Friday, May 31, 2019

Ahead of my time

As I sat at the Fiat dealership yesteday waiting for my AC to be fixed (it's working fine now) I watched a show on their TV that I don't usually watch.  This time there was an expert on interior decorating talking about new trends in home decor.  I started to pay attention when I heard him talking about a new idea - using large white globe lights.  Fifty years ago, when my husband and I were decorating our first home, we hung three lovely white globe lights in our living room.  So that's one for me.  He then mentioned that everyone should have a little round footstool.  I just bought one a few months ago.  So that's two.  The third idea was bringing cute outdoor furniture inside.  I bring my glass topped balcony table inside when the temperature drops below zero so the glass won't crack.  I'm not sure that;s what he had in mind but I'm going to assume it counts.  So there are three ways I'm trendy.  Isn't that amazing?  Even more amazing if you know what my apartment really looks like.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Slightly slanted news??

My sympathy was stirred today when I heard another news story about a father seeking sanctuary who was separated from his son and daughter (ages 8 and 11) at our southern boarder.  As of today, he hadn't seen his children for several months and we were treated to a sweet 'reunion at the airport' scene.  All of this was fine and I'm happy they are back together but I felt my sympathy ebb a little when I learned the following fact.  The reporter didn't elaborate on it, but in one short sentence he casually mentioned that all this time, while the children were separated from their daddy, they were living with their mother in Seattle.  Now I don't know the mother, maybe she's terrible, but I doubt it.  I suspect the kids were ok during this forced separation.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Cramming for the final.

I have received pages and pages of information to read and forms to fill out.  I have had two pre-screening appointments, three more to go before my hip replacement/repair surgery, and I even have a series of exercises to do twice a day.  No, I haven't started them yet but I will.  I even need a coach to help me through this process.  Happily, my daughter, who knows something about ortho surgery, has agreed to be my coach.  I mentioned to her yesterday that I don't remember having to go through nearly this much stuff eight years ago when I had my first hip replacement. She reminded me that I don't remember much at all about that surgery, having fallen and smashed my hip.  She says I was pretty much out of it through the whole process.  That's ok I guess.  Some things are best not remembered.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

A sign of the times

I'm pretty sure I saw a man building an ark today.  Well, ok, maybe he was patching a canoe, but it still looked kind of ominous.  I know that April showers are supposed to bring May flowers and I must say the Lilac bushes in front of my building look beautiful and smell good too.  So far it seems that May showers bring tornados.  The Indian legend about tornados never touching down where the three rivers come together seems to be holding true.  It makes me glad I live close to one of the rivers.  I do wonder about old legends.  I think those ancients had lots of time to observe the weather (no cell phones so what else did they have to do?).   Maybe they watched tornados roaring across the plains (although around here there were lots of trees in the way) and swerving away from the rivers. Whatever.  I will continue to hope that those ancients knew what they were talking about,

Monday, May 27, 2019

I agree

Now here are two studies I can appreciate, both discussed on this morning's news.  First I learned that relaxing is important.  People should, for their health's sake, take real vacations where they can really rest and relax and get away from job related stress.  Well, I so agree with this that I retired five years ago and have been living in a pretty relaxed state ever since. 
The second study shows that people with more diverse interests (non-specialists) tend to do better at their chosen careers.  The idea is that people who have many interests growing up are more likely to choose careers that they can really excel in.  I guess I win in this catagory also.  I had so many different jobs in my adult career that my husband used to wonder what I was going to be when I grew up.  Too bad I retired and started serious relaxing before I discovered what I would really excel in.  Ah, well.  
Oh wait, maybe relaxing is my real talent.  

Sunday, May 26, 2019

The Indianapolis 500

I watched the Indy 500 at home with a friend this afternoon.  It was fast and exciting.  The one major accident did not involve any injuries and the ending was satisfactory.  All much as expected.  This morning in church though we had a different view of this historic race.  The whole service was built around a racing theme and as part of the program we were shown a short clip from the first Indianapolis 500 in 1911.  Did you know that the cars in that first race reached speeds of 70 miles an hour?  One person commented that they looked a lot like Soap Box Derby cars.  I had heard some time ago that rearview mirrors on cars were an invention first used in the Indy 500 but I didn't realize it was an invention from the very first Indy 500.  And it made a difference in the outcome.  In that first race there were two men in each car, one driver and one engineer.  The engineer's job, among other things, was to watch out for other cars on the track.  The one driver who invented and used the rearview mirror didn't need someone else to ride with him.  That made his car lighter and faster and he won the race.  So now you know.  

Saturday, May 25, 2019

a smarter phone

I made a purchase today.  Not an impulse buy, I've been thinking about this for some time.  I decided I 'needed' a smarter phone.  So now, instead of a phone that allows me to phone, text and take pictures, I now have a phone that allows me to check my emails, use a GPS program to find my way to new places, Google information, take pictures and so much more.  The only thing I can't do is make phone calls and send texts.  Of course that will change when the SIM card I ordered arrives.  Happily, I had a technical assistant (my son) to help me select the right phone and then get everything set up.  So expect a phone call or text from me sometime next week. 

Friday, May 24, 2019

Yet another study.... the 'are we surprised?' catagory.  A recent study has revealed that sixteen times more children are likely to be unbuckled in cars where the adults don't buckle up.  Really?? Who could have guessed this?  I wish I could figure out a way to get paid for conducting studies with predictable results.  I might be able to prove that musical parents are more likely to produce musical children,  The same might prove true for readers, athletes, and mathematicians,  I'm sure you can think of many other examples.  Isn't science wonderful?

Thursday, May 23, 2019

keeping things in perspective

On the 4th Thursday of each month several of us ladies of the church get together to fix lunch for anyone in the neighborhood who cares to come.  We also have clothes to give away and, after lunch, we play BINGO.  Today we served a potato/cheese/ham casserole which everyone seemed to like.  I was the caller for BINGO this afternoon.  Each month we have $40 in one dollar bills to give away as prizes.  I am always amazed at how much people appreciate those one dollar prizes.  One lady won three times and said she could now put a gallon of gas in her car.  Another was looking forward to buying milk. I am so spoiled.  I may not be able to afford designer shoes (not that I want them) but I never question that I can buy groceries and gas.  

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

time for a redo

Well, I've learned something interesting today.  I had an appointment with a joint speciallist at ONE this afternoon.  I wasn't sure if it was my imagination or just a sign of getting older but it seemed to me that my left hip has been hurting more lately. Turns out there's a reason.  The doctor (young and cute, by the way) showed me the X rays they took today compared to one taken in 2012 (a year after I broke my hip). Even I could see the difference.  When I broke my hip in 2011 the doctor (another doctor) fixed it by replacing only the ball.  The socket was not damaged.  However, it seems that over the intervening years, the artificial ball has been rubbing against and wearing away the socket bone.  Pardon me if those aren't the correct technical terms but you understand.  In case you prefer the technical, my daughter, the surgical technologist, says the ball was rubbing through my acetabulum.  So now I need to have a whole hip replacement to fix the half hip replacement from 2011.  I was just starting to wonder what I would be doing to keep busy this summer.  

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

I have a question.

As some of you know, some statistics leave me wondering.  On the morning news today I learned that there has been "an alarming spike in teen vaping since e-cigarettes came out."  Now I am not denying the dangers of vaping.  I don't think any kind 'smoking' is good for a person.  What I'm questioning is the statistic.  Vaping, by definition, according to Google, is "the action or practice of inhaling and exhaling the vapor produced by an electronic cigarette or similar device."  Instead of an "alarming spike" I'm pretty sure there has been a one hundred percent increase.  It's a little like saying there has been a huge spike in the number of teen snow boarders since the snow board was invented.  

Monday, May 20, 2019

Movie Review

I saw a good movie today called "Poms" about an elderly (70ish) group of ladies who form a cheer leading squad.  It was really well done with lots of laughs and some serious underlying thought.  It took place in a Georgia retirement community.  I have a friend who lives with her husband in The Villages in Florida and, while I have never been there, I envision it as being very simiar to what was portrayed in the movie.  It's supposedly based on a true story.  I hope so.  I particularly enjoyed the chase scene involving a golf cart and a senior citizen van.  One of my favorite parts, after I thought about it a while, was an ad one of the ladies sees on TV for a very different kind of funeral.  It presented the idea of having your body cremated, then the ashes would be packed into a fire cracker which would be shot into the air to explode in a shower of sparkling color.  At first I thought "How silly." but the more I considered it the better I like the idea.  I'm not ready to revise my own funeral directives yet but it is something ti think about.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

shopping spree number three

Christmas lasts a long time in my family.  Today I took my third grandchild out for her Christmas shopping spree.  I promise these at Christmas time, then they get to choose the date.  Today we lunched and shopped and shopped some more.  All focused on clothes with this grandchild.  I must admit to some figure envy.  She's a perfect size 6 and looks great in everything seh tries on.  I haven't worn a size six since I was six.  We finished off the afternoon at DeBrands.  Turns out they have a really delicious salty caramel chocolate iced coffee drink.  Sooo yummy.  I recommend it.  Merry spring Christmas everyone. 

Saturday, May 18, 2019

A different kind of memorial service

I attended a memorial service this afternoon for the man who was my husband's long-time friend and best man in our wedding 51 years ago.  He actually died two months ago in Florida, but his widow waited to have this service until she had moved back to Fort Wayne where they had lived for many years.  She's having some health problems now and wanted to be back close to her family.  I think that because the first shock of his death had passed the service was more relaxed and less somber.  It was actually held at an FOP post here in Fort Wayne since he had been a police officer, even chief of police at one time.  There were lots of fun stories shared, some music, a couple of prayers, and refreshments.  We all sat around tables instead of in long rows. At one point his wife said she wanted to share some information about his last days.  I wasn't sure how graphic she was going to get about his illness, but she didn't dwell on health details.  Instead, she told about the beautiful wall of windows in his hospice room that allowed him a view out to the ocean,  He had always said that he wanted a view of the ocean when he died, and he got it.  I like knowing that.

Friday, May 17, 2019

more signs of spring

I'm beginning to believe that spring is actually here.  The downtown Farmers' Market opens tomorrow, friends ate lunch out side on The Deck today, our apratment pool is open, two of my grandteens will start their summer vacations next week and it's warm enough that I'm beginning to wish I had air conditioning in my car.  The service man assures me that the necesary parts for repairs should be in late next week, and, even better, the work will be covered by warrenty.  I assured a friend today that I do remember how to open my car windows in the meantime.  As I was talking with her about opening car windows, I made a cranking motion with my arm and hand as if I was rolling down a car window and she instantly recognized what I was doing.  We laughed, ruefully, realized that we were really showing our age, and tried to remember the last cars we owned with handles to open and close windows. 

Thursday, May 16, 2019


Over the last several weeks our apartment building has been undergoing a lot of redecorating in the public areas.  The management, I'm told, is trying to appeal to younger renters.  I'm a little perplexed by this since we already have many young renters. I wasn't thrilled when they painted over the light, mellow looking natural wood paneling in the first floor hallways, lobby and lounge with a greyish white color, but I'm assured it will look great with the new furniture that's coming.  I consoled myself by thinking that at least the white walls looked ok with the shiny white marble tiles with black tiles along the sides that were on the floors.  These were beautiful, highly polished tiles with no cracks or other problems.  This week, though, they tore up all the marble flooring and replaced it (are you ready for this) with white ceramic tiles laid in a square pattern instead of the original diamond pattern.  An interesting side note.  When they tore up the marble floor I noticed that the floor under it had originally been brick, which was probably pretty nice when it was new.  Just out of curiosity I asked one of the managers why some of the money being used hadn't gone to upgrading the elevators which are a little slow at times. I was told that that money comes from a different account.  I think that's code for don't hold your breath waiting for elevator improvements.  

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

This made me wonder

I heard on the TV news this evening that the Center for Disease Control has announced that Americans gre having fewer babies.  First of all, I was surpirsed at the source.  I didn't know that having babies was considered a disease.  Second, i was left wondering fewer thatn what?  Ferwer than 10 years ago?  Fewer than the Chinese?  i need details people.  

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

I'm doomed...

...and so are a lot of my friends.  I was reading an article recently in the latest AARP magazine about how to be heart healthy over 70.  Some advice I could agree with - eat less red meat, use less salt, and drink milk.  These are all good but there was one statement that I'm really worried about.  According to a cardiologist, here is a good fitness test. "Can you sit on the ground and get up again without using your hands? An inability to perform this action is linked to mortality in adults over 50." Now, I have watched some people sit crossed legged on the floor and rise gracefully without using their hands but they are all teenagers or younger.  If I was four feet tall and rubbery I could do it too.  Just out of curiosity, I asked people (ranging in age from 35-70+) at a meeting today if they could get up from the floor without using their hands.  No one, even the fittness instructor, could do it.  They had some really good excuses like knee and hip replacements. I guess we're all facing mortality - but then, aren't we all anyway?  

Monday, May 13, 2019

My mother always said...

"You can't judge a book by its cover." I was reminded of that truth  earlier today while doing laundry in the communal laundry room.  When I walked in to get my laundry out of the dryer, two burly youth were putting their clothes in a washer.  They were pleasant, not at all threatening, but large, wearing sleeveless shirts with lots of tattoos up and down their arms, one with a man bun and one with a shaved head.  I guess, if I had thought about it, I would have expected them to spemd the half hour while their clothes were being washed working out in the exercise room down the hall.  Instead, as I walked out with my cart of clean clothes, I saw them in the little waiting area outside the laundry room happily working on a jigsaw puzzle that someone had started a week ago.  You just never know.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mother's Day movies

Today I celebrated Mothers' Day at my daughter's house.  She, my son-in-law, my two grandteens and I ate pizza and wings and drank coke. Later we exchanged cards and ate cake.  In between, we watched a movie called "Family Fights." At least I think that was the title.  It was something about family and fighting and it starred, among others, 'The Rock.'  Personally, I will watch anything with 'The Rock' in it.  He could be standing there reading the phonebook so happy mothers day to me.  It turned out ro be a good story based on the true life of a WW woman wrestler.  Later, when I got home, being in a movie mood, I watched an animated film called "The Secret Life of Pets." Funny, but not exactly what I expected.  I don't like violent bunnies.  But, ah well, still a good mother's day.  I hope all you other mothers had a good day also.  

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Spring is here...

...if only in my imagination.  Tomorrow is Mothers' Day and I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be spring for Mothers' Day.  I've heard that it's safe to put plants outside this weekend (although there was some frost last night). Well, I have decided to take the risk.  I washed down my balcony furniture this morning and then I put out some flowers.  Granted, it was the same vase of artificial flowers that I put out last year, but, hey, it's the thought that counts.  
On second thought, I will not be putting my real, live one and only green potted plant ut there until next weekend.  Happy Slowly Evolving Spring everybody.  

Friday, May 10, 2019

giving blood

I gave blood today.  I try to donate about every eight weeks but it had been a while this time. I like giving blood.  It doesn't cost anything, only takes about an hour, and I feel like I've done something virtuous.  And, on days like today, a friend shows up, also there to donate, so I had someone to chat with while we waited for our turns.  I also got my blood pressure and pulse rate checked.  Good news, I'm still alive.  But the very best thing I discovered is that if you give blood on Fridays (about lunch time) there is fresh, hot pizza for lunch.  I will always schedule my donations on Fridays from now on.  Today's pizzas were from Hungry Howie's.  I had the pepperoni and it was very good.  I had never had this company's pizza before but I shall remember it for the future.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

loom envy

As I've mentioned in this blog before, I started weaving again last June, after not having woven anything since my college years. I've been feeling pretty good about what I've been producing.  By my count two sets of place mats and 14 long fringy scarves.  The nice warm kind you can bundle up in during the winter.  To date, I've given everything away that I've made. Sooner or later I will weave something to keep.  Lately I've been feeling that I want to get a little more creative and that's where the 'loom envy' of this blog's title comes in.  Last Saturday a friend and I took a tour of several artist;s studios on the north side of town and the first place we stopped was the home where the Fort Wayne Weaver's Guild had their works on display.  They were also demonstrating and had pieces going on big floor looms with four and eight heddles.  They were weaving beautiful, detailed patterns which I jsut can't do with my little portable loom although I was assured that there are some patterns I can do on my loom. I really don't intend to buy a larger loom.  I like my little rigid heddle model, but I need to learn some new tricks.  I'm giving serious thought to joining the weavers' guild.  It's only $15 a year and maybe they won't laugh too hard at my efforts. We shall see.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

gift ideas

As a general rule my family and I don't exchange lavish Mother's Day gifts.  A card and maybe a dinner out (this year it will be pizza) is about our speed.  However I noticed two ads on TV this week that got me thinking.  One insists that a gift card to Menard's would be an ideal Mother's Day gift while the other suggests diamond earrings.  Speaking as an impractical, jewelry loving mother, I know which one would get my vote. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

It's just beginning

Today in the mail I received an official, very fancy, announcement of my oldest grandchild's high school graduation.  It came with his name card and three senior high photos.  I experienced some flash backs as I read the invitation and admired the pictures.  I remember my own graduation, my kids' graduations, and now we're starting with the next generation.  Because my grandchildren are stairsteps,(one in each of the four high school grades) I will be enjoying graduation ceremonies for the next four years, and possibly four years after that for college graduations, and then, who knows, some masters degrees, maybe even beyond.  I am looking at a whole lot of graduations here.  I will hope for comfortable seats and interesting speakers.  

Monday, May 6, 2019

Dog sitting

It seems that, even though manyof my friends and I are beyond the age or life situation where we want to have a pet of our own (having been through everything from goldfish to great danes when our children were young), many of us are blessed with granddogs.  In the past week three of my friends have recounted recent times when they have been dog sitting for their granddogs.  for the most part these are pleasant enough experiences.  A friend will be dog sitting for his daughter's dog next week and he anticipates a positive experience.  On the other hand, another friend has a granddog who is an escape artist.  She had the whole helpful neighborhood looking for that dog.  Happily, she was found safe and sound.  I personally had a granddog escape while I was dog sitting (someone had left the back gate open) and she wasn't found until she had made it across Lima Road (a busy 4-lane highway).  All of the gates on my daughter's back yard fence now have padlocks. Very smart.  It doesn't happen often, but when I do dog sit for my three big, boxer size, granddogs, I stay at their house.  Yet another advantage of apartments living - their dogs are too large to stay here.  Awww, too bad.

so now I know

I've been wondering what would happen when my new battery gets really low, since I was told to let it run way down.  Well, I found out last night.  My computer warned me that I had 7% power left, then, while I was typing this, shut me off.  So now you know why I didn't finish this post yesterday.  

Saturday, May 4, 2019

a memorable date

Today is celebrated by many as Star Wars Day. May the 4th (the force) be with you.  But it is also, and much more importantly, my youngest granddaughter's birthday.  She was 15 today and we went to a favorite local Mexican restaurant to celebrate.  The food was good and we had a cheerful family together time but we forgot that May 4 is the day before May 5 - Cinco de Mayo.  Actually, we knew that, but didn't take into account the fact that since Cinco de Mayo is on Sunday this year, people would think it was a really good idea to celebrate on Saturday night instead.  And celebrate they did, loudly and with much music and an MC who asked lots of Mexican / French war trivia questions.  Ah well, not being able to hear each other talk gave us plenty of time to enjoy our meals.  

Friday, May 3, 2019

battery power

The new battery I ordered for my laptop finally came in and has been installed.  So far it's working well.  Actually, the computer is working just like it always did but it has been so long since the old battery died (literally years) that I had forgotten how convenient it is to pick it up and carry it around without worrying abour tripping over a cord.  Mind you. the biggest real change I can envision here is that I can sit on the far end of the sofa and not worry about if the cord will reach.  Now that I think about it, I guess I can even carry it into my bedroom if I want to.  Not sure why I would want to but it's nice to have options.  The real advantage though is that I'm hoping now my charger cord will stay untangled.  It has a way of twisting that never happens with any of my other cords.  
In case your thinking I must lead a really dull life, getting a new battery was not the most exciting thing that happened to me today.  I saw a really good play this evening, but it was the same one I saw and reviewed two weeks ago, so I opted to write about the second most exciting thing.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Paper vs Plastic

I bought a package of paper straws at Krogers today.  This is the second time I've bought paper straws.  I actually want to buy the Aardvark straws being manufactured here in Fort Wayne but I haven't seen those in stores yet.  The ones I bought are made in China.  I have mixed feelings about the whole plastic vs paper straw controversy but, having scientifically studied the enduring quality of plastic (the bag is still in the tree) I figure it doesn't hurt me to switch to paper.  Of course the paper straws were wrapped in plastic packaging.  What got me thinking about this tonight was a report on the evening news.  It seems that McDonalds has switched to paper straws at many of their European restaurants and that has made their plastic straws collectors' items.  Someone recently paid $1600 for a McDonald's straw.  I think that's ridiculous, but I must admit a sneaky admiration for the person who decided she could sell a straw on line.  No mention if it was new or used.  

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

visiting Muncie

I attended a meeting in Muncie, Indiana today.  It was held in a large Presbyterian church right beside the Ball State University campus.  Actually, these days, it's pretty much surrounded by Ball State buildings and parking lots.  I remember this same chiurch being down the street about half a block from our dorm when I attended Ball State, Fifty-some years ago.  I recognized the outside of the church but the college looked totally unfamiliar to me.  I know it was Ball State because the signs flanking the block long divided entry drive (very impressive) said so.  The almost new dormitory that we happily moved into all those years ago has now been torn down.  It got too old.  I think it might be fun to go back sometime when I have time and really explore all the new, and a few old familiar, features of the campus, but I'm not sure I could stand the questioning stares of those very young looking students. Maybe I can go along when one of my granddaughters does a campus visit there.  Speaking of which the third grandchild just got her beginner's driving permit yesterday.  That's three of them on the roads.  You've been warned.