Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy New Year

Well here we are again, on the brink of a brand new year.  2019 is almost upon us, and I know that the coming year will fly by just as fast as this year has. When I was in high school, way back in the 1960s. any year after 2000 seemed impossibly far away, yet here we are, well into the 2000s.  In case you're wondering, I have not made any resolutions this year.  Why should I set myself up for failure?  I have discovered one positive though.  Since I'm paying most of my bills on line these days (who could have imagined that in 1962?) there is much less chance of writing the wrong year on my checks.  Progress indeed.  Happy New Year everyone!!!

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Easy to assemble

I am expecting company in a few days.  I may have mentioned this before.  It's been on my mind a lot lately.  In fact I've been waking up at odd hours of the night (like 4:00am) thinking of things I still need to do or trying to decide what to feed two adults and four children, ages 2-12.  Last night at 3:56am I realized that I don't have enough towel racks in my guest bathroom.  So, today, after church, I took myself to Walmart and, with the help of a friendly clerk who led me half way across the store to the hardware area, I found, and purchased, an over the door towel rack.  The package said it would be easy to assemble, and guess what, it was.  Six little screws and my handy-dandy Phillips screwdriver and, hey, presto, I have an over the door towel rack.  Only two problems: (1) with the towel rack in place the door won't close so no privacy. A lot of people like privacy in the bathroom.  and (2) it bangs agains the wall when the door is open.  I really don't want holes in the drywall.  Happily, I have come up with a solution.  I hung the towel rack in the guest bedroom (which is pretty close to the bathroom) on the outside of the closet door.  Nobody cares if the closet door doesn't close tightly and at least there is a relatively handy place to hang three big damp bath towels. I know, I know there are six people coming but, hey, it's a start, and there's always the shower rod.  

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Facts that don't help at all.

I learned this earlier this month "On average a person has 70,000 thoughts per day." Wouldn't you think, if I had had 70,000 thoughts today, at least one of them would be worth bloging about?  Nope, I've got nothing.  Oh wait, here's another fact.  Today is "Tick Tock Day."  What do you suppose that means?  Is it simply that we're winding down to the end of the year or does it mean that I should go on line and shop for a lovely new watch?  Well, tick tock, it's bed time.  I guess I'll never know.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Not the prediction I was hoping for.

You may have noticed that this has been an unusually warm December.  Not tropical, mind you, after all we do live in Indiana, but still temperatures in the 40s and 50s are relatively pleasant. I appreciated this when I was pumping gas earlier this week.  However there have been two weather predictions in my 'Old Farmer's Almanac' calendar that have me concerned.  I've always felt that, after Christmas, it's fine with me if we just slide right into spring but these predictions don't bode well for the kind of spring I'm dreaming of.
On December 25 the quote was "At Christmas, meadows green (the grass does look green from my balcony), at Easter, covered with frost."
And today "Who doffs his coat on winter's day (I saw lots of people running around without coats today), will gladly put it on in May." So now you have been warned.  

Thursday, December 27, 2018

What's in a name?

I didn't know that winter storms were named these days but evidently they are.  I guess I shouldn't be surprised.  Hurricanes have names and so do tropical storms and wild fires, so why not large winter storms?  Today I heard on the national news that Winter Storm Eboni is dropping lots of snow across the midwest (except for northern Indiana evidently).  Eboni?  Isn't that the dark wood from which black piano keys are made?  I know that the wood is spelled 'ebony' but still it sounds the same.  Wasn't there an old song "Ebony and Ivory?"  It seems to me that if someone wants to name a SNOW storm they might have considered a more appropriate name.  I know, you're probably going to point out that this is the 5th named big snow storm (who knew?) so the name had to start with 'E.'  But why not Eggshell or Ecru?  Too bad it has to start with 'E.' Alabaster would have been catchy or Ivory.  Although maybe the namers were thinking of all the potential black outs from downed power lines.  In that case Eboni might make sense.  
Just out of curiosity I googled the definition of 'Eboni.'  It is an Egyptian baby name which means Black. So now you know. Can't wait to hear what they name the next big snow storm. I vote for 'Frosty.'

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

it's evidently not permanent

Three days ago I suddenly lost my hearing, at least partially.  It has been the strangest feeling. I hear swooshing sounds in my left ear (sort of a perpetual rain storm) while my right ear is still hearing a little.  I really didn't have time to look into this while going through the usual Christmas Eve and Christmas day celebrations.  The hearing problem did lead to some interesting moments.  I managed to read my assigned scripture at our late service but had no idea what my voice sounded like. My son said I sounded normal.  On the ride home after the service my granddaughter said that she had spent some of her holiday time with her boyfriend, but she was sitting on my left and I heard her with my right ear so I thought it was my daughter speaking and asked what she was doing spending time with her daughter's boyfriend? Everyone looked at me strangely until I realised who had actually been speaking.  The whole next day went like that.  When my brother called from Spokane to wish me a Merry Christmas I couldn't hear him until I thought to switch the phone to my right ear.  I got a good feeling of how awful it must be to not be able to hear well. Today, I did have time and went to the doctor to see what is going on.  It turns out I have a minor infection and some fluid in my left ear, all of which can be cured.  In ten days I should be back to normal, or at least my version of normal. 

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

and to all a good night

Last night I spent the night at my daughter's house so I could be there to experience Christmas morning with her and her husband, two grandchildren and three grand-dogs.  I assumed, since my grands are teens now that they would sleep in. Not so, we were all awake at 6:30am.  Some things never change.  We explored stocking treasures, unwraped larger gifts and sniffed the breakfast casserole baking in the kitchen.  All this before 7:30. Some things do change though and I looked on with interest as my grandteens unwraped purple tights, blue and purple hair dye, a set of throwing axes and target board, a large computer monitor and much more.  The gifts have changed but the delight was still there.  I guess Santa is keeping up with the times but I do wonder how he got that computer desk down the chimney.  More family came later, adding eight more people, more food and another dog to the melee.  All in all a busy fun day. I shall sleep well tonight.  

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Christmas Carol Quiz

Each Sunday morning our adult Sunday school class discusses a topic from the series provided by the on-line resource called the Wired Word.  Usually our discussions are serious, but this morning's topic created a laughing, light hearted conversation, just perfect for two days before Christmas.  The discussion was based on questions about various familiar Christmas carols.
Here are a few of my favorites:

What unrealistic claim is made about baby Jesus in "Away in a Manger?"

What carol was originally written to be accompanied by guitar because the church's organ was not working?

Regarding "We Three Kings" where does the Bible say how many there were?  Where does the Bible say they were kings?

What carol did American preacher Phillips Brooks write after seeing a little community in the Holy Land lit up against the darkness during a Christmastime visit?

Merry Almost Christmas everyone. 

Saturday, December 22, 2018

facebook surprises

I belong to Facebook.  I guess that's the right term, but I don't follow facebook posts and I very seldom respond to a post, let alone post anything of my own.  Lately though my computer has taken to showing me little pop up tips about something new that has been posted on facebook.  Often I don't even recognize the name but this evening the little info box told me that my daughter had posted a new picture so of course I looked at that. I decided to check it out on my little tablet because my laptop was open to another program.  I did and it was a great picture of her surrounded by a candy cane patterned wreath.  My daughter is the only person I know whose passport and driver's license pictures look really good so I wasn't surprised. What did surprise me was the other stuff that popped up.  There were lots of cartoons and funny pictures and poems and more, none of which were from sources I recognized.  I have to wonder how long my little Nexus tablet has been accumulating all this stuff behind my back, and why?  I'm thinking I need to learn enough about facebook to find the delete button. 

Friday, December 21, 2018

Christmas shopping

I thought I had finished my Christmas shopping but realized today that there were a few more things I needed to buy.  I tried to avoid Glenbrook Mall but ended up there anyway.  It was busy but I imagine it will be much busier tomorrow.  I had fun walking through the mall and exploring all the temporary kiosks along the way.  It's amazing the variety of stuff I could have bought but I wasn't buying for anyone who needed brightly patterned tights or super fluffy socks, nor was I ready to discuss what I use on my skin with a pretty young thing. I was tempted by a puffy vest with a Ball State logo on it but it cost $70 so I passed after remindung myself that I was supposed to be shopping for others. That's the hardest part of shopping for Christmas gifts.  Once I get in the spending mode I tend to find all sorts of things that I 'need' for myself.  Ho, ho, ho and happy last minute shopping everyone.  

Thursday, December 20, 2018

still not perfect

Over the last many years I have written a poem each Christmas to give my friends the highlights of my year just past.  I worked on the principle that poetry kept my 'news letters' brief and if people wanted more detailed information they would ask.  This year I kept it brief (one page - lots of white spaces) but I couldn't make it into poetry so I called it a 'prose.'  I have been hand delivering these missives whenever I'm in meetings or otherwise seeing friends.  Yesterday, a friend called me in the evening to tell me how much she liked my news letter.  In fact she said she liked it much better than the one her husband had just written.  So I was feeling pretty good about this year's creation this morning as I sat down at my computer to print out some more copies.  That is until I noticed that there was a misspelled word in the very first line.  Happily, I had only handed out about 10 copies at this point, and I was able to correct the error before I printed any more copies.  Of course the fact that I sometimes make spelling errors will come as no surprise to regular readers of this blog.  Actullay, I bleam the errors on my comptuer keybroad which seems to rearrange letters unred my finregs.  

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Are yoo ready?

A friend and I were talking yesterday and she said "It's about a week and a half to Christmas."  When I pointed out to her that it was exactly one week till Christmas she got a kind of 'deer in the headlights' look and I could see the panic setting in.  Of course, she and her husband had just the day before returned from a two-week stay at a resort in Florida followed by a one-week cruise in the Caribbean so it was hard to work up much sympathy for her 'not yet ready for the holidays' concerns.  I did find it amusing to hear that her husband, a mensa-brilliant 81 year old who walks with a walker, won the lip sync contest on their cruise ship singing "Yellow Submarine."  Obviously he has hidden talents.  And she has pictures - always good for a little familial blackmail on down the road.  

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

So now I know

I've been weaving scarves for my grandchildren as their Christmas presents.  People have asked me how long it takes me to weave a scarf and I wasn't really sure.  It's one of those projects that you can pick up and put down.  But today I've been working on one that I need to finish before Christmas and I figured out that actual weaving time works out to about nine inches an hour.  The scarves contain 72 inches of woven fabric (11  inches wide in case you're curious) so that means each scarf takes about eight hours of actual weaving time, not counting the finish work.  So now you know what I've been doing in my spare time today - four hours to go on this one.  Which further explains why this is such a late and short blog.  

Monday, December 17, 2018

It could be true.

Today, according to my calendar, is "Wright Brothers Day."  It seems to me that this day should be more widely celebrated than it is but I will admit that December is a pretty busy month so I guess I understand.  Here's a related fact that I just learned today.  When Neil Armstrong walked on the Moon, he had a piece of fabric from the left wing (actual not political) of the 1903 Wright Flyer along with a piece of wood from the airplane's left propeller in his pocket." I am assuming he had permission to take these items with him and wasn't involved in a bit of vandalism.  Personally, I'm interested in this special day because, according to my mother, our family is distantly related to the Wright brothers.  My mother's mother's maiden name was Wright and she was a second or third cousin.  So there you have it, our family's only known clain to fame.  Although, now that I think of it, we are actually related to Frank Lloyd Wright also.  My mother received a tiny little bit of an inheritance after he died.  So I guess we have two claims to fame, but all in the same family.  I should really do some research someday.  

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Another fun Arena experience

Last evening three friends and I attended a play at Arena Dinner Theater.  So-so dinner but really good play. It was a musical comedy called "She Loves Me" and, according to the program, takes place in 1934 in Budapest.  Thankfully, the really excellent actors did not try to speak with Hungarian accents.  Until the play started I was sure I had never heard of it before, but in the first scene there was a plot twist involving a musical cigarette box, and I knew, when I saw that, that I had seen the play before.  The play was written in the 1960s so it's not surprising that I mught have seen it but I can't remember where or when.  Someone suggested that it might have been at Stratford but I don't think so.  I think the production last night was better than the first time I saw it.  While Arena puts on really good plays they can't top a Stratford production.  I would be recommending that everyone go see this play but last night was the last performance.  If you  ever do get a chance to see it, it's lots of fun.  

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Happy Birthday to me

In truly contemporary fashion my birthday greetings today came in many forms including real actual cards (some even came in the mail), texts, facebook and even one real live phone call.  This evening my daughter and family took me out to dinner at Wu's.  They let me suggest the place, Chinese was fine with them, and I didn't realize that they had never been there before.  I'm happy to report that they enjoyed it very much.  The five of us were seated at a round table with a 'lazy Susan'* in the center, making it easy to pass dishes.  All in all, it was a lovely evening. Everyone enjoyed their food.
*By the way, my friend Susan finds the term 'lazy Susan' somewhat offensive while I dislike the phrase 'loosey goosie'.  Lucys and Susans of the world unite!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Party Time

I almost didn't go.  This evening our apartment complex held their anuual Christmas party in the penthouse of the other building.  This is always a fun event with drinks, munchies, a canned food collectiom and a chance to visit with neighbors.  I had been out most of the day at meetings and was really tired when I got home this evening, about 6:30.  I had just about decided that I wouldn't go when I met two of my neighbors coming out of the elevator as I was waiting for it. They were all cheery (perhaps they had started partying earlier) and asked if I was coming to the party.  I told them maybe, came on up to my apartment and then decide to be a little sociable.  So I gathered up a little canned food to take to the party and headed over to the other building.  For the cans of food I got 5 tickets for the prize drawing.  No idea yet if I've won anything, but I had some spiked eggnog and got involved in conversation with neighbors I knew and some I didn't. These were two young couples who actually live right down the hall from me and I had a good time learning about their job searches, recently earned degrees and mutual interests like travel and theater.  I've said it before.  One of the great pleasures of living here is being able to see young faces.  I'll be 74 tomorrow, far and away the oldest one in our cheery group this evening, and I'm not kidding anyone with my looks but it really is fun to interact with younger people.  Let's hear it for age diversity.  

Monday, December 10, 2018

A smooth edge indeed

More lovely Christmas music.  This evening I enjoyed a concert at our church (First Pres) given by a group called "Smooth Edge 2."  They are billed as an a cappella jazz group.  Their eight voices blend together to create an amazing sound.  It feels like there are musical instruments involved but it's all vocal and quite impressive.  This is the third time I have heard this group and they only get better.  Tonight we enjoyed jazzy interpretations of several Christmas classics plus some songs that were new to me.  All in all a delightful evenng. I recommend this group.  

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Good Old and Brand New

I love it when old and new technologies merge for fun.  Yesterday I picked up my granddaughter for a day of shopping and a sleep-over.  She had agreed to be my fashion consultant in the selection of gifts for my 'angel tree' girl.  As we were driving from her home to Kohl's (I had some really good coupons) she mentioned that a friend of hers was playing Snoopy in the Fort Wayne Youththeater production of "A Charlie Brown Christmas."  We decided it would be fun to go and she checked the times on her phone.  The play was on at noon, and by juggling our very flexible schedule for the day we could make that performance. Next step, still on her phone of course, she checked availability of tickets.  This was at 10:15am and she discovered that there were 4 tickets left.  She then used my credit card to reserve two of those tickets.  We did some quick shopping, got to the theater in plenty of time, our tickets were waiting, and we had a fine time enjoying the good old Charlie Brown story which was first aired as a TV show in the 60's, (very old tech). "Snoopy" did a great job with her part, as did all the other young actors, and she was delighted that my granddaughter was able to come and see the play. Isn't it fun when new tech and old tech create such a happy result?

Friday, December 7, 2018

new technology

Today I took my brother for his every-four-year colonoscopy.  We are both very faithful about this since our mother died of colon cancer.  Everything was just fine today, he got a clean bill of health. My job was to wait around while he went through the procedure and be ready to drive him home after.  This I did with no problem. 
The new technology I refered to in the title came into play during the waiting time.  Before I was taken to the correct waiting room, and it's a good thing I had a guide or I might still be wandering around Parkview, I was given an informational brochure.  In this brochure was a color coded list and instructions to watch the TV screen in the waiting room.  The brochure also contained a code number for my brother.  When I got there I saw the TV and found the rectangle (one of several) with my brother's code number in it. Then, as the morning wore on, I could watch the colors change.  And it did.  I saw it go from 'in surgery' (they seem to call everything surgery) which was blue, to 'in recovery' pink.  Then a nurse came and guided me toward the exit so I could go get the car. All in all, it was a very smooth system. Good job, Parkview Randallia.  

Thursday, December 6, 2018

this might work

Every month or so, my Old Farmer's Almanac calendar shares a couple of ideas for curing headaches.  I don't suffer from headaches much but I always read these just in case.  The first suggestion today is "Ask a seventh child to blow in your ear."  Unfortunately, I don't know a seventh child so I will have to pass on that on.  My mother-in-law was one of 12 children but you just don't see families of that size much any more.  
However the seconnd one has promise: "Soak your feet in hot water for 15 minutes.  Pur on warm cotton socks and lie down for 15 minutes."  No idea if this will cure anything but it certainly sounds relaxing and it doesn't seem like it would do any harm.  Maybe some of those 'old wives' knew what they were talking about, or maybe they just needed a break from all those kids.  

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Calendar highlights

Well, here we are in December, and I bet you thought you knew all of the December holidays - Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, New Year's Eve, Kwanza and Hanukkah.  But here are some you may want to add to you celebration list.  For example, today is 'International Ninja Day.'  Since I don't know any Ninjas (international or otherwise) this one doesn't interest me too much, actually not at all.  However, December 13 (in addition to being St. Lucy's day - see last Sunday's blog) is 'Hot Cocoa Day.'  Now there's a day I can warm up to.  But that's not all.  December 16 is 'Chocolate Covered Anything Day.'  Aren't you glad it's December?

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

I love simple solutions

Last year I was at the mall with my grandson. We were browsing in the bookstore when we came across a book I wanted.  When I suggested to him that he tell his mom about the book as a possible Christmas gift for me, he quickly took his phone out and took a picture of the cover.  You've probably been doing this for years but for me it was an 'ah hah!' moment.  What a simple way to remember.  Later in the day he pointed out a game he might like to have and, when he wandered off down another aisle, I took a quick picture with my phone.  I may be old but I can learn new tricks.  Since then, I frequently find myself using my cell phone to take pictures of things I want to remember.  Obvious things of course like pictures of people and places, but also book covers to remember authors' names, medicine bottles, and, this evening, pictures of gift suggestions emailed to me by a niece in Spokane.  Who ever imagined that telephones, once tethered to the wall by cords, and usable only for making phone calls, could evolve into such nifty, multi-use gadgets. And mine is only a semi-smart phone. 

Monday, December 3, 2018

I did not know this...

but now we all do, thanks to my nifty calendar.  Here's a fact that might make you feel a little  better about Indiana winters.  The largest reported snowflake measured 15 inches wide and 8 inches thick.  It was discovered by a rancher in Montana in 1887. How long do you suppose it bounced around in the atmosphere?  Too bad that rancher didn't have a cell phone handy to record this phenomenon.  I'm sure it would have gone viral. No idea what that monster snowflake weighed but I wouldn't want it landing on my head.  So the next time you see a snowflake or feel a bit of winter chill, be glad you're not a rancher in Montana.  

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Now I'm ready.

No, I haven't finished my Christmas to-do list that I outlined yesterday but I am ready to tackle it.  This evening I attend the annual Candlelight / St. Lucie service at Trinity English Lutheran Church.  This is an amazing program that I have seen three times now and it absolutely fills me with the Christmas spirit.  According to their printed information, this is the 76th Candlelight Service and the 38th anniversary of the Santa Lucia (or St. Lucie) observance.  I've been intrigued by the legend of St. Lucie, since discovering, when required to write a report on a Christmas related person in highschool, that her saint's day (also her birthday) is my birthday, December 13.  Since my first name is Luci I think my interest is understandable.  I don't know what life was like in the third century AD (or CE if you prefer) but I can't imagine being driven to the extreme of gouging my own eyes out to avoid marriage.  While my first name is Luci, my middle name is not Grace, and I proved once again this evening why I should NEVER be the one to wear that crown of candles.  As I was leaving the balcony after this beautiful service, somewhat blinded by the light of my candle (consider the irony) I missed a step and excuted a magnificent fall.  Only one step down, thank goodness, on to a landing, but there I was flat on my back, and slightly stunned because the back of my head was the first part to hit the floor.  Everyone was very solitious.  Nothing broken.  I was OK within a few minutes, just shaken.  It will be interesting to see where I have bruises tomorrow.  

Saturday, December 1, 2018

almost finished

Well really, not even close.  I'm feeling content because my tree is up and most of my other decorations are in place.  However, my pre-Christmas to do list is still quite lengthy. Some items are easy, like buying flannel sheets for my guest bed, but others take a little more time.  I'm making six of my family gifts this year and only have  4 1/2 finished.  Also, I like to write a Christmas poem each year and I haven't started that yet, not to mention addressing the envelopes.  I did buy stamps today, so that's one thing done. Also, I'm expecting two, maybe three sets of overnight visitors this month and am hosting one carry-in dinner for a group I belong to.  And, of course, there's the gift shopping for all those people I'm not making things for.  OK, that's enough to think about for now.  I'm going to bed.  Perhaps some poetic inspiration will strike while I'm dreaming. If it does, I'll try it out on you tomorrow.