Saturday, October 31, 2020


 Happy Halloween everyone.  Once again it's past the trick or treat hour and I have candy to spare.  Here's wishing the same for you.  Happy Halloween.  Here's my son-in law's favorite bad Halloween joke:  Why don't witches  have babies?  Because their husbands have hollow-wennies. 

Friday, October 30, 2020

too much of a good thing

My west coast brother sent me an amazing list of special days this morning.  Among other things today is 'buy a donut day,' bread stick day, candy corn day, pumpkin bread day and National Sugar Addiction Awareness Day.  In the spirit of the day, some friends and I ate at Ziano's this evening and had bread sticks.  Their bread sticks are amazing, all buttery and garlicky and cheesy.  Then on to manicotti (not on today's list but so good).  The item that really set me over the edge though was the dessert.  A chocolate cookie sounds innocent enough, right?  Not so innocent when it's six inches in diameter and covered three inches deep in ice cream and whipped cream and chocolate sauce.  We split it four ways and I still felt like I was going into sugar shock.  But, here's the sad thing, I want more! I am aware that I may be suffering from sugar addiction.  

Thursday, October 29, 2020

my game

 I enjoy game and reality shows and I've always harbored a deeply hidden wish to appear on one.  Sadly, until now, I've never found the right fit.  Since I have no rhythm or musical ability Dancing with the Stars and The Voice are out.   I don't have a zany enough family to be on Family Feud and I don't know enough of the answers to be on Jeopardy.  I don't have the physical ability ro be on American Ninja Warrior but finally, finally I think I've found my game.  It's a new one on TV called I can see Your Voice.  I couldn't be on it as a contestant, but since they need really bad singers as well as really good singers to try to fool the contestants I'd be a natural.  I've know for a long tine that my singing voice is not great.  When your one year old child, while being lovingly rocked to sleep with a lullaby, says "Stop singing Mommy." you know.   

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Well, now I've done it

 I have done my civic duty.  I voted today.  I chose to do early voting at a site within walking distance of my home and decided to vote in the mid afternoon when it wouldn't be too busy,  That evidently was what everyone else decided also.  When I got to the Rousseau Center the line of people waiting to vote stretched outside across the front of the building and around the corner and it's a big building.  Happily, the line moved pretty quickly.  Lines look longer when people are standing six feet apart.  I will say one thing for this coronavirus.  People are very polite in line, no pushing or shoving or crowding.  Everyone kept their masks on which was good but my glasses kept fogging up.  I did manage to read the ballot and vote for my choices, I think.  Anyway,  it's done now and it only took me 30 minutes start to finish.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

It's back.

 For the past few years "This is Us" has been one of my favorite TV shows so I was delighted to see that the new season was starting tonight.  I am not disappointed.  Not only are all my favorite people back, even the ones who have died (lots of flashbacks) but they are also dealing with lots of current issues.  The pandemic is going on, the mom has Alzheimer's, protests and riots are happening, there are family problems.  In other words, a condensed version of 2020.   Happily, they haven't mentioned politics at all.  Maybe they are saving that for next Tuesday night.  Yikes!  Too much reality probably isn't good for a person.  

Monday, October 26, 2020

feeling my way

 I had my second session today as a Zoom tutor.  That's tutoring via Zoom not tutoring in using Zoom but I'm sure you assumed that.  Happily, it was easier this time.  Last week I was so anxious about being able to handle the technology that I had a hard time focusing on my student,  But today I took a different approach.  I asked my ten-year-old student if he knew how to set up the white board feature so we could both write on it.  Of course he had it all figured out in no time, so we practiced by playing tic tac toe.  Not sure if the educational experience was everything his teacher was hoping for but we had fun.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

candy shopping

Sometime this week I will do my grocery shopping and stock up on some Halloween candy.  I don't ordinarily buy candy but this is a special time of year.  It's always good to have some on hand, right?  The fact that, in the five years I have lived here, there has never been even one trick or treater at my door doesn't enter into my decision.  It does, however, influence the kind of candy I will be buying.  I will buy chocolate, lots and lots of chocolate.   Good chocolate like Dove and Ghirardelli and Hershey's dark.  I promise to share if someone does come knocking on my tenth floor door.  I love Halloween.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

I'm thinking....

  I'm trying hard to think of something to write about today, but there just wasn't anything very exciting going on in my life.  Unless you count a three hour church meeting this morning - interesting but not particularly exciting.  Today is National Bologna Day but I really can't get very excited about bologna.  My husband used to like it fried but that never became one of my favorites.  It's also World Tripe Day.  According to Google, tripe is the edible lining of an animal's stomach, usually a cow or sheep.  Sounds a little like haggis without the stuffing.  Sorry but I don't even find the idea of tripe exciting and I'm not a picky eater.  So I have decided to toddle off to bed.  Perhaps I'll have an exciting dream or perhaps something wildly exciting will happen tomorrow. I know, be careful what you wish for.

Friday, October 23, 2020

glad to be a Hoosier

 At least for today, I am happy to live in Indiana.  I heard from my west coast brother earlier today.  He lives near Spokane, Washington, and he informed me that they are expecting their first significant snow tonight.  Also, their low temperature for the next two nights will be thirteen degrees.  Burrrr.....  I felt guilty telling him about the beautiful day we had here today, but I told him anyway.  It was the sisterly thing to do.  Of course I know that I won't be gloating for too long since his weather becomes ours within a week or so.  But at least the weathercasters aren't using the S word around here yet.  

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Is it over yet?

 I'm listening to the FINAL presidential debate.  I know I shouldn't but I can't seem to help myself.  I'm not going to change my mind about my voting choices but still I listen.  Have you had the experience of chipping or loosing a tooth?  Until it's fixed you just can't keep from sticking your tongue in that space, over and over again.  You just can't stop yourself.  That seems to be my reaction to debates.  Happily, it will all soon be over (at least the election part) and, regardless of who wins, at least this is what I hope, life will go on.  We will have a president and a congress and, if we're really lucky, a vaccine for Covid 19.  

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

party time

I recently attended a two part series, by Zoom of course, on planning your own funeral.  Now, I'm not planning on leaving this world any time soon but the idea of the classes was that it's a real help to your family to have some things planned out ahead of time.  I've been feeling ok about my funeral plans for the last several years because I have prepaid for my funeral and have a space reserved in our church's columbarium.  Now, suddenly, I'm aware of many other decisions I need to make.  

What do I want to be wearing when I'm cremated?  Seriously, some funeral homes require the corps to be dressed.  Maybe something polyester that would flame up fast.  Too bad I don't still have one of my old Century 21 blazers.  

Do I want to write my own obituary?  Maybe not a bad idea.  I could make it really good,  

Favorite hymns, favorite pre and postludes, what theme would I like for my memorial service?  Theme?  Dance party? Circus? Haunted House?  Harry Potter?  Camping?  

Do I want to make special bequests?  Do I have anything anyone wants? 

And on and on it goes.  20 pages and many notes later I am feeling like maybe I'll just let my kids or grandkids make all the decisions.  They could probably throw a really good party, and if they don't I can come back and haunt them.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

one more worry...

 I got my second shingles shot today.  It's a series of two, supposed to be best for the over 60 crowd.  I've known a few friends who have shingles and it is not something I ever want to experience.  But now I have another worry.  While waiting for my shot, I started to read the informative information they provided (never a good idea).  Shingles is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox.  You probably knew that.  After you have chickenpox the virus stays in your body and can cause shingles later in life.  Then the same virus can infect someone else with chickenpox.   It evidently never really goes away.  So now I'm wondering what about the coronavirus?  Once you have it, how long can it hang around in your body?  And who can you share it with and for how long?  Obviously we know it can be spread by sneezing and talking and singing but is there more we don't know about?  I'm guessing the answer is yes. 

Monday, October 19, 2020

Here we Zoom again.

 Today I started my fifth school year as a tutor for the Fort Wayne Community Schools Study Connections program.  For the past four years we met with our students in the large dining hall at First Pres, one tutor and one student per table.  The students had a snack and we did an hour's worth of work on any subjects they needed help with.  It was all so comfortable.  I could make eye contact, we could get up and walk around if we needed a break, we could read from the same book, look at the same math page - you get the idea.  Today, we met with our students for the first time this year, by Zoom.  It was definitely a different kind of experience. We 'met' with our students at 3:45 on line.  Then we waited while a few late comers signed on and while our host tried to get everything organized.  Then, finally, we got sent off to our separate 'chat rooms.'  I waited quite a while before my student showed up on my screen.  I found out later that he had been sent to the wrong tutor first (a case of two students with the same first name).  We finally had about twenty minutes together, just long enough to begin to get to know each other.  Going in, I was really concerned that I might not be able to handle the technology but that was not a problem this week.  I did find it amusing that my student was obviously Zooming from his bedroom.  It didn't bother me to see him leaning against some pillows but after the individual sessions were over and we were brought back to the large group, the host, coordinator, reminded the students that they were not supposed to be Zooming from their bedrooms.  I'm looking forward to next week and I really didn't think I'd be saying that.  

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Things I have carried home...

 I happened to be watching a show called "Collector" and the featured items were Snoopy collectables, including over a thousand dolls, toys. books, ornaments, and on and on.  The one piece that stirred my memories was a huge five foot tall plush Snoopy stuffed animal.  As the husband of the collecting couple was describing how he squeezed the huge dog into a box small enough to bring home on a plane, it reminded me of items I have carried home on planes from trips. The items I bring home from trips as souvenirs are almost always small and packable like magnets and jewelry, but because I don't drag large carry-on luggage through airports I always seem to have a hand free to help a friend.  There were frozen Dungeness crabs from Seattle (that was for my boss so I couldn't say no). Then there was the two foot tall metal rooster with sharp spurs that kept poking through the carry bag.  All the way from Spain,  My travel buddy who collects roosters couldn't resist.  One thing I didn't have to carry home was a carry-on bag.  I had left the US with a new carry-on bag that was larger than I really liked.  My favorite travel bag (an old camera bag of my husband's) had accidentally been sold when I downsized.  I found one a lot like the missing one in London and bought it,  So now I had one largish suitcase and two carry-ons to get home.  When I checked the large bag I asked how much more to also check the middle size bag.  Sounds, a little like Goldilocks and the Three Bears doesn't it?  Anyway, there was no charge to check the extra bag.  They were happy to have one less bag in the overhead bin.  

Saturday, October 17, 2020

You know you're getting old when,,,,,,

 You know you're way past middle age when:

your dentist's son is now your dentist,

your youngest grandchild just drove the family to Indy,

your doctor and pastor are younger than your children,

the sportscaster on TV looks about 12 and he's evidently married.

Feel free to add your own here...............

But all is not lost.  My attorney is actually my age.  Of course he does advertise himself as an Elder Attorney,  

Friday, October 16, 2020

the best kind of visit

 My niece and her husband arrived yesterday afternoon and stayed until noon today.  We had a really good time, went to dinner with more or the family, watched some TV, and had plenty of time for lively conversation.  We watched part of each of the Town Halls last night, which assured that we didn't lack for discussion topics.  Over the day and a half (we did take time out to sleep) we talked about politics,  religion, what Heaven might be like, politics, family members, food preferences, retirement plans, politics and so much more.  Thankfully, even though we disagreed on many points, especially our political views, we were able to laugh a lot, and we parted as friends, which is really good when you're family.  Fingers crossed that this warm fuzzy family feeling is still there after the election. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

They never give up/

 Earlier today I listened to a voice mail message that told me $179 had been charged to my Amazon account.  If this was a legitimate charge I was told to ignore the call and my order would arrive shortly.  They also left an 818 number that I could call with any questions.  I did have questions, primarily because I don't have an Amazon account and I was curious and a little suspicious so I decided to call Amazon.  However, before I called, I Googled their customer service number. I love Google.  What a surprise!  It was completely different from the number I had been told to call.  I called the real customer service number just for fun, and the nice voice (a real person's voice) assured me that Amazon doesn't work that way, it was no doubt a scam, and I should ignore the call.  I was happy to do that.  Another scam avoided, although won't I be surprised if a package arrives in the next few days? 

Tuesday, October 13, 2020


 This evening my niece, who lives in eastern Ohio at the moment, called to tell me that she and her almost husband (a long story) will be coming to town on Thursday.  She invited me to go to supper with them and of course I accepted.  Then, naturally, I invited them to spend the night, or weekend with me.  They accepted, at least for one night. At first I was feeling a little flustered, thinking about what I need to do before they get here.  Then I realized that they have given me the perfect amount of notice.  I have time, between other commitments, to put fresh sheets on their bed, touch up their bathroom, do a little vacuuming and dusting, and  that's it.  I do not have time to wash all the windows, scrub the floors, plan several meals, do a big grocery shopping and organize a big family get together.  Boy do I feel lucky.  

Monday, October 12, 2020

car care

 My Fiat dealership made the necessary brake repairs today, and, as promised, treated the situation as if it was still under warranty because they agreed with me that I shouldn't be having brake problems yet.  So I'm very happy.  Of course my ever sympathetic west coast brother reminded me that FIAT stands for Fix It Again Tony.  I had heard that old not so funny joke before.  Then, being an equal opportunity jokester and a long time Jeep owner, he told me that JEEP stands for Just Everyone Else's Parts.   Considering how many old Jeeps, running and otherwise, he and his sons have between them I'm sure there is a lot of parts swapping that goes on.  Unlike them, I have not resorted to making my own repairs.  My care care skills are limited to filling it with gas and running it through the car wash,  I have never felt compelled to change a tire or check my oil.  My women's lib instincts only go so far.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Please pass the pie.

 My favorite "out law", my daughter-in-law's mother goes to St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church in downtown Fort Wayne,  Every year, except for 2020 of course, they bake and sell a huge number of Dutch apple pies at the Johnny Apple Seed Festival.  Their booth is usually located near our First Pres cookie booth.  This year they decided to sell their pies for a week at their coffee shop on the corner of Broadway and Washington.  Today my friend texted me to let me know they were having a pre-sale in their church parking lot.  Since I have a fondness for pie, I decided I'd better take advantage of this opportunity.  I drove through and bought three pies, two frozen and one freshly baked.  The theory being that if I had to bake them first I wouldn't eat them so fast. Also, one might still be around for Thanksgiving?????  However, considering that I've already eaten two pieces since I bought the pies and got them home, about 3pm, and considering the fact that the pie is calling to me right now, the survival rate for pie may be pretty low.  Needless to say the pie is delicious.  

Saturday, October 10, 2020

A walk in the park

 I am trying to enjoy as much of this mild fall weather as I can as often as I can so I am taking short walks when I have time.  I have discovered that Freiman Square is the perfect place.  I can walk there and back in 20 minutes, and, if I want to take the time, I can sit on a bench and enjoy the flowers and fountains.  It is really beautiful this time of year.  When I go there, though, I always remember the time, a couple of summers ago, when I was sitting on a bench, minding my own business, and two charming young teenage girls came up and started talking to me.  They were part of a downtown experience with their church youth group and I'm pretty sure that when they saw me sitting on that bench they hoped I might be a homeless person they could help.  I was sorry to disappoint their mission efforts but we did end up having a delightful chat about living down town and the church I go to.  I think they actually walked away feeling relieved that they had accomplished their assignment without talking to anyone too scary.  

Friday, October 9, 2020

good old cars

 I have a confession.  From time to time I like to watch old Perry Mason reruns.  I like the stories but I also like the cars and clothes that remind me of my youth.  I never owned a convertible, which seems to be all they drove in California at least in this series.  Of course it was much easier to film people in cars with the tops down.  No seat belts of course and bench, not bucket, seats.  The cars were huge.  My happy memory is being able to sit close to my boyfriend, with his arm around me as he drove one handed to wherever we were going - possibly a drive-in movie but that's a whole different memory.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

ig news

 The big news of the day seems to be that a fly landed on VP Pence's head during the debate last night and evidently sat there for about a minute.  Nice to know people were paying such close attention to the topics being discussed.  The other big news, and this is important, is that the Fort Wayne Trader Joe's opens tomorrow at 9:00am.  Now you may not be excited by that news but my daughter-in-law certainly is.  Her biggest adjustment (besides winter weather) when she moved here from Phoenix was that there was no Trader Joe's in Fort Wayne.  For the last 14 years she has been making four or five trips a year to the Trader Joe's in Indianapolis to stock up on all her favorite items.  Such loyalty has finally been rewarded.  I'm so excited for her that I may have to check it out myself, someday.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

mostly civil

 The first vice presidential debate is over.  I did watch it all the way through and I haven't changed my mind about who I plan to vote for, but I do have a couple of observations.  First, it was a real and mostly civil debate.  Second, I think the Republican party would be well served if they just let Pence handle the debates from here on.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

a yummy day

Today is National German American Day and also National Noodles Day.  If you have even a little German heritage in your background (I'm about 3/4 German), this combination will seem perfectly natural to you.  When I was a child we spent many holidays at my Aunt Dora's house and we always had noodles with the big meal be it Christmas, Easter or Thanksgiving.  We also always had mashed potatoes.  Together.  Last year, when suppers before church meetings still happened, the menu one evening was beef and noodles and mashed potatoes.  I was one of the first people in line, I am not shy about food, and I had to backtrack so I could put potatoes on my plate first then pile the noodles on top.  After one of the servers watched me and several other people make this backward maneuver she switched the order of the pans so people could get the potatoes first.  The cook, who had set things up, had never before heard of putting noodles on mashed potatoes.  Obviously she wasn't German American but almost all of the committee members evidently were.  

Monday, October 5, 2020

another joke

 Here is the exercise class joke of the week.  Since my husband was a mathematician, I enjoyed this one.  A mathematician came home very late one night, actually he got there at 3:00am.  His wife, understandably upset, demanded to know why he was home so late.  "you promised that you would be home by 11:45." she said.  "No," he replied, "I said I would be home at a quarter of twelve." 

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Down memory lane....

 Today my grandson came to spend the day with me.  We had planned to go to dinner and watch some TV which we did.  During the afternoon I decided that it might be helpful if he would drag out a box that I have been meaning to go through ever since I moved here five years ago.  It has been carefully tucked away in a closet all this time and obviously not full of things I needed.  It turns out it was full of pictures and papers, lots of pictures and papers.  Many old family pictures.  I thought my 19 year old grandson might be mildly interested.  I didn't expect him to be quite so entertained.  Innocent questions like "Who's that?" seemed to be accompanied by laughter much too often.  "That's you?" said in a tone of utter disbelief wasn't very flattering either.  I had to swallow my pride but we did have fun.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

mixed feelings

Considering the fact that our president is currently in the hospital recovering from the coronavirus (hopefully - I'm not a fan but I don't wish anyone to suffer or die from the virus) I had very mixed feelings when my west coast brother told me that today is 'virus appreciation day.'  I find it really hard to appreciate this particular virus, although if it infects POTUS with some common sense and a dash of humility perhaps I will become a fan (of the virus, I mean).  

Friday, October 2, 2020

Place your bet.

Today is "Phineas Fogg Wager Day."  Not to be confused with "Phineas and Ferb," a popular TV cartoon when my grandchildren were younger.  Phineas Fogg, you may recall, is the hero of the Jules Verne novel "Around the World in 80 Days."  When the book was first published, 1872 in France, 1873 in England, the very idea was pure science fiction.  Now a person can fly from Indiana to Australia in 22 hours, but I admit that last 17 hours can feel like 80 days, especially if you're traveling with a friend who doesn't sleep on planes and there's a baby crying three rows behind you.  Can you tell that I am trying to talk myself out of missing traveling?  I'd like to be going around the world or anywhere.  Of course for the ultimate round the world experience hop on a space shuttle.  A trip on one is still pretty pricey but you can make the trip in 90 minutes.  

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Well, this is puzzling????

Today is International Day of Older Persons.  I must admit, I have never heard of this day before and I can't figure out why.  It seems to me that if Hallmark has huge sections of cards for Mothers Day and Fathers Day and Grandparents Day and Bosses Day they are missing a big opportunity here.  I mean everyone is an older person compared to someone else.  Some of us are older older people but still this seems like a mass market to me.  Insult cards - HaHa, you're older than me.  Loving cards - I love you even though you're older than me,  Religious cards - Is it true? You're older than Methuselah?  You get the idea.  For now I guess we'll just have to create our own cards.