Thursday, January 31, 2019

no more excuses

Well, if you've been putting off doing something, or not doing something, using the excuse "when hell freezes over" you're procrastination time is over.  It's official.  Hell has frozen over.  Hell, Michigan that is.  It was 14 degrees below zero there today. Just thought you ought to know.  

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

daredevil weather people

I'm always a little surprised but admittedly entertained by weather announcers who stand outside in hurricane force winds and chase tornadoes while warning us to stay inside.  Today they were playing with the cold.  While warning of the dangers of frostbite at minus 40 wind chill they proceeded to stand around outside demonstrating how cold it really was. Did you know that if you hang a wet t-shirt outside in sub-zero weather it will freeze into a flat solid board? I think some of our pioneer grandmothers wouldn't have been at all surprised.  They had to hang out laundry in all kinds of weather. 
If you fling a cup of hot water into the air it will freeze into a cloud of ice particles.  Ice cubes will freeze in an ice cube tray faster than in your freezer.  But my favorite was the egg demonstration.  Sometimes, on hot summer days, someone will fry an egg on a sidewalk.  Today a weatherman cracked an egg into a frying pan which had been sitting out side for an hour.  The egg instantly froze in the pan, but with the same shape and color as if it had been fried.  I especially liked that the weatherman warned us that if we tried this at home (which of course we shouldn't because we shouldn't go outside) we shouldn't eat the egg because it's not really cooked.  Really???

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

50 below

Once again I have a reason to celebrate retirement.  Tomorrow our high temperature will be below zero and the windchill might feel like 50 degrees below zero and I don't have to go anywhere.  Last year in New Zealand we visited an Antarctic science exhibit where we experienced standing, briefly, in a cold, windy room which replicated the average temperature and wind chill at the South Pole.  I guess if I want to repeat that experience I can just walk out on my balcony tomorrow morning. On second thought, I think I'll pass on that.  I've been watching the closing announcements scroll across the bottom of my TV screen and it looks like everything is closed.  I do feel sorry for anyone who needs to go to work tomorrow, especially amyone who needs to work outside.  On the other hand I applaud those heroes working to keep our water running and our electricity and heat on.  
My brother has a funny kind of cold related problem.  His little dog is, he feels, too old to go outside to relieve himself but the dog, being well trained, won't go on a wee wee pad in the house.  I think time will eventually solve this issue (no pun intended).  Cats are so much easier.  

Monday, January 28, 2019

time to let go

Today was a mushy, slippery, wet kind of day as you probably noticed.  So, when I had to go out this afternoon, I decided to wear an old pair of boots to save some wear and tear on my dressy black boots.  I actually have been planning to take these old boots on my trip to Finland in March because I understand we will need some sturdy snow/walking boots.  As I was walking around the large room where we hold our tutoring sessions, I noticed a funny flapping feeling down by my feet.  After the kids left, I checked out my good old boots and discovered that the soles had worked loose at the toes.  I had to walk carefully to avoid tripping.  I cautiously made my way to my car but by the time I got across the messy parking lot one sole fell off just as I was getting in my car and the other one had peeled more than half way off.  I peeled it the rest of the way off and drove home and walked into my building on the thin layer of sole that was left on each boot. I pitched the useless soles in the trash barrel by the entry from the garage and made it up to my apartment without loosing any more boot parts.  Then, after remembering that these boots are at least 35 years old (bougth when my husband and I were into cross-country skiing) and have been re-soled once, I made myself throw them away.  So sad, but now I can go boot shopping. There's always a silver lining.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

someone to think about

In the last couple of weeks at least three people have announced that they will be running for president in 2020.  I've been mildly interested and find myself leaning toward a woman president (no surprise there).  However, this evening on "20/20" I saw an interview with Howard Schultz, the owner of Starbucks, who said he plans to run for president in the next election, and will run as an independent because he is not happy with either the Democratic or Republican parties at this point.  I can certainly understand that.  I listened carefully to the interview and liked the answers he gave to the interviewer's questions.  He seems intelligent, well spoken, articulate and thoughtful.  Also, he's richer than Trump.  He can afford to fund an independent campaign.  Stay tuned.  This next election could be very interesting.  

Saturday, January 26, 2019

camping in the cold

I'm really glad it was sunny today, for the sake of the people camping across the street.  In the summer when I see that there is a reenactment happening at the Old Fort, which happens to be across the street from my apartment, I enjoy walking over to see what period they are living in and talking with the characters. It's a fun thing to do on a spring or summer afternoon.  While I enjoyed hearing the cannon boom a few times and appreciated the courage these campers showed in spending last night in the fort, I did not walk over to see what was going on.  I will admit it.  I am only a fair weather history buff.  I did notice that they appeard to have packed up and gone home by late this afternoon instead of staying the usual two nights - smart, very smart.  

Friday, January 25, 2019

Super Bowl anyone

I believe that the Super Bowl will be played in a few weeks.  I actually think I heard which teams will be playing on a recent newscast but the reason I am aware of this coming event is that I've been hearing commercials on TV saying how good the commercials will be during the Super Bowl, and how expensive.  Commercials promoting commercials?? I guess I shouldn't be surprised.  They are some of the most entertaining moments on television.  Some are so cute that I don't know what they're advertising.  If you're hoping for commercials for medical marijuana though, you will have to wait for another year, or several.  I don't know why people seem surprised that marijuana won't be advertised during the Super Bowl.  It is broadcast nationally (internationally?)  and medical marijuana is not yet legal everywhere.  I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to advertise illegal substances.  I'll probably tune in just long enough to see the big Bud horses.  I do have my prioriites straight.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

hooray for gravity

When I hear weather reports like the one I heard for tomorrow (wind chill below zero all day) I appreciate my current lifestyle and appreciate how much I owe to gravity.  When I lived in my house on an acre of land in the country, taking our the garbage meant trundling a big bin full of garbage bags out to the road over a driveway often covered with snow or ice.  Now that I live in an apartment I just carry my bag of garbage twenty steps down the hall and drop it down the chute.  I can hear it falling the full 10 stories and landing with a thump in the really big bin waiting in the basement.  Gravity is a good thing.  When I need to mail a letter, instead of walking out that same long driveway to put it in the mail box and flip the red flag up, after shoveling a clear space for the mailman to pull up to the mailbox, I simply walk twelve steps down the hall from my front door and drop my mail down the mail chute. Again the letters drop ten stories and this time land in the big mail box in the lobby.  When I first moved in here I feared that letters might get stuck somehow on the way down, but nothing ever has.  Again kudoes to gravity.  I know you're probably wondering who even mails letters these days, but sometimes I do.  I know, I know, call me old fashioned. Or perhaps that's an Old Fashioned calling me? Hummmmm?

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

true confession

Today is 'Handwriting Day' which is appropriate because I received a handwritten letter from my sister-in-law yesterday.  I enjoyed her letter very much, I always do, and I plan to write back to her tomorrow, but here's where the true confession comes in. While I will be sending my letter to her by snail mail (it's fun to get real mail sometimes), I will not be sending her a handwritten letter.  It's so much easier to type a letter on my laptop and print it out, and, as a side benefit, she will be able to read it.  I must admit that my handwriting is not particularly neat these days, especially after I've written a page or two. I suspect it's (gasp) age related.  It's not for lack of training.  I remember pages and pages of penmanship practice in grades three through eight.  I always enjoyed the pages of lower case 'c' the most.  If you wrote them right, they looked like rows and rows of ocean waves.  I did a lot of daydreaming in school.  

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Wasted sympathy?

Last night I was expressing my sympathy for people working out in the super cold to repair a water main break at Jefferson Point.  This morning I learned that the leak wasn't repaired yet.  Turns out they weren't goofing off.  They were working  on nine other water main breaks around the city.  So I guess I should have been feeling nine times the sympathy.  I've added 'fixing broken water mains' to my list of jobs I'm glad I never had to do.  There are others on my list.  For example, in college I worked in the library.  I always felt fortunate to work there instead of in the cafeteria.  Except, that is, when I had to go down into the spooky basement to find display materials.  One of my bosses had dabbled in taxidermy and several of the storage cabinets (unmarked of course) contained half preserved bird and small animal bodies.  Sorry, I digress.  The repair crew is evidently working on the Jefferson Point problem even as I type.  At least it's a lot warmer than last night.  Not hot mind you, but 39 degrees has to feel better than zero.  

Monday, January 21, 2019

Now that sounds coold

I was just listening to the news and heard about a water main break at a local shopping center, Jefferson Point.  Crews are working right now to find the source of the leak which is creating icy road conditions.  No surprise there, considering the low temperature we have had today.  But I must say, I can't imagine a much more miserable job tonight than slogging around in ice and water trying to make water main repairs.  
I'm sure the workers are skilled and can do the repairs as rapidly and efficiently as possible.  I'm pretty sure the weather will be a motivating factor and  I'm guessing no one will be standing around chatting.  

Sunday, January 20, 2019

church on the couch

Today was a cold day (no I didn't see any penguins) and I decided to keep warm and skip church.  Happily, to ease my guilt feelings, I remembered that our church is now live streaming the services so I watched the service on my computer.  Our head pastor started her welcome comments with "when two or three are gathered in his name" so I assumed I wasn't the only one who stayed home and stayed warm today.  It was interesting to see the service from the perspective of a camera perched in the choir loft.  I was able to hear the entire sermon which was very good, with a nice close-up of the pastor, but I did note some things about the production that I would like to see changed.  Of course no one has asked for my opinions but when has that ever stopped me? My number one concern was the fact that during the choir's anthem the camera stayed firmly aimed on the sanctuary steps where nothing was happening.  Shouldn't it have been aimed at the choir?  I know this live streaming is still a learning experience for our church but aiming at the action seems kind of obvious.  I'm sure the production will improve.  

Saturday, January 19, 2019

These special days make sense.

Today, according to my calendar, is "Popcorn Day" and I must say I have seldom seen a day more perfect for staying inside and eating popcorn.  Tomorrow is "Penguin Awareness Day" and I'm going to be watching (from inside of course). I will not be at all surprised to see a flock of penguins sliding down the river.  They should feel right at home in these conditions.  I will only really worry when I see the polar bears chasing them.

Friday, January 18, 2019

This could get interesting.

I saw the play "The Christians" at First Presbyterian Theater for the second time this evening.  It was every bit as intense as the first time I saw it.  It is basically the story of a pastor of a conservative Christian church who preaches a sermon saying that he doesn't believe in hell and also doesn't think only Christians go to heaven.  Not surprisingly this tears his church apart.  It's a very interesting exploration of different interpretations of some Christian scriptures. This evening I saw the play with a girlfriend and my brother, who happens to be a Methodist preacher.  Before the play started he saw an announcement in the program about a discussion of the play which will be held Wednesday evening at our church.  He has told me he wants to come, and plans to do a lot of reading and fact checking before Wednesday.  We don't get into deep theological discussions very often but I have suspected for a long time that he is more conservative in his religious beliefs than I am, which means he is more conservative than at least 50 percent of the congregation of First Pres. so the Wednesday evening discussion may be more interesting than I was expecting.  It's always good to stir things up.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Savor Fort Wayne

I took a friend out to dinner this evening to celebrate his birthday.  Since "Savor Fort Wayne" is going on this week we decided to try one of the downtown restaurants offering meals at a special price. After checking restaurants and their menus I decided on "Club Soda" and I must say they didn't disappoint.  My friend had prime rib and I had stuffed chicken breast, both very good, but I really enjoyed the extras.  The mushroom appetizer was yummy and the cute little cups of creme brulee for dessert were just perfect.  We will definitely be going back again.  

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Well, that was fun.

On most Wednesday evenings we gather at church for a T.O.W,N. meeting (Together On Wednesday Nights).  we start with a casual supper and then some evening program.  Sometimes it's a guest speaker, sometimes a facilitated discussion of some contemporary issue and sometimes a chance to do something to help others.  This evening was one of those helping evenings.  After a chili cook-off supper (my friend Marj won the 'best chili' prize) we packed 100 buckets (donated by Lowe's) with cleaning supplies to be shipped to disaster areas.  This is all coordinated with Presbyterian Disaster Relief.'  Each bucket was packed with laundry detergent and various other cleaners, a rope and clothes pins, sponges, scrub brushes, rubber gloves, work gloves, a face mask and much more.  I was amazed that they could snap the lids on after we crammed so much stuff into each bucket.  Our goal was to fill 100 buckets this evening and we had enough volunteers there that we were finished in 23 minutes.  Of course several other volunteers had spent hours earlier organizing, getting donated and reduced price items, and making sure things would run smoothly this evening,  Perhaps we should try for 200 next time?  or 500?

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

more lost and found

A few days ago I wrote about the little miracle I enjoyed in finding my lost ring.  I shared this story with friends in conversation over the last few days and I heard several of their accounts of lost and found rings.  Here are two of my favorites.  One person told me that several years ago his wife lost her engagement ring (actually it was engagement ring, wedding ring and anniversary ring all fused together).  They searched high and low, very similar to my search.  Several days later, after they had really given up hope, my friend was stepping out of the shower and felt a lump under his foot under the bath matt.  He checked it out and found the ring.  Their best guess was that one of their cats had been playing with it and hid it under there.
The other story I liked was from a friend who happened to glance down and saw that the diamond was gone from her engagement ring.  Again, she searched long and hard but no luck.  Then, as she was getting out of her car one day, she saw a sparkle and found her diamond on the floor between her seat and the door.  Her best guess is that the diamond dropped out as she was reaching back into the car for her purse one day.  It had been riding around with her for five days.  
I love happy endings.

Monday, January 14, 2019

It's beginning to fee a lot like...

WINTER!!!  I guess it was inevitable.  Although, with global warming, I had visions of our 50 degree days in late December and early January just nicely sliding into spring.  I mean, if we didn't have snow for Christmas, then why bother?  I've had several elevator conversations with other tenants who feel the same way, especially those who are just coming back from walking their dogs.  There is a size limit on the dogs who live here and you've never seen such a chilly collections of Chihuahuas, Pugs and other short hair little puppies.  I will admit they do wear some really cute sweaters though.  

Sunday, January 13, 2019

The song is running through my head...

Today is "Rubber Duckie Day" and anyone whose children ever watched "Sesame Street" can remember the refrain "Rubber Duckie you're the one...."  Sung lovingly by Bert or Ernie (I think it was Ernie).  Notwithstanding recently heard speculations on the sexual orientation of Bert and Ernie (why do people want to complicate a children's show??) I think they were delightful characters in a classic TV show and I'm happy to celebrate a little of their legacy.  Taking a bubble bath with a rubber duckie sounds like a lot more fun than tomorrow's special day which is "Organize Your Home Day."  I'm not sure why what sounds like someone's new year's resolution needs a special day.  I did get my Christmas tree down and stored away today, which is as much home organization as I plan to do.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

common sense

I imagine a lot of children were disappointed by today's snow storm.  An absolutely perfect snow day waisted on a Saturday.  It's not fair.  After driving home from a meeting at 3:00pm this afternoon I decided not to fulfill my evening obligation.  I was supposed to work as a front of house volunteer at First Presbyterian Theater this evening, but I texted the director and told him I wouldn't be there.  I don't drive much at night in the best of circumstances but trying to find my way in the dark and snow could have resulted in damage to my car or someone else's, not to mention damage to me or someone else.  Happily, the director was very understanding.  In fact he texted me back an hour later to tell me he had cancelled the show for this evening.  I'm so glad I let my common sense win over my sense of obligation.  You're welcome, world.

Friday, January 11, 2019

learning something new

A friend and I went to an art show this evening, sponsored by the Fort Wayne Art Guild at, of all places, the library.  Many people know that I think our Allen County library system and especially the downtown library are really quite wonderful.  But somehow, until this evening, I didn't know that the downtown library had a large art gallery space that hosts at least seven shows a year.  I guess I'm always focused on the bookish parts of the building, and of course Dunkin Donuts.  I had a chance to speak briefly to the curator (who knew the library had an art curator?) and she was telling me about the various groups who hold shows there throughout the year.  I will have to pay more attention.  About tonight's show;  I am happy to report that the Fort Wayne Art Guild has many talented members.  There were some truly beautiful paintings on display.  Attendees were invited to vote for one as their favorite and the winner would be awarded a People's Choice award.  We didn't stay long enough to hear who had won but it probably wasn't my choice.  I chose a lovely little watercolor named "Morning Fog"  or maybe it was "Morning Mist."  It was a small, beautifully done painting but not as big and splashy as some of the others.  In case you're wondering, yes, it did make me think about doing some painting but, no, I am not going to pursue that thought.  At least not until I run out of people to weave scarves for.  One art form at a time.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Lost and Found

I'm feeling like I've experienced a little post-Christmas miracle today.  Last week, while all my relatives from Spokane were visiting I misplaced my favorite silver ring.  It's not a very expensive ring. I paid $50 for it 20+ years ago. But it is very unique, Art Deco style, probably made in the 1920s or 30s, according to the salesman at the little pop-up antique booth in the mall where I bought it.  I've never seen another one quite liek it.  Over the years I've become a little superstitious about this ring and have worn it on almost every flight I've taken since I've owned it.  Anyway, back to my story.  I wore the ring the evening we all went out to dinner and when I came home the ring was a little tight so I left it on over night.  The next day, while visiting with the four children and two adults I absently mindedly slipped it off, and, I think, layed it on the end table by my sofa.  I didn't think anymore about it until the family left the next day and then I couldn't find it anywhere.  I literally searched high and low but I couldn't find it. Me, on my hands and knees, searching under furniture with a flashlight is not a pretty sight.  I even emptied my vaccuum cleaner bag for fear I might have sucked it up when I was doing some quick cleaning, but no luck.  I began to fear that I had accidentally thrown it away.  But today I started to take down my Christmas tree and there, on the floor, under the tree, was my ring, tucked in under the edge of the tree skirt.  I have no idea how it got there and I don't care.  I am just so pleased to have it back.  I will accept it as a quiet little miracle.  Oh, joy!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

I probably should..

A friend suggested today that I really should pay more attention to Facebook.  I have access to facebook and from time to time I will look at a picture posted by my daughter or daughter-in-law but my friend's contention was that if I checked it regularly I would know what's going on among my friends.  Case in point, we rode to lunch today with a mutual friend in her car which had just been detailed and looked really amazing for a 12 year old car.  If, I was told, I had been reaing facebook posts regularly I would have known several days ago that our friend had had her car detailed.  My question was "How has it negatively impacted my life to not get this knowledge until today?"  Her reply was that she stays in touch with grndchildren and other people through Facebook, which really didn't answer my question.  To Facebook or not to Facebook, that is the question.  I shall continue to think about it but I wouldn't want to rush into anything.  

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

What goes up...

...must come down.  I had a friend stop by today and I was a little embarrassed for her to see that my Christmas tree is still up, since I usually take it down by New Year's Day.  Until, that is, she admitted that her Christmas decorations are still up also. Later, at a meeting some women were talking about still needing to take their trees down.  I feel much better now.  In my defense, I had family visiting last week and I wanted them to see the tree.  My nephew had a lot of fun identifying the ornaments his mom had made and sent to me over the years.  His mom, my talented sister-in-law, and her husband, my brother, are coming to visit for a week in February.  Hmmm, maybe they would like to see the ornaments.  No! No! No!  I must take this tree down.  It's never as much fun as putting it up, but it must be done.  Happily, I don't have any committments on Thursday so that shall be my official 'take down the tree' day.  Unless, of course, something more exciting comes along.  One of my very best talents is procrastination.  I have been  a champion procrastinator since I was a child.  I read once that procrastinators are really perfectionist who don't want to start a project until they can do it perfectly.  Or maybe a procrastinator is soemone who would rather curl up with a good book than take down a Christmas tree.  You decide.

Monday, January 7, 2019

January special days

Here we are, only 7 days into January and I've already missed out on celebrating two special days.  Last Saturday, the 5th, was 'Spaghetti Day.'  I do make really excellent spaghetti, if I do say so myself but Saturday came and went and I didn't come anywhere near spaghetti.  And last Thursday, the 3rd was 'Chocolate Covered Cherry Day.'  In my defense, I was entertaining my nephew, his wife, their four children, my son and daughter and their families, for a total of 16 people squished into my apartment, so I think it's understandable that I didn't have time to check my calendar.  I'm sorry to have missed that day though.  When my mother-in-law was alive her very favorite candy was Chocolate Covered Cherries and my husband would give her a box of them every Christmas.  Because of the sweet sentiment, not to mention the really sweet taste, I would have eaten some in honor of my mother-in-law.  I don't even know if they still make the boxes of chocolate covered cherries like they used to, but I'm pretty sure DeBrands makes their own version.  Hummm, I may need to research this.  
By the way, today is 'National Bobsled Day' but I have no urge at all to celebrate that, especially since anyone riding a bobsled around here this week would need to have one on wheels.  

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Go see this play.

A friend and I saw the play "The Christians" at First Presbyterian Theater here in Fort Wayne yesterday evening.  It was an amazingly well acted and well produced play with an intensity not often felt in local theater productions.  The basic story is that of an evangelistic preacher who announces in his sermon one Sunday that Hell does not exist.  No matter where you stand on this theological question, the play is very thought provoking and totally engrossing.  I highly recommend it.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Shopping Spree, number one

Every year my Christmas gift to each of my four grandchildren is a shopping spree. I present it with a poem (which states the dollar amount) and small gift so they do have something from me to open.  Each event is one on one.  I take one grandchild to lunch (their choice of place) and we spend some time shopping for things I would never have thought to buy them.  Today was my youngest granddaughter's turn.  She is 14 now and has, for several years, been the first to schedule her shopping spree.  We lunched at Red Robin and shopped in the mall; no surprise there.  But gone are the days of "Build A Bear"  and "Justice."  Now we shop at "American Eagle," "Victoria's Secret" (the PINK section) and "Forever 21."  Ripped jeans were on her list.  I do not understand the appeal, but then, I'm old.  She also bought a couple of cute tops so it was a successful event.  On the way home, we drove through the car wash.  She likes car washes.  It's nice to know we can still enjoy some silly things together.  I suspect they realize by now that these shopping sprees are much more a gift to me than to them.  If they don't now, perhaps they will when they are grandparents.  

Friday, January 4, 2019

there is a reason

There is a reason why people have children when they are in their 20s or so.  It's exhausting work, fun but exhausting.  For the last two days and two nights I have hosted my nephew, his wife and their four children (ages 12, 10, 6 and 3).  We had a lot of fun, they are wonderful kids (and their parents are nice too). We explored Science Central, learned about 3-D printing at the library, played Jumping Monkeys and hung out with lots of other family members.  I have a lovely, two-bedroom apartment that always feels comfortably large to me, until you have 16 people milling around, eating, drinking and talking.  It was wonderful family time, but I must admit, when my nephew and his family left this morning, on their way to a new job in Virginia, I walked back into my apartment and savored the silence.  They may come back to visit this summer so we can go to the zoo.  I think I'll be ready by then.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

I changed my mind,

Yesterday I said that I wouldn't be making any New Year resolutions this year, but two news reports today made me change my mind,  My first resolution may be a repeat from last year, but it's worth restating - I resolve that I will never participate in a "Polar Plunge."  In fact, I will add that to my list of things I never want to do.  It's right up there with sky-diving.  My second resolution is that I will not (this year or any year) have a tattoo put on my eyeball.  Interestingly, that last possibility, which I had never even heard of, came up when a news reporter was listing some new laws that became effective in Indiana today.  It is now illegal to have your eyeball tattooed in Indiana, just in case you were considering it. I wonder how many people have actually had their eyeballs tattooed, and what kind of tattoo would you put on your eye? Another eyeball? Enough people must have tried this (and had some bad results, no surprise there) to make it a serious enough problem to create a law against it.  I just can't imagine.