Tuesday, May 31, 2016

My favorite show is back.

America's Got Talent is my favorite TV talent show.  I like it because it;s not just singers or dancers.  This evening the season premier acts included a dancing dog, a daredevil who dived from a one foot step into a pool of whipped cream, an excellent 13 year old opera singer, a magician, an Elvis impersonator who danced with a sixty-something stripper and so much more. How can you not love a show like that?

Monday, May 30, 2016

flowers and flags

I didn't make it to any grave sites today so I am going to use this venue to honor the veterans in my life: my father-in-law, Clarence Vess Foltz, Army, World War I; my father, Freddie William Henry Herman Cohrs, Army, World War II; my husband, Tommy Vess Foltz, Army, Korean Occupation, friend Elvin Newton, Navy, Kennedy era; brother John Fredrick Cohrs, Army, Vietnam; brother Thomas Joseph Cohrs, Air Force, peacetime; nephew Fred Cohrs, Air Force, and currently serving nephew Henry Cohrs, Air Force; daughter Elisabeth Ellen Robison, Air Force; and son-in-law John Robison, Air Force. Quite a list I think and I thank them all for their service then and now.  I also thank God that none of them were killed in battle.  We are a blessed family and I praise God for that.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Kangaroo Proliferation

Heard on the local news - the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo has the most successful kangaroo breeding program in the US. Over the years more than 100 joeys have been born in the zoo and almost every kangaroo in any zoo in the US was either born in our zoo or is a descendant of a kangaroo born here. So the next time someone asks you what's the big deal about the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo tell them to go watch the kangaroos.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

I'll take the Xolos

I recently wrote an article (actually finished it today) about a friend at church who is currently president of the Northeastern Indiana Kennel Club. During the interview we had so I could get the information to write the article i learned a lot I didn't know about the Kennel Club and the Dog Show that they sponsor each year here at the Coliseum.  For instance you don't need to show dogs, or even own a dog, to belong to the club.  But most fun I think are the two new breeds (she described them as "odd ball" breeds) that have recently shown up at the show. The first is the Xolotzcuintli (Xolos for short). I googled it and it is Mexican hairless breed, very petite and cute. The other newbie she mentioned is the Boerboel (sounds like burble). This one is also known as the South African Mastiff and in the pictures I saw on line it looks huge. So my advice is if you're shopping for a new and exotic dog go for the Xolos.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Is that really what they want to do?

Google says that to "expedite" means to make something happen more quickly I heard a newscaster this morning, in reference to the long lines at major airports, say that more security people are being hired "to expedite the problem."  Really?? Seems to me the problem is rolling along just fine on it's own. I think I would feel better if they were trying to expedite the solution. And I will really appreciate it if they can get it done before my trip in July.

Thursday, May 26, 2016


Just heard a newscaster rattle off a list of statistics about Memorial Day weekend.  The two that impressed me most - gas prices are the lowest summer rate since 2005 and Americans will consume two hundred million hot dogs this weekend. That's a lot of hot dogs but rather than being repulsed I'm feeling the mad urge to go out and get myself a hot dog.  I wonder how late 'Coney Island' is open?

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Hooked on a new show

As one of the last people in the world to not have cable TV. I turn to Net Flix when there's nothing I want to watch on the local stations.  I like Net Flix because you can watch a series straight through without waiting for a week for the next episode and you never need to watch reruns unless you really want to.  Over the last many months I've enjoyed the entire series of "Friends", "Fraiser", "Monarch of the Glen" and portions of several more.  Recently a friend recommended a series called "Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries."  I've gotten through five episodes now and between the mysteries themselves, the love interests of the major characters, the costuming and the setting it's really very enjoyable.  The series takes place in Australia in the 1920's. The leading lady's costuming is beautiful.  She's a fabulously wealthy nonconformist who drives fast cars and can fly a plane so she can afford nice outfits.  I was interested in a scene this evening where she was staunching the blood flow of a man shot in the chest but when she stood up not a speck of blood had marked her white fur jacket. I had supper at Buffalo Wild Wings this evening and couldn't even manage that without a smudge on my blouse. Ah well at least I can watch perfection.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Swimming anyone?

Our swimming pool here at the apartment complex is supposed to open for the summer this weekend and the "Old Farmer's Almanac" is predicting a hot summer so I've been thinking about getting ready for swim season. I'm pretty sure I still own a bathing suit but, if so, it is buried deep in a drawer because I haven't been swimming for some time. And there's a reason for that.  The older my body gets the less I want it to be seen in a bathing suit. But this morning on the national news I saw an interview with a swimsuit designer who designs swimsuits for 'real women'. I checked out the website swimsuitsforall.com and they did have some lovely suits modeled by normal sized women (what the fashion industry calls plus size models - those who wear a 'gasp' size 14). But the websire says "for all" and I searched in vain for models with extra bulges in weird places, bulging veins, wrinkled knees, - you know real people.  I did see some cute suits but not what I'm looking for. I want a suit that starts about my neck and ends at my ankles and wrists, magically eliminating all the bulges I never used to have - sort of a full body spanks. Perhaps I should shop for a wet suit. Snorkeling any one???

Monday, May 23, 2016

a novel home town

I started reading a book today that was recommended to me by a friend some time ago. It's called "Revenge for Hire" by Natalie S. Ellis and so far it is proving to be an interesting mystery story with sympathetic characters and a good story line.  What makes it even more interesting to me, and the reason my friend recommended it, is that the action takes place right here in Fort Wayne, Indiana.  I find that fun but also a little bit distracting as I frequently stop reading to try to remember where streets and neighborhoods mentioned in the book are located and what they look like. It's fun though to experience those jolts of recognition and I'm pleased that the author chose to locate her story here.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Mars is bright tonight.

"Mars is bright tonight." I laughed when I heard a TV weather person say that this evening because it's a line from one of the Harry Potter books. She also said that if one went outside and looked east it could be seen easily since we have a nice clear night tonight following an absolutely gorgeous day. So I went out on my balcony, where I have already spent a lot of time today since it was such a great day, looked east and sure enough there was Mars. Or at least there was a bright star or planet or something up there - no idea if it was really Mars or not and don't much care.  It's just nice to have a clear sky and be able to see the stars.  As I may have mentioned once or twice in this blog before, I'm easily entertained.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

The river's alive again

Today I counted 17 geese and two kayaks on the river, all at the same time.  The geese seemed to be having a much easier time of it than the rowers (paddlers??) not sure what you call kayakers. Anyway they were working hard but appeared to be having a good time. I think spring is really, really here now.

Friday, May 20, 2016

flower power

When I moved into my apartment I thought I had given up gardening for good but today I planted some flowers. After giving the guests at my dinner party on Sunday potted plants as a parting gift I was left with three Impatience plants so I decided to keep them.  I bought a large pot and some potting soil and now I have a pretty planter full of flowers on my balcony.  Only time will tell if my thumb has become any greener than it was when I was a homeowner but there's always a chance.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

eighth grade graduation

My second oldest grandchild graduated from eighth grade at a beautiful ceremony this evening.  She has been attending a Catholic school for the last several years so it was a very religious event which included mass, but no less impressive for that. On a purely practical note I appreciated how the 93 graduates processed in. They walked in one at a time, spaced out about six feet apart, so no need to walk in sync with someone else. They also walked briskly without a hint of the hesitation step that I remember with some embarrassment. During practice for my high school graduation I was shouted at by our principal (in front of the whole class) for starting on my right foot instead of my left as we had just been instructed. I've always had a problem with left and right. I and the tallest boy in the class were leading the procession which made my error even more obvious. I guess we were first in so we would be in the back row up on stage. (I was always in the back row in any group event where pictures were taken.) I am happy to report that, on the actual night of graduation, I managed to get it right, that is left. Would they have refused to give me my diploma if I hadn't? Who knows? It seemed like an awfully serious business at the time.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

How embarrassing

Another elevator encounter - I was heading down to the garage to go to an evening meeting. A young upwardly mobile looking couple got on the elevator two floors below me. She noticed I was carrying a book (I was planning to return it to the library after my meeting) and asked me what I was reading. I showed her the cover and admitted it was just a romance novel and she said her mom also loved that author.  The author happened to be Susan Elizabeth Phillips, one of my escape reading favorites. But afterward I thought why couldn't I have been carrying something intellectual or currently on someone's best seller list?  The honest answer is because I don't read those kinds of books too often. At least it didn't have a "bodice ripper" cover.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

my kind of lunch

I attended a "carry in" lunch today with the other ladies in my book club.  I'm happy to say that everyone seemed to like the salad I brought and even asked for the recipe. Most of the women brought salads or desserts, all very good, but the hit of the lunch as far as I'm concerned, were the peanut butter sandwiches.  I frequently make myself peanut butter sandwiches for my at home lunches but not as special as these. Some were on cinnamon bread and some on raisin bread and all were filled with peanut butter, thinly sliced Granny Smith apples and bacon bits, yummm. Sounds simple but they were the hit of the day.
She had trimmed the crusts off so they were very neat but I was reminded of a conversation I had recently with a friend.  Did your mother ever say to you "Eat your crusts. They'll make your hair curly."? We debated whether our moms meant bread crusts or pie crusts. My mom definitely meant bread crusts but my friend thought her mom was referring to pie crusts.  Honestly I can't remember ever being unwilling to eat my pie crust. But then I've seldom met a food I wouldn't eat, except maybe tomato soup - but that's another story.

Monday, May 16, 2016

a reaon never to ride again

Just heard on TV. Riding on roller coasters can be bad for your heart.  My last roller coaster ride was at Dolly Wood when my 40-something children were in their teens. I swore then never to ride a roller coaster again.  I thought my decision was merely based on sheer terror.  Now I realize that I made a good health decision.  Not that I have any heart problems but who knows what might have happened.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

red flag warnings

For the last week or so there has been a red flag flying over the old fort but this weekend an older style US flag has been flying there. I'm taking this as a good sign. Did we win over some unknown foe?  There have also been a lot of cannon and gun shots. I understand from the local news that the reenactment this weekend covered life over several ages of history which may explain the various kinds of gunfire I was hearing but it didn't answer my question about the red flag.  I googled red flag and learned that a red flag can be a sign of a social revolution but more often it's a warning of danger.  It can mean that weather conditions are ideal for forest or grass fires.  I don't think that can be it around here this month. I'm thinking it was a warning that the music festival was coming.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

the best laid plans

Tomorrow I'm hosting a dinner for eight people as a fund raiser for First Pres theater.  When I agreed to do this and scheduled it for May 15, I envisioned my guests sipping their (non-alcoholic) sangria while standing on the balcony and enjoying the view. I even went so far as to order the bistro set I've been eyeing for the last several months and it was delivered this morning. It's assembled now, two chairs and a table, and in position on my balcony. I seem to have done it right because nothing has collapsed so far. Sadly the weather prediction for tomorrow is for a chilly 50 degree day. so much for lazing on the balcony.

Friday, May 13, 2016

and more music...

Well now I'm really feeling ancient. Turns out the "contemporary" music I was hearing last night as the Music Festival went on a block away was music of the 90's.  Really?? I must have missed that entire decade of music and I don't think I'm sorry.  Tonight, they said on the news, is strings night.  I was thinking maybe violins but I came in late and didn't hear the important word in the title "Electric Strings". Since I can't see what the instruments look like from my balcony I really don't know what the sound is coming from. I'm sure the distance must be distorting the sound because what I'm hearing sounds like the mournful mating call of the last dinosaur.  Very sad.
Tomorrow night is listed as country night. I'll be curious to see how that sounds from here. Thankfully they do stop at midnight and tomorrow is the last day so life is good.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

a musical??? evening

They are holding the first annual Music Festival at Headwaters Park this evening.  Not only can I see the place where they are performing from my balcony,I can also hear the music loud and clear, with the emphasis on loud.  I don't claim to be an expert on current musical trends but I was beginning to think that distance was distorting the sound.  It couldn't be deliberate. But then, on the early evening news they did a story on the event on site and suddenly I was hearing the music in stereo.  It sounded the same on TV as it does live. Someone must be enjoying it, I'm hearing lots of cheers.  I'm not sure if last night was part of the festival or just a warm-up but they quit at 11pm.  I'm hoping for the same tonight.  While I'm looking forward to other festivals this summer I'm feeling really glad that this particular festival is labeled annual, not weekly. I know, I know, my old fogeyism is showing again.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

another little retirement

I just finished my six year term on the Session (board of Elders) at my church.  Actually it was two three-year consecutive terms.  After six years you have to go off and I'm going off cheerfully. I've also resigned as chair of the Children's Committee since committee chairs are supposed to be Session members, although there is a little flex on that. I was glad to let go of the Children's Committee positions. I don't even have grandchildren in that age range any more, let alone children.  Happily we seem to have a growing number of young members who are willing to get involved. I'm happy to "pass the baton" and am sure I will find something to do with my free evenings.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

voted down

Just heard on the news - City Council voted down the mayor's idea of annexing a big chunk of Allen County north of the city (7 to 2). Even though I don't live in that area any more, I am relieved to hear this decision. I think it would have been a nasty blow to the nice people who bought my house last September if they were suddenly faced with higher taxes and other changes.  And this way they won't wonder if I knew something before I sold, which I didn't.  Mayor Henry sounds disappointed but I think City Council did the right thing here.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Transgender bathroom confusion

I'm sorry but I'm a bit confused about this whole debate over which public restroom transgender people should use. First of all I can't imagine anyone willing standing in the usually long line to use the women's if they're actually men.  In fact I and many of my female friends have been known to use the men's if there's no line and we're desperate. This usually happens while traveling after long bus rides. The other question that comes to mind is who's going to be checking to see that no one breaks the rules.  According to a law passed recently in one state, a person must use the appropriate restroom based on the gender indicated on their birth certificate. Does this mean that we will all need to carry our birth certificates whenever we're in a situation where we might need to use a public restroom, and again, whose going to be checking? Of course this could possibly open up a new employment opportunity for retirees, something like Walmart greeters. Where can I apply to be a restroom gender checker?

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mothers Day

I was reflecting today on the mothers in my life, past, present and future. I realized that my mother has been gone for 50 years now. She died when i was 21. She was a wonderful, loving, supportive mom and I will never forget her.  Since then I have been blessed with other mothers - my stepmom, who was a real blessing to our family and especially to Dad, and my mother-in-law, possibly the best mother-in-law ever.  My husband used to joke that if he and I ever had a fight I'd be the one who would go home to his mother.
Now I am enjoying watching my daughter and daughter-in-law in their roles as mother. I must say they both seem to be doing a fine job of parenting and it's fun to be an observer. It's wonderful to be a grandma and I can't help thinking that someday it will be awesome (as the kids say) to be a great grandmother - but no rush there.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Drowning at the Derby

I like watching the Kentucky Derby, one of the few sporting events I really enjoy.  Today, during the singing of the National Anthem, nicely performed by "Lady Antebellum", a huge rainstorm blew in. It was a gusher. People were scrambling to put up umbrellas, which often got turned inside out, and holding on to their hats. The storm passed in just a few minutes and by the time the race started the track was almost dry.  Sorry I can't say the same for all the big, beautiful, floppy, soggy hats. Best quote of the day "If you want to make a small fortune in horse racing you'd better start with a large one."

Friday, May 6, 2016

seasonal sunsets

I like to watch the changing seasons and weather conditions from my balcony. Billowing clouds, driving rain, purple skies at night, it's all very interesting. Lately I've been enjoying the beautiful sunsets and I'm amazed with how far north the sunset has shifted over the last several months.  My balcony faces north and in the winter sunset was at nine o'clock.  I actually had to lean over the rail and look west to see it. Now the sun is setting at somewhere between ten and eleven on a clock face. It makes me appreciate how the Stonehenge builders and other ancients tracked the movement of the sun. I haven't started carving notches on the railing yet but it's tempting.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Tennis anyone?

Well, today was the big day. My 8th grade granddaughter plays tennis for St. Charles while my 7th grade granddaughter plays tennis for Carroll Middle School and this evening their teams met for the first and only time this season. The games took place at Carroll High School and I must say they have a wonderful way to view multiple games at the same time.  Carroll evidently takes their tennis pretty seriously.  I saw a couple of signs stating that the Carroll High School girls tennis teams have been state champions in 2013, 2014 and 2015 while the boys' winning streak goes from 2011 to the present. They have 14 or 16 courts (I forgot to count carefully) in two rows and between the two sets of courts is a large storage shed with stairs leading up to a flat roof. from there a person can watch the action on several courts at the same time. There were several games going on simultaneously and the quality of play is about what you would expect from middle school students.  My granddaughters only played against each other in one set, doubles with other classmates, and I will say they were pretty evenly matched. I'll say that so I'm not accused of favoritism. Grandmas must be diplomatic.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Vengeance is sweet

Well maybe not vengeance exactly but I must admit to enjoying watching my son interact with his daughters at dinner this evening.  It was my youngest granddaughter's birthday today and seven of us family members gathered for dinner at Bandido's in celebration. The two girls, ages 12 and almost 14, were getting a little silly and totally ignoring their dad's requests to settle down, act their age (they probably were doing that), put away their phones and calm down. Eventually they did calm down of course and I don't think anyone at other tables noticed anything but I was reminded forcefully of times when my son and his sister, at about that same age, would start acting up in restaurants. They would start giggling and pestering each other, in a fairly quiet but still bothersome way, until I couldn't take it any more. Then I would utter very similar words "Calm down, act your age."  O)f course I didn't have my son's ultimate tool of control.  He took their phones away.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Well now I've done it.

I'm pretty sure many of my ancestors are spinning in their graves, or urns as the case may be, (I'm envisioning a little tornadic swirl of ashes) after what I did this morning.  I walked into my voting place (only two people ahead of me) and, gasp, voted as a Democrat. I've often split my ticket over the years but I've always voted Republican in the Primaries. Not today, I simply couldn't bring myself to vote for any of the Republican presidential candidates. It will be interesting to see what November brings but I am really looking forward to a few weeks without political commercials on TV. I heard today that more money was spent on political ads this year in our area than in any previous primary elections. I believe it.

Monday, May 2, 2016

part of a confused minority

Heard on the news tonight - tens of thousands of Indiana voters, 13% of registered voters, are still undecided as to who they will vote for tomorrow.  It's good to know I'm not alone.  I wonder how many of them, like me, are hoping there will be a "none of the above" button.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

A tribute to the Hoosier state

The Fort Wayne Children's Choir Spring Concert, presented this afternoon, was a celebration of Indiana's Bicentennial.  Many of the pieces performed were either about Indiana or written by Indiana composers. I'm not sure how "Trolls" and "Short People" fit into the mix but they were both very funny. "On the Banks of the Wabash, Far Away" stirred some nostalgic tears although I don't remember learning the last two verses (about sweetheart Mary, who doubted the author's love, sleeping in the church yard). That bit may have gotten edited out of the Lutheran School version. The big hit of the afternoon was a new composition called "The Fort Wayne Song" introduced by Mayor Tom Henry who appreciated being mentioned in the song.
My favorite verses were
"Called the summit city 'cause it's on high ground,
Compared to all the cornfields for miles around, that's Fort Wayne.

and "Everybody says no matter where you roam,
Fort Wayne's Coney Island is like coming home. Our buns are steamed."

Maybe you had to be there.