Friday, June 30, 2023

well built indeed

 Over twenty-five years ago volunteers from a local church built and installed a wheel chair ramp in the garage of a friend of mine.  She had MS and was wheelchair bound so this was a huge help to her and her family.  Sadly she died last year so the ramp is no longer necessary.  Today I helped her husband to begin the process of disassembling it, with the idea that perhaps someone who needs it can have it, free, and reassemble it where needed.  This will also free up some space in his garage.  Little did we know, as we began this project, how really well built this ramp was.  After removing "thousands" of long strong screws, and many board feet of really sturdy lumber we are just about half finished.  Of course all of this lumber is being piled up in the garage along one wall, so I'm not sure, after all is finished, how much floor space will actually have been gained.  Please!!. Does anybody need a ramp?

Thursday, June 29, 2023


I took a ride to Garrett today with a friend who needed to make a delivery there.  Since the haze from the Canada wild fires was thinning, it was a pleasant day for a drive.  On our way back to Fort Wayne we took a circuitous route and ended up at the Leo Cafe for a late lunch.  This was not purely by chance.  A friend who had eaten there recently told me about the weavings they have hanging on the walls as decoration because they were similar in size and shape to my weavings.  As it turned out, the weavings were nice but machine made so not too exciting but the food was wonderful.  Based on a previous blog you won't be too surprised that I ordered biscuits and gravy, even though it was 1:30pm.  I had noticed the small print on the menu that said the meat was supplied by Didier's, so I assumed the sausage gravy would be good and I was not disappointed.  It was excellent biscuits and gravy, with two perfect over easy eggs on top.  So now I'm up to three local restaurants with really good B&G.  This is fine, except I may never eat anything else when I go out for breakfast, which, by the way, is one of my favorite meals to eat out.  Yes, even at 1:30 in the afternoon.  Although honesty compels me to add that, earlier this week, I had breakfast at the Blueberry Pancake House and had their cream cheese stuffed French toast topped with whipped cream and blue berries.  Totally decadent but so good.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Which adventure would you choose?

 I've been thinking a lot today about the five people who were killed this week in the implosion of the private submarine that set out to view the remains of the Titanic.  Obviously, I'm very sorry the accident happened, but I'm wondering, if they lived long enough to realize what was happening (I hope not) did they think it was worth the $250,000 ticket price?  Of course I realize that what seems like a lot of money to me wasn't so much to billionaires. So then I started wondering, assuming price was no object, what adventure would I be willing to actually risk my life for?  I've travelled a lot over the last several years (21 countries at last count) and there's always an element of risk when you get on a plane or a ship, but it doesn't feel as risky as going down in a small submarine or climbing Mount Everest or sky diving for that matter.  So what would I risk my life for?  For me, I think it would be going into space.  Not just up and down but at least a couple of orbits of Earth.  And, while I'm dreaming the impossible dream, a space walk or moon walk would be amazing.   

Tuesday, June 27, 2023


 Today is "National Ice Cream Cake Day" and my west coast brother, who provided this information, thinks that this 'holiday' may have been invented by Dairy Queen.  This could be true.  I don't think Hallmark started it, at least I've never seen any Happy Ice Cream Cake Day cards on their racks, but they do have quite an assortment so I may have missed them.  Sadly, I don't have any ice cream cake handy this evening.  However, and this is the point of this blog, I am currently enjoying a cup of Luigi's Real Italian Ice, lemon flavor.  It comes in little plastic cups.  I have just recently been introduced to this delectable treat by a friend who buys it often.  It is available at Kroger's and comes in other flavors, but I have only tried lemon.  Sooooo good. There is a trick to enjoying it though.  Before you eat it put it in the microwave for about 15 seconds.  Then you will be able to get your spoon in it.  Happy eating.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Snack time...

 Today's question on my page-a-day trivia calendar is "What US state designated the whoopie pie (not to be confused with a whoopie cushion) as its official state treat.  Not too surprising for any of you who have spent time in the east, the answer is Maine. "The state has been commercially baking the whoopie pie - two cakelike cookies with frosting in the middle - since the 1920s."  This information not only made me hungry for a whoopie pie, but also made me wonder if Indiana has a state treat?  According to Google, Indiana has a state pie, which I would certainly consider a treat - sugar cream pie.  Not surprisingly, this is one of my all time favorite pies.  While writing this, and wishing I had a piece of sugar cream pie handy, I happened to notice the headline on a Reader's Digest issue that arrived recently. It is "The Best Snack in Every State."  Naturally, I flipped to the page listing Indiana's best snack and it says 'corn dog.'  The accompanying paragraph said very nice things about corn dogs including the fact that we now have a pre-professional baseball team named the Lake County Corn Dogs.  But honestly, if it came right down to it, I would take sugar cream pie over corn dogs any time.  I did also see that RD agrees with my calendar that Maine's best treat is the whoopie pie.  They even got a full page spread with pictures.  Now I really am hungry.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

my history with TV

 Earlier today my west coast brother informed me that today is "Color TV Day" celebrating the first color broadcast in 1951.  Just reading that brought back a flood of memories about my relationship with television.  My family didn't buy our first TV until 1956, when I was in 6th grade, and then it was a 13inch Zenith black and white table top model.  We were obviously not the first in the neighborhood to get color TV.  I don't think we were alone though.  Color TV was still such a novelty for the next few years that one store advertised (on TV of course) that "when it's in color, Rarick's is open, on the corner of Spring and St. Mary's."  If you grew up anywhere near Fort Wayne, I'm guessing you remember that ad.  People used to walk into their store just to watch the few shows that were being broadcast in color.  Continuing my life story, my husband and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary by buying our very first ever color TV.  We bought it to watch the first moon walk.  It was thrilling to watch, but if you recall that moon walk, you will remember that the moonscape was a vision in shades of gray.  Happily. after that exciting but not very colorful occasion, we discovered that Saturday morning cartoons were beautiful in color.  We were young then and didn't have children yet, so we could watch whatever we wanted.  Our weekly favorites included 'Rocky and Bullwinkle,' 'George of the Jungle.' 'Dudley Dooright,' and 'Mighty Mouse.'  We never claimed to be sophisticated, but we did have fun. 

Saturday, June 24, 2023

my suspicion...

 According to my west coast brother today is "World UFO Day." Well, that explains a lot.  In my last couple of blogs I've included pictures of the lovely winged arches that have been installed on 'my bridge.'  Included in these arches are electrical outlets, strip lights in interesting configurations, visible only from one side or another, spotlights and some strange structural joints.  It's obvious to me now that these very futuristic arches are docking stations for UFOs.  Rest assured I will be keeping watch.  

Oooh, perhaps one has landed already.

while I was away...


I know I've missed blogging for the last few nights.  In my defense, I have stayed up much too late watching the arches being installed on "my bridge."  The installations were done each night between 11pm and 5am.  I do feel possessive of this bridge, the Spy Run bridge, now the Veterans Memorial Bridge, because I've watched the progress on it since the beginning, almost two years ago.  So far everything they have accomplished has met with my approval (although they haven't checked in with me very often). In the above picture notice the huge cranes on the right moving the last arches into place.

Here's a daytime view of all three arches.  One of my very favorite parts of the bridge

are the new, much wider and protected walks on each side of the bridge and the memorial plaques installed along the way.  It has been an adventure watching these final touches going up.  

Tuesday, June 20, 2023 at it again.

 My apartment complex had given us a little prior warning about this, then. this morning, they announced on the local news that the street and bridge I watch from my balcony will be closed from 11:00pm to 5:00am for the next three nights while they install the arches.  They installed the first arch over the bridge a couple of weeks ago and I've been impatient since then for them to get on with it.  I think there will be three when the project is complete.  I plan to watch for a while, later this evening, but I happened to glance out at 9:30 and they had already started.  Here is my first picture.  

This is just one of the two small side arches.  I will try to get more pictures later. 

Monday, June 19, 2023

happy birthday...

 Today is my oldest grandchild's 22nd birthday.  Five of his nearest and dearest gathered with him to celebrate with a delicious lunch at Casa's. One of those in attendance was his girlfriend, a definite keeper.  In conversation with both of them, it was revealed that they are making preliminary wedding plans, although, as she pointed out, they aren't officially engaged yet.  Not only are they thinking about marriage, it also came out that they are thinking about buying a house, and, as his dad so helpfully pointed out, he will probably need a new car in a year or so.  My grandson did recently receive a promotion and wage increase at work, so things aren't as dire as they might seem, but he did get sort of a glazed look as he contemplated what could be coming in his future.  I think he's getting his first real taste of adulting. It happens to us all.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

so now you know...

 Happy Father's Day to all of you who are fathers, and sweet memories to all of you who had or have wonderful fathers. I certainly did.  Today's entry on my page-a-day trivia calendar asked the question "Where can the world's largest bowling alley be found?"  The answer is Japan.  The Inazawa Grand Bowl bowling center boasts 116 lanes. I can't imagine the noise.  Now my father never visited Japan, but the question reminded me of how much he loved bowling.  He was on a bowling team that bowled weekly at the Woodburn Bowling Alley, starting so long ago that the pin setters were real live people.  One bowling related event stands out clearly in my mind.  When I was a young teen there came a day when my father decided that the whole family should come bowling with him, just for fun, you know?  When it was my mother's turn to bowl, she made her approach just as Daddy had shown her, swung her arm back, then as she started the forward swing, the ball spun off her fingers and flew away behind us all.  Happily, no was hurt.  Now my mother was not a quitter.  She was a great teacher and parent, but she flat out refused to ever touch a bowling ball again.  Some hobbies may not be meant to be family affairs.  

Saturday, June 17, 2023

more food?????

Today is "National Eat Your Vegetables Day" and I did my part by having a delicious omelet for brunch at Proximo's this morning.  It had peppers and onions; that should count, right?  Also cheese, bacon and mushrooms, but, while yummy, I don't think those last three count as veggies. Ah well.  Oh, by the way, today is also "World Juggling Day." My only advice here is don't juggle your vegetables, especially mashed potatoes.  On second thought, it might be ok to juggle raw potatoes.  So go ahead, play with your food.

Friday, June 16, 2023

Thinking about food...

 Today is "National Fudge Day" and lucky for me I know someone who makes excellent fudge, with and without nuts, made some recently and has given me some, so I was able to celebrate appropriately by eating fudge today.  But thinking about other kinds of really good food, today was my second visit for brunch to the little breakfast and lunch restaurant called Divine Encounter.  The first time I went there I tried their biscuits and gravy, which was delicious, but I was determined to try something else today.  Alas, after carefully reading the entire menu which had many delicious sounding items listed, I ended up blurting out "Biscuits and gravy, topped with eggs over easy" when it was my turn to order.  I'm happy to say it was just as delicious as the first time.  The cook actually came out of the kitchen to apologize because one of the eggs had broken when she flipped it on to the biscuits. She was willing to replace it.  Since it was oozing lovely golden yolk over my biscuits, I saw absolutely no reason to complain.  Once again I highly recommend this cute little restaurant on Coliseum east of Coldwater.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

it's windy up here...

 Today is "Global Wind Day" and also "Go Fly a Kite Day." It's also "National Kiss a Wookie Day" but that's not going to happen unless someone with a nice bushy beard and mustache comes my way.  But back to wind and kites.  Whenever I hear 'go fly a kite' I immediately think of the original "Mary Poppins" movie, and the last song "Let's Go Fly a Kite."  Now that I have firmly planted that melody in your mind, and you will probably be humming it all day tomorrow, my work here is done.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

a history lesson

Once again my west coast brother has provided me with an interesting day to ponder.  Today is "Family History Day."  I could go on and on about my family history but the problem with family history is that nobody really cares about it except the family, and they may not care much about it either.  We did have one ancestor who arrived in the colonies in time to fight in the Revolutionary War, and somewhere in our family tree we are related to the Wright brothers, which may explain my love of flying, but that's about it.  Here's an interesting fact though.  I had always been told (family tradition) that when my great grandfather and his two brothers arrived on Ellis Island, their last names were spelled three different ways as they were checked in, Bair, Bare, and Bear, and that all of the families in the US with one of these spellings are related.  Maybe?  But recently I was watching an episode of 'Finding Your Roots.' one of my favorite shows, when Henry Louis Gates, Jr. responded to a similar claim by one of his guests by saying this was a myth.  The names weren't misspelled on arrival, all the lists of names actually came with the passengers from their points of departure.  So why Bair, Bare and Bear?  I don't know.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Who me??

 According to my west coast brother today is "National Kitchen Klutzes of America Day."  If this is an organization, I should apply for membership.  Now, don't get me wrong, I can cook.  I managed to feed and nurture my family and my children grew to be strapping, healthy adults, but through it all, I have never been accused of being graceful. Many of my klutziest kitchen moments took place in my early teens when, in my defense, people tend to be naturally klutzy,  For instance there was the time I was taking a stack of plates out of the cupboard to set the table and dropped the entire stack, shattering four of them.  Or the time I was baking a cake for a 4H project, trying to carefully follow the directions, when, instead of tapping the top of the cake gently to see if it was done, I was so nervous I drove my finger deep into the cake.  My brothers ate it anyway and I have always used the toothpick test since then.  Then there was the time I bumped up against a very hot pressure cooker and got a nasty burn on my upper arm.  Ouch!  Another lesson learned.  I don't make anything in a pressure cooker, ever, but I do have some excellent recipes for frozen jams and jellies.  Happily, I think my klutziest kitchen days are behind me, probably because I'm spending less time in the kitchen these days.  Being a woman of a certain age does have some benefits.

Monday, June 12, 2023

a vacation day

I went to the lake today with friends.  Anyone who lives in Fort Wayne knows that many, many people in this area go to the lake in the summer and that "the lake" can refer to any of a hundred plus lakes in northern Indiana and southern Michigan.  In this case the lake was Marble Lake near Quincy, Michigan.  I'm not familiar with much of Michigan but I knew where Quincy is because my daughter and I bought her wedding dress and my mother of the bride dress at a well known bridal shop there named Patty's.  That was 23 years ago.  As we drove through Quincy to go to lunch, I was pleased to see that the shop is still there.  In addition to lunch at a good local restaurant, we enjoyed a boat ride on the lake (it was chilly but very nice), lots of fun conversation, delicious snacks, and some rousing games of '500,' a card game I had not played before.  I lost spectacularly but that was ok.  It was a lovely day at the lake, a real mini vacation. 

Sunday, June 11, 2023


 Here's a surprise.  I looked carefully at my pictures from the Wiener Dog races yesterday and discovered that I did actually get a picture of one of the competitors.  If you look carefully in the lower right, in the track, you'll see him.  Needless to say this one was not a winner. Although I do think he made it down the track eventually. 

The other surprise of the day involved a high school graduation party.  I had a really good time at the party.  That wasn't the surprise, I assumed I would have a good time because I knew the family.  The surprise was that I knew several other people there.  The young lady whose graduation we were celebrating has been involved in theater since she was very young and some of the theater people who came to her party were young people I had worked with over the years, one as recently as last week.  I must admit it was fun to be recognized as mored than just an old friend of the family.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

beer, cakes and races....

 I did go to German Fest today with the express purpose of watching the Wiener Dog Races.  While waiting for the races to start, my friend and I ate hot dogs (which seemed wrong at a wiener dog race but still quite tasty) drank dark beer, and shared a chimney cake.  If you haven't tried one, I highly recommend it.  It was fun to watch the long slender roll of dough get wrapped around a cylinder, rolled 'til it was flat, coated with butter and flavoring (we chose cinnamon sugar) then baked in a special oven.  It was delicious, and one was plenty for two people.  I recommend them,  But about those races, they started out with, I think, 64 contenders, racing two at a time, gradually eliminating all but the fastest four, then the final two.  It was almost a photo finish between the last two, very exciting.  I wish I could say that all the participants ran their very best races, but that was not to be.  The rules were simple.  The dogs were released by their owners on the count of three, raced down one of the two long runways, and whoever got to the end first, won that lap.  The other rule was that one minute was the maximum time allowed.  If the dogs weren't runners, which ever dog was closest to the end when the minute was up, won that lap.  The dachshunds came in an amazing variety, long hairs, short hairs, black, tan, red and even some spotted ones, which I have seldom seen.  Most of the dogs moved right along and some were really fast, but the comic relief came from the non-starters who just couldn't be bothered and those who started strong but stopped along the route.  This last happened more than you might think, because early in the race, one of the contestants had stopped to pee about ten feet into the runway, and many of the dogs who came after, stopped, as dogs will, to sniff the scent.  Dogs will be dogs.  Sadly, I didn't get any pictures worth sharing, too many people, but it was a fun afternoon.  

Friday, June 9, 2023

German Fest

 It's German Fest time, that time of year when citizens of Fort Wayne and surrounding areas celebrate their German heritage by wearing lederhosen or a dirndl dress, dancing the Polka, eating sauerkraut and sausages and drinking good dark German beer.  Personally, I tend to do my celebrating in the food and beer tent.  I do actually have quite a bit of German heritage which is no surprise since my father was born and grew up in the nearby town of Woodburn where his grandparents settled when they immigrated from Germany.  The earliest settlers to Fort Wayne were, I've been told, German Catholics and German Lutherans and the number of Catholic and Lutheran churches in the area seem to bear that out.  As I write this, I am listening to German music wafting from the pavilion over the river.  I'm not quite sure what "Ring of Fire" and "My West Virginia Home" have to do with German Fest but they are two of the selections I've heard this afternoon.  But my very favorite part of German Fest (yes, even more than my annual dark beer) is the wiener dog races.  Having owned two dachshunds who did like to run, I love to watch these stubby legged athletes compete.  Something about the ears flapping and the feet flying tickles my soul.  In case you're interested, these races are tomorrow, Saturday, afternoon in Headwaters Park West. See you there.  

Thursday, June 8, 2023

baby love...

 Today was my forth morning to volunteer at MAD2 (Music, Art, Drama and Dance) Camp at First Pres, and this was definitely my most enjoyable day.  My job each day has been to sit in the theater while the various drama groups prepare for tomorrow evening's program for the families, and make sure they had lights, sound, and whatever they needed for their rehearsals.  Today the leader of the drama coaches needed to bring her baby along because of a sitter problem.  Since my youngest grandchild recently turned 19, it has been a while since I have had a chance to hold a baby, so naturally I volunteered to help with the baby.  As it worked out, I held the little one for over an hour.  He was a cheerful child and we enjoyed each others company.  We walked, we talked, we rocked, we played games with toys and he really enjoyed admiring a blue chair.  What he did not do, although his mom had assured me he would, was fall asleep.  That was ok because he wasn't fussy at all.  What he was though, was a six month old chubby chunk who weighed 25 pounds.  While my spirit was willing, my back let me know later today that there is a reason young people have children.  Still it was a good fun day.  

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

yay for chocolate

 My west coast brother has informed me that today is National Chocolate Ice Cream Day and also Global Running Day.  That last one holds no appeal for me but chocolate will always attract my interest.  It is, after all, a basic food group.  Thinking about chocolate ice cream reminded me of a statistic I heard recently.  This is supposed to be true. Ten percent of American adults believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows.  So now I'm wondering, do they also think that ice cream comes from really cold cows?  While you're contemplating that and shaking your head, here's something else for you to think about.

This is the first of what I think will be two, maybe three arches on the new bridge.  They installed it overnight last night.  They may actually finish this project in June of 2023.  That was their projected finish date when they started the project long, long ago.  I do like what I'm seeing so far.  

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

another phobia I don't have...

 Today's question in my Page A Day Trivia Calendar is "If someone has omphalophobia, what are they afraid of?"  Well, obviously my first guess was a fear of Oompa Loompas, or possibly a fear of marching bands that play oompah music.  But I was wrong on both counts.  It turns out that omphalophobia is the fear of belly buttons.  Really?  Belly buttons?  I'm sorry.  What on earth it there to be afraid of about belly buttons?  I mean, you might fear getting an infection if a piercing goes wrong, or catching a belly button ring on something but otherwise???? As far as body parts go, I think it's one of the most inoffensive.  Maybe people fear that if it gets punctured they will deflate like a balloon?  If you have a better theory please share it with me.  In the meantime, here's a fun fact that was added to the entry - approximately 10 percent of humans have outies. 

Monday, June 5, 2023

too many computers...

 Today is "Apple II Day."  In case you don't remember, Apple II was an early iteration of the Apple computer.  I have never personally used an Apple computer because through the years everywhere I worked used other systems.  However, through those same years, my husband had several and my son has carried on the tradition.  Some people collect stamps, others collect coins.  My husband collected computers.  Not too surprising since he started working with computers when it took a room full of equipment to do what your smartphone can do now. We were one of the first families I knew to have a PC at home.  My children were using the computer while I was still afraid to touch one for fear I would break it.  One of the best things my husband ever did for me, career wise, was to send me to a weekend class at IPFW for computer phobics.  For two long days, I and about 20 other people worked on computers, learning that whatever we did (short of pouring hot coffee all over it) to a computer was fixable.  It really did help as the real estate business became more and more computerized.  While I suspected that computers followed my husband home like puppies, it wasn't until after he died and I finally got around to down sizing, that I discovered in his mancave seven computer monitors, eight towers and two laptops.  On one memorable day, I came home after work and told my husband that I thought I needed a new laptop.  His face lit up like a kid at Christmas, and I had a new laptop almost before I could catch my breath.  Of course he had to make sure that it was in good working order before I actually got my hands on it, but eventually it was mine.  And still, through it all, I have never owned an Apple anything, not even an Apple watch.  How have I survived?

Sunday, June 4, 2023

I do like cats,

 Today, once again thanks to my west coast brother for the info, is Hug Your Cat Day.  Notice it's not National Hug Your Cat Day or World Hug Your Cat Day just Hug Your Cat Day, singular.  That's because, in my experience, cats do not like to be hugged.  There may be only one in the world who can be hugged.  My west coast brother may actually have him.  I have never met his cat but he, the cat, does seem pretty laid back based on my brother's comments.  Now don't get me wrong, I do like cats; I have let several of them live with me during my lifetime.  Any cat person knows that you don't own cats, you coexist with them.  Cats can be very affectionate in their own way and in their own sweet time, but they prefer not to be rushed.  So, if you must, go hug your cat, but don't be surprised if she doesn't hug you back. Although, if she really likes you, she may present you with a dead mouse.

Saturday, June 3, 2023

climb every mountain

My west coast brother informed me that today is National Egg Day and National Chocolate Macaroon Day.  So when he told me that it is also Chimborazo Day, I assumed that it was some kind of food, like a Chimichanga or a Chorizo. Yum. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that it was not so, but far otherwise.  It turns out that Chimborazo is a dormant volcano in the Andes in Ecuador.  It is also, and this is the important part, the highest point on earth, or the point closest to the sun. Chimborazo Day is traditionally celebrated by tying on your hiking boots and climbing a mountain, or at least a hill.  This explains why I have never heard of this holiday.  While I have climbed the hill behind my west coast brother's house, admittedly some years ago, I am not and never have been a mountain climber.  A certain friend will attest that I proved recently that I can fall down on a level paved sidewalk.  I do not like the idea of rolling down a mountainside.  So I guess it's time to add mountain climbing to my ever growing list of things I will not try, right up there with sky diving and bungee jumping, and never forget taking a polar plunge.  I do like the name Chimborazo though.  It just rolls off the tongue.

Friday, June 2, 2023


According to my page-a-day trivia calendar the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II took place on June 2, 1953.  Amazingly enough, since I was only eight years old, I remember the event.  I didn't remember the actual date until I read it in today's calendar, but I clearly remember spending the morning in the kitchen with my mother listening to the broadcast of the coronation on the radio; the same radio that gave us the farm report and weather news every morning. We didn't get our first TV set until 1956.  Thinking back, I realize that the details of the broadcast must have been excellent because I was right there with my mom listening for the entire morning.  Lucky for me, school was out for the summer.  I don't know what my oldest brother was doing during this time but I'm guessing he wasn't as entranced as I was with descriptions of robes and crowns and carriages, etc. as I was.  My younger brother aka my west coast brother hadn't been born yet, so he's excused.  

Thursday, June 1, 2023

commonsense modesty

 Right up front you should know that I have never believed that a woman was "asking for it" if she wore revealing clothes.  No one deserves to be molested. But I did grow up in an era when 'ladies' were encouraged to dress more conservatively, no low cut tops, no super short skirts or Daisy Dukes, always wear hats and gloves to church.  I will admit those last two went out when I was still in junior high.  Young women do dress more casually now than when I was young. Bare midriffs, short skirts, interestingly placed tattoos, lots of cleavage, are all pretty common these days.  Before you ask, yes I did wear hip huggers and mini skirts in the day.  But what got me thinking about all this was a report I heard on the evening news.  It seems that women riding the NY subways have taken to wearing bulky men's clothing, baggy pants, large long sleeved shirts, men's jackets or vests.  They are doing this to avoid being harassed or molested on the subways.  When they get to their destination, the report said, they shed these outer layers and are dressed for work.  I find this practical modesty very interesting.  Our grandmothers would approve.