snow and today it got up to 46 degrees.  Last year most kids ended up with three weeks off from school instead of the usual two, mountains of snow and sub-zero temperatures.  I'm sure there are kids out there right now praying for snow like last year, but as for me, I will remain grateful for every day that I drive on dry pavement.  It's one of life's quiet pleasures.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas to All

It's been a wonderful Christmas.  Beautiful worship services on Christmas Eve (I ended up attending three - each one beautiful in it's own way) and today good time spent with family and in-laws with too much delicious food and some excellent gifts given and received.  Among the fun ones I received were a spa treatment, a new Vera Bradley purse, and an ornament that says "You should read my Blog."  Favorite gifts given - my annual shopping sprees with my grandchildren.  The first one is already scheduled.  Extra joys - I connected unexpectedly with two friends at the 10pm service last night and had two phone calls from friends and family far away this evening.  All in all a very satisfying Christmas.  And to all a good night.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

patting myself on the back

I'm sitting here feeling very pleased with myself because here it is still more that a day and a half 'til Christmas morning and the presents are bought, the stockings are stuffed and the gifts are all wrapped.  That may not seem like a big deal to those who are less organizationally challenged but, believe me, it's an accomplishment for me.  I can remember many Christmases when I was still wrapping gifts after the midnight Christmas Eve service.  Sleep was not an option. Who knows, by next year, when I'm retired, I may have things all finished a week before Christmas.  I know, I know, dream on....

Monday, December 22, 2014

light envy

Every year I put up a modest little display of outdoor Christmas lights, the same basic design year after year and it pleases me when I drive home after dark.  They are on timers so they cheerfully greet me and anyone else driving by on my dark country road. They don't twinkle or anything, they just glow.
However, for the last two nights I've been watching a TV show called "The Great Christmas Light Fight" and I must say the displays these people have come up with are absolutely mind boggling. There is a prize of $50,000 to the winner but it's obvious that these displays are works of love that have been evolving over years and years.  Some spread over acres and acres of land, one includes a 70 foot tall "tree", one is a detailed recreation of a Disney dream and one includes a train ride, and on and on.  As I struggle with light envy here I am consoling myself with one thought.  Whoever wins that $50,000 will probably spend all of it on their electric bill.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

memories of "The Sound of Music"

I love the movie "The Sound of Music", the old original with Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer.  I'm watching it right now.  Besides being the ultimate chick flick and full of wonderful music, it brings back a sweet memory. This,in spite of visiting Austria and hearing the 'true story' and recently seeing a much older Christopher Plummer starring in "The Tempest".  He was excellent by the way.
When the movie first came out, I was spending the summer at home after my first year of teaching helping my dad take care of my little brother since my mother had died that past winter.  This wonderful sounding new movie had just come out and I decided that my little brother Tom, age 11, and I should see it.  We journeyed to downtown Fort Wayne, to a grand old theater, in time for the early afternoon show only to discover that it was standing room only.  We decided to wait for the next showing, bought our tickets, had a snack, explored downtown and got back in time to have seats for the next show.  It was magical.  We were both spellbound through the entire movie and agreed after that it was the best ever.  A lovely escape during a sad time in our lives. I think Tom and I always felt closer after that.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Perfection continues to elude me.

After working zealously to finish my Christmas poem and get it into the mail in time for at least a few people to receive it before Christmas (or at least before New Year) I discovered, after they were in the mail, that there was a typo.  Proving undeniably that it is time for me to retire from a job that is heavily focused on proof reading.  Not that I needed an excuse, but now I'm more sure than ever.  Nine weeks and counting....

Friday, December 19, 2014

My Christmas poem, day 2

Well, it's finished, not good but finished and short, light and quick to read.  I figure people who want more details will call me.
Here's a bit of it:
October brought another trip, for my travel friends and me,
We bussed around Croatia - just try to make that rhyme.
It was a fascinating trip, I highly recommend it.
We found three days in Venice was the perfect way to end it.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

my Christmas poem

Every year I write a little Christmas poem and send it out as my greeting to friends. This year I seem to be facing an incredible wall of writer's block. I want to write about the three highlights of my year but so far all I have is this (to the tune of Jingle Bells):
Racing through the west
in an old white Rendezvous,
Ore the hills we drove,
laughing all the way

That's it, that's all I've got - more tomorrow??

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

I owe my brother $100,

But only if he ever sees this blog.  As things were winding down after my birthday party on Saturday, my son offered to turn off the gas log fire and all of the lights, lock the doors, the lower level of my house before he and his family headed home.  I said sure and he took care of it.  My brother who was sitting near me said jokingly "I bet you $100 you'll go down and check everything before you go to bed."  To which I indignantly replied that I certainly would not. But, a few hours later, without even really thinking what I was doing, I found myself downstairs double checking everything.  Of course it was all ok, but I am admittedly a little compulsive. Shhh, don't tell.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

people who feel older die sooner

Here's an interesting study that caught my attention, now that I'm 70.  A study was done beginning eight years ago, with people who were 65 years old at that time.  They were tested to see if they felt older, younger or the same as their actual age.  then they were followed over the next 8 years.  According to the results disclosed this morning, 25% of those who felt older died during the 8 years, 19% of those who felt their actual age died in the same time span while only 14% of those who felt younger died.  Their conclusion seemed to be that if you feel younger you live longer.  Some days ago I told a friend that on the inside I felt 40 something.  I'm really liking that answer now.

Monday, December 15, 2014

the 70s

Well, it's happened.  While I was busy entertaining weekend guests and hosting a 12-13-14 party, I turned 70 - gasp! 70 sounds old. Definitely not middle age any more.  But I've been thinking about it and as I recall the 70's (1970's that is) were really exciting for me with babies and college lecturing and moving out of and back to Fort Wayne and other busyness.  Since the first 70's worked so well I have high hopes for my own personal 70's. I'm sure adventures await, starting with retirement in two short months.  Yea!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

How old do you feel on the inside?

Still pondering this age thing.. A very dear friend said to me today "You sure don't look 70."  Now I've learned a few things over the years and one of them is to never ask the next logical question "How old do you think I look."  I don't want to know.  I'll just take her comment as a compliment.  But then she asked an interesting question "How old do you feel on the inside?" After a little thought I said that  I feel like I'm in my 40's.  I remember a conversation with my father one Christmas day when I was in my 50's and he was in his 80's. I said to him, as I was busy getting the dinner on the table, that sometimes, even though I'm all grown up on the outside, I feel like a little kid playing at cooking dinner.  He laughed and said "You know, some times so do I."  Isn't that great?  I plan to stay as young as I can as long as I can on the inside, and in the meantime I will avoid mirrors.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

It's sneaking up on me pretty fast...

I've been very busy this week getting ready for a party I'm having this Saturday.  I'm calling it my 12-13-14 party because I like the sequential numbers in the date. It also, coincidentally, happens to be my 70th birthday which a friend kindly reminded of in a text today.  That's the part that's sneaking up on me.  How can I be 70?  It sounds so old.  I can't think where all those years have gone.  I guess I've been too busy living to notice that I'm getting older, except of course when I happen to glance in a mirror.  Now that is a dirty trick of nature.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

yet another white elephant

Today I attended my second, and I hope last for this year, Christmas party that involved a white elephant gift exchange. I gave away what i won last night and the lady who picked it seemed pleased but I noticed no one stole it from her.  I had my hands on a gift box that included some lottery tickets but it was stolen from me before I got to see if I was a big winner. Ah well.  I did end up with a jar of candy (I'm sure my grandkids will approve) and a Snowman music box - definitely a better haul than last night.  Ho, ho, ho!

Monday, December 8, 2014

White Elephants

I attended a Christmas party this evening that included, after lots of good food and fellowship, a white elephant gift exchange.  As usual with these exchanges, some gifts were rather nice (a tiny crystal sail boat with a clock on the sail) and some were pretty awful (the singing frogs on a  log) but I got the most mysterious gift of them all - three little bags, furry on one side, satiny on the other, each with a zipper closure.  All three were creamy white in color and rather nice to look at and feel but no one could figure out what they were for.  One was shaped like a small coin purse, the second like a visor with a head band and the third one a long skinny bag with the zipper on one small end.  One wise guy suggested that that one might be an umbrella holder.  Finally, the lady who brought these mysterious items explained.  These little bags (made in China according to the tags were intended as ice pack holders, something soft and silky to put on your forehead or wherever when some part of your body aches. How very nice.  I know just where to put them.
Did I mention I have to go to another party with white elephant exchange tomorrow?

Sunday, December 7, 2014

a long awaited pleasure

Over the years friends have invited me several times to attend the annual Advent Candlelight Service at Trinity English Lutheran Church here in Fort Wayne.  This year I was finally able to attend and it was beautiful.  My friend suggested that we sit in one of the side balconies, which we did (front row).  it gave us a perfect view of the various processions and the bell choir in the balcony across from us  Beautiful music all the way through.  I discovered, coincidentally that my financial adviser plays the Glockenspiel.  The absolute high point of the evening for me was the St. Lucia procession at the end of the program.  I was born on St. Lucia's Day and my name is Luci and all my life I've heard about girls representing St. Lucia walking in processions with a crown of lighted candles on their heads but I had never actually seen it until today.  The young lady in the "starring role" this year had a lovely voice and carried herself quite regally.  As she stood at the front of the darkened church, other girls carrying candles moved along the aisles lighting the candles people held, who then lit their neighbor's candles and on and on.  From our place in the balcony we had a beautiful view of the flickering lights gradually spreading through the whole church.  Really lovely and very moving, a fine way to start the Christmas season..

Friday, December 5, 2014

Christmas Shopping

I'm happy to announce that I have started my Christmas shopping. I know that's not very impressive.  I have already seen people going into post offices carrying boxes ready to ship across the country.  I am full of admiration for people who get things done early.  I have one friend who is so consistently finished early with her Christmas shopping that I know when she tells me "I'm finished with my shopping" it's time for me to get started, so I have. Two family gifts down, 27 to go.  I'm on my way.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Do you remember Bewitched?

Samantha, the lovely young witch who was the feature character in the old TV series Bewitched had a wonderful way to get things done. All she had to do was twitch her nose and dishes washed themselves, rooms cleaned themselves, anything cluttery was immediately pristine.  Right now my living room and family room are stacked full of an odd assortment of everything that had to be dragged out of three bedrooms so new carpet could go in. The new carpet is in now, just lying there and looking new and beautiful. Now my job is to put everything back...but try as I may, twitching my nose madly, nothing's happening.  I guess I'll have to do it the old fashioned way, sob... Ah well, tomorrow is another day. Maybe I'll get bitten by a weird spider or struck by lightening over night and develop super powers. I'm off to bed to find out.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

favorite holiday commercial so far

I was listening to the radio the other day, in itself an unusual experience for me, tuned in to a country station, also unusual but fun, and I heard a commercial that made me laugh.  A lady, shopping at a jewelry store, calls her husband on his cell phone to tell him about the amazing deals at the store. To everything she mentions, a diamond necklace, a Pandora charm for his mom, and much more, he says "Sure, sounds fine, go ahead and buy it." She squeals in delight and as the connection is broken, the man's buddy says "Who were you talking to?" to which the agreeable man replies "No idea, it was a wrong number."

Monday, December 1, 2014

Hats off to Norman Breakey

As I was painting yesterday (I promise this is my last post about painting) I marveled at how much easier and faster the painting went when I was using the roller instead of the brush, so I naturally began to wonder who invented this marvelous tool.  According to Wickipedia the inventor of the paint roller was Canadian Norman Breakey.  He invented it in 1940 but sadly never made much money from his invention,  Others swooped in with slight variations and got the market share. Another fascinating factoid, especially for fans of space fiction: In a serialized story, "Space Hounds of IPC" published in 1931, the author, E.E. "Doc" Smith, mentions using rollers to spread paste on the outside of space ships. So there you have it paint roller fans.