Wednesday, August 31, 2022

I remember...

Today is "We Love Memories Day."  This is strangely appropriated for me because I have been immersed in memories off and on for the last several weeks, getting ready for our high school reunion (it has been 60 years, but whose counting).  We are meeting in person.  An older friend told me recently that they held their 70th reunion last year by Zoom.  The only trouble was that several of the people didn't know how to add their names to their pictures and classmates had a lot of trouble recognizing each other.  I really shouldn't laugh.  Considering our ages, I'll be lucky to recognize half of my classmates next week.  Lucky for us, we have met every five years, so the age shock shouldn't be quite so hard to take.  Also, we will be wearing nametags, with our first names printed large.  And talking about large print, I delivered the new reunion directory to be copied today, and I typed it with a larger than usual font (16) but I don't expect any complaints.  I had them copy it with a bright pink cover.  Why pink you may ask?  Our school colors were blue and white after all, but when we voted on our class colors we chose silver and pink.  I can only assume that all the boys were absent that day, or maybe they were dealing with the goat on the school roof.  But that's a story for another time.  

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

a sad story

 You might want to have a tissue handy.  This is such a sad story.  As promised in yesterday's blog, I did speak with my insurance agent today, actually her assistant, and questioned why my monthly payment was going to increase by almost $10 a month beginning in September. I did get an answer.  It turns out it had nothing to do with my recent accident or my age.  Too bad, I was kind of looking forward to a good argument, I mean firm talk.  Instead their rates went up several months ago but didn't affect me until September which is my renewal month.  The reason for this across the board increase?  (Cue the violins here) the poor insurance company was forced to raise their rates because everything is more expensive.  The cost of accident repairs and car rentals has gone way up.  I managed to not get all choked up as I listened to this tale of woe.  Then we had more discussion, explored options, tweaked my policy a little, and now, after a small refund, my monthly rate will be $5 less than, rather than $10 more than what I'm paying now.  I love a happy ending.  

Monday, August 29, 2022

Why, I wonder???

 I pay my automobile insurance monthly.  I actually have it automatically deducted, so there's no chance that I'll miss a payment and it's very convenient.  Today I received an email message from my insurance company, whom I have been with for over thirty-five years, that my monthly payment is going up by almost $10 a month.  Ouch! I am not pleased by this at all.  Now, I will admit that I was involved in an accident last month.  Some of you will recall the incident when the driver in the next lane opened his driver's side door in moving traffic and did some damage to the side of my car.  However, the other driver's insurance company agreed that it was his fault and have paid all of the expenses, so why should my insurance cost go up?  You may guess by the tone of this blog that I am a bit miffed.  I will be calling my agent tomorrow to talk this over.  I will not yell, but I will be firm.  My daughter assures me that my firm voice can be scary, but I don't think so.  If I find out that the reason isn't accident related, but instead age related (they already pulled that one on me a couple of years ago) I shall be even more upset.  Stay tuned.  

Sunday, August 28, 2022

restaurant review

 A couple of friends and I walked to the Bradley for lunch after church today.  It's a quick three-block walk from First Pres and there was no waiting for a table.  For some time various friends and I used to go to Proximo's for our Sunday lunch but it was evidently discovered, because now you can't get into Proximo's on Sundays until after 2:00pm if you don't have a reservation.  But the Bradley is more expensive, which may save it (a good thing from my perspective) from being crowded after church.  I had a pasta dish today with a white cheesy sauce and mushrooms and it was delicious.  It's also a quiet place, even with most tables full, and you can hear each other talking, which is a definite plus.  One more thing, I really appreciated the way they served my coffee, a hot cup full, real cream in a cold little pitcher, and a small, very well insulated little coffee pot which allowed me three hot refills with no waiting.  And of course there is the multi-patterned decor which you will appreciate if you happen to be into Vera Bradley.  One of the other ladies and I were carrying Vera Bradley purses which may or may not have gotten us better service.  Just kidding, but I did feel like I fit right in.  

Saturday, August 27, 2022

a pet peeve...

 I don't know why it is, but I don't like the word 'elderly.'  You can call me old, or over the hill, or a senior citizen, or even, as one guide on a trip called me - one of the Golden Girls, but don't call me elderly.  To me it should refer to someone in their 90s or older.  I commented on this to a friend and she suggested that perhaps elderly implies feeble to me.  Maybe that's it.  I just know it was a shock (no pun intended) when I heard about the elderly couple who were struck by lightening and killed, near the White House a few weeks ago.  The news announcer described them as an elderly married couple and then said they were 72 and 75 years old, both younger than me. Ouch.  At least I still know enough not to stand under a tree in a thunder and lightening storm.  Which prompts me to share one more T-shirt slogan: "I thought growing old would take longer."

Friday, August 26, 2022

getting ready...

 Today I met with a couple of friends to continue working on stuff for our 60 year high school reunion, coming up in two weeks.  We spent some time proofing the new directory so I can get it printed, and then discussed the catering (all taken care of) and the minimal decorating we plan to do for what will be a casual noontime dinner.  That was all fun, and we had a very pleasant time together.  But then things took a sober turn.  One friend pulled out some pictures from our 50 year reunion and as we looked at them, I realized that we all looked considerably older than ten years ago.  I don't know why that should shock me but somehow the decade from 68 to 78 seems to have taken quite a toll on our bodies and faces and hair.  You get the idea.  The years from 20 to 30 or even 30 to 40 didn't seem to have made much of a difference at all.  Even 40 to 50 was ok.  But now it's all going down hill.  I guess the only consolation is that I am not alone in this.  It reminds me of a T-shirt slogan I saw recently "Day 12 without chocolate, lost hearing in my left eye." Wait, that's not the right one, but it is kind of funny.  Here's the one I was thinking of "I hate it when I see an old person and then realize we went to high school together."

Thursday, August 25, 2022

I did it...

 This morning felt a little like getting up and going to work to me.  I needed to be at a celebration and recognition breakfast by 7:30am.  This was a little tricky because I don't do well driving in the dark, especially in unfamiliar territory.  Sign-in started at 7:00 and at 6:45 it was just beginning to get light.  But I made it on time and the breakfast, this was at Ceruti's, was very good, with plenty of coffee, which I needed.  This was basically a thank you event for all of us who volunteer as Study Connection tutors during the school year.  The keynote speaker was Sammie Vance, a very successful, and well spoken, 8th grader.  She began the Buddie Bench program in Fort Wayne and went on to write a book and get national recognition.  All very interesting.  Mayor Tom Henry also spoke.  All very nice and very interesting.  There was only one tiny flaw, at least as far as I was concerned.  The fifth grader who I tutored for the past two years was a wonderful young man, and at the end of this year I nominated him for the Outstanding Student award.  He really deserved it, in my opinion, but another student, tutored by another volunteer in our group, won the award.  I'm sorry, but I am a little miffed about this because I know she missed several sessions (my student never missed) and, and this isn't just my opinion, didn't work as hard as my student. And I wrote a really glowing and honest nomination letter. Ah well, award or no award, I feel confident my guy will do well in middle school.  But still....

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

great tools

 Today is National Knife Day and Can Opener Day.  For a long time I prided myself on using a manual can opener instead of an electric one.  Trying to be more 'green' in my cooking practices, you know.  But last year I finally bit the bullet and bought a very nice electric can opener.  It's so much easier to open large cans like cans of pumpkin and chili sauce. Of course I only open those kinds of cans about twice a year so I don't think I'm doing too much harm to the environment.  A few years ago my out-law (my daughter-in-law's mother) gave me a most excellent Christmas gift.  It is a rubber coated tool that looks like a large 'church key' but is made for opening tightly sealed jars.  Instead of banging a pickle jar on the counter or holding it under hot water, all I have to do is hook this jar opener on the edge of a jar (like you would hook a bottle opener on a beer bottle) lift up, and 'pop' the seal is broken, and the jar unscrews easily.  Unfortunately, I have never seen this nifty little gadget in any store.  If I ever do, I will certainly give many of them as Christmas gifts.  

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

A step back...

 When I was a youth I loved fairy tales, or any kind of good romance story actually.  And I was very fond of Classic Comic Books.  Do you remember those?  They were beautifully illustrated.  I was particularly fond of a copy I had of "Beauty and the Beast."

One of the advantages of living alone is that I can watch whatever I want to on TV and so tonight I treated myself to Rodgers and Hammerstein's "Cinderella."  It was lovely - beautiful music, great costumes, and, of course, a 'happily ever after' ending.  And the lengthy commercial interruptions allowed plenty of time to get more snacks from the kitchen.  It was a rare but wonderful totally indulgent evening.  

Monday, August 22, 2022

please pass the fruit.....

Today is National Eat a Peach Day and so I did.  Actually, I've been eating quite a lot of fruit lately.  If I do say so, I make a really good fruit salad, no apples, bananas or sugar.  I use pineapple to add sweetness, and all kinds of berries, peaches, grapes, cherries, watermelon and whatever other fruit looks good at the grocery store.  Since I had weekend company, I mixed up a bowlful of fruit salad, so we could have some with our Friday evening supper.  The only problem with my fruit salad is that, by the time I put in all the different kinds of fruit, it makes a huge bowl of salad.  I served my guests fruit salad for one supper and two breakfasts, and still had quite a lot left in the bowl.  So, after they left, I had fruit salad with supper last night, breakfast, lunch and supper today, and there is enough left for a generous helping for breakfast tomorrow.  Then, I think, I will not be making fruit salad for a while.  

Sunday, August 21, 2022

it's our day...

Today is National Senior Citizens Day.  Without even knowing what a special day this is, I celebrated by having a pecan waffle when I went to Joann's for lunch with some friends.  It was delicious.  Two of these friends have been visiting with me all weekend, and it was a busy weekend with a ball game, a play and more.  Lots of fun but not particularly relaxing.  After they headed for home this afternoon, I celebrated Senior Citizens Day alone, in a time honored way.  I sank into my recliner (have you ever noticed how recliners just suck you in?) and took a nap.  National Senior Citizens Day should probably be celebrated weekly.  I suggest Sunday afternoons. 

Saturday, August 20, 2022

if you want a good laugh...

 Just home from seeing "The Play that Goes Wrong" this evening at First Presbyterian Theater.  It was every actor's nightmare turned into a very funny play.  I think 'laugh a minute' is an overused cliche, but I really don't think there was a time when someone wasn't laughing.  So happy I was able to take friends who are visiting from out of town and to see our new drama director in an acting role.  You have one more chance to see this play, tomorrow (Sunday) at 2:00pm.  

PS Never underestimate the role the stage set plays in a production.

Friday, August 19, 2022

almost but not quite...

 I went to a baseball game with some friends this evening.  It was Star Wars night so there were kids, and some adults, in costumes and an occasional burst of Star Wars music.  The weather was perfect, the pop corn was good.  Just one tiny little flaw marred an otherwise perfect evening.  The TinCaps lost 2-4.  They played the Dayton Dragons who led 4-0 through most of the game.  The TinCaps' two runs came in the bottom of the 9th which did make for a lot of cheering toward the end, but alas they could not pull out a victory.  Ah well, there's always next time.  

Thursday, August 18, 2022

except sometimes???

Today is "Never Give Up Day." At first read through that sounds like a fine idea, but I must admit I have given up from time to time.  I failed spectacularly at water skiing and gave up trying to do it.  I also failed at down hill skiing although I did alright at cross country.  I once contemplated baking tiramisu for my daughter's birthday.  It's her favorite dessert, but when I read the list of ingredients and the steps needed to create this concoction, I gave up and bought some from a local restaurant instead.  I also gave up playing the piano.  I took lessons as a child for two years and again as an adult for a year, and finally had to admit that, when it comes to music, I belong in the audience.  It does seem like this musical ineptitude is really unfair.  My grandfather, my mother's father, could play any tune he heard on just about any instrument.  My mother played the piano beautifully.  Both of my brothers, both of my children, and two of my grandchildren played in high school marching bands.  I, on the other hand, evidently inherited my father's tin ear.  I blame my lack of ability to carry a tune on the fact that, as a child, I sat between my mother and father in church every Sunday.  My mother had a lovely singing voice; my father sang in a monotone.  I think that combination must have fried my little musical brain cells.  So the moral of this story is it's ok to give up sometimes, and quite possibly a blessing to the world in general.   

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

It's not what you think...

 Today's question on my page-a-day calendar is "What is a winklepicker?"  Now, don't get upset, it's not a dirty word.  It's also not a tool for picking your nose.  Are you ready for this?  A winklepicker is a shoe with a sharp-pointed toe.  Evidently they were popular in the 1950s.

I'm not sure if they were actual winklepickers, but I once owned a fabulous pair of shoes that should qualify.  It was early spring of 1968, I was newly engaged, and my fiance and I spent a lovely weekend in New York City.  We stayed in a nice hotel, ate at a posh restaurant, and during our Saturday roam around the city, came upon a shoe store with the most beautiful pair of blue shoes in the window.  They had very pointed toes, skinny high heels and a thin strap across the instep.  My dear heart decided that I really needed those shoes (he was an ankle man and loved to see me in high heels) and wonder of wonders they had them in my size.  Not always easy to find when you wear a 10 AAA,  I was young then and could walk around in those shoes all afternoon and into the evening, and I did.  I felt so elegant.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

a wild ride..

 Today is National Rollercoaster Day and that information came with a riddle - "What to you call a chicken who won't go on a rollercoaster?" and while we're on the subject of chickens - "What does a wicked chicken lay?"  But back to rollercoasters.  The last time, and also the one and only time I was on a large rollercoaster, my children were still in high school, so that makes it about 35 years ago.  Once was enough, I screamed through the whole ride.  We were enjoying a family weekend in Dollywood, after I had finished a five day relocation conference in Nashville, and my kids thought I really should try a rollercoaster at least once.  I agreed reluctantly.  I'm pretty sure my husband refused to ride, claiming he would take pictures.  Smart man. I do like some rides.  I will go on a Ferris Wheel or Merry-go-Round anytime.  Round and round, vertically or horizontally, works well for me.  Interestingly, back in my high school years I had two boyfriends (not at the same time) who absolutely refused to go on Ferris Wheels, and my husband wasn't too crazy about them either.  He claimed it was different for men and women because we have different centers of gravity.  As my granddaughter would say "Whatever."

Monday, August 15, 2022

just relax...

 My west coast brother has informed me that today is National Relaxation Day and also National Lemon Meringue Pie Day.  Sounds like a delicious combination.  Throw in a good book and a comfy recliner and you have the perfect relaxation combination.  To those who know me well, it will come as no surprise that I am actually an excellent relaxer.  I learned in college.  At Ball State, our required Phys Ed credits came in five week segments, two per quarter.  We were on the quarter system, rather than semesters.  Some of my class combinations were bowling and badminton, archery and swimming and relaxation techniques and folk dancing.  Relaxation was a winter class held at 8:00am, way across campus from my dorm.  I made it on time if not necessarily awake.  Our instructions were to lie down on exercise mats, flat on our backs, arms at our sides and listen as our instructor took us through the relaxation process.  Her quiet, almost hypnotic voice told us to relax our feet, legs, arms etc. and feel our whole bodies relaxing.  Then she came around and lifted our arm to see if it was limp and truly relaxed.  I was so good in this class.  I was always super relaxed, also asleep, but she never seemed to notice that, and always praised my total relaxation.  One of my best Phys Ed classes ever.  

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Downtown living.....

My daughter and son-in-law recently moved to a downtown neighborhood about three blocks from my apartment and this evening we had a little family gathering.  They were ready to let us see their house with furniture, very nice, and it was a good time to celebrate my grandson's girlfriend's birthday.  She's very nice and they seem to be getting serious, but that's another story. Even more fun was the fact that, instead of driving 25 minutes through heavy traffic to get to their old place north of Dupont Road, I walked to their new home in under ten minutes.  My grand-dogs were delighted that I had found them and snuggled right up on the couch with me while the people visited. Then (it just keeps getting better) we (just the people, not the dogs) walked from their new place to the Hoppy Gnome for supper.  Yum!  I recommend the Kimchi Chicken Fingers.  

Saturday, August 13, 2022

For Sale

 Today is 'National Garage Sale Day' and also the final day of 'Tea in the Afternoon Week.'  I do love tea in the afternoon, or anytime really, and in my mind really good garage sales and tea go together.  Early in our married life, my husband, children and I lived next door to the original Mrs. Clean.  She would have her whole house cleaned and be outside sweeping her driveway by 8:00am, while I was still in my bathrobe, feeding my kids breakfast and trying to wake up.  I would watch her admiringly from my kitchen window.  I can admire without being moved to emulate.  She was a very nice neighbor, and we spent some time almost every summer day sitting on her front porch, watching our kids play and sipping sweet tea.  She was originally from West Virginia and made the world's best sweet tea. When you're chasing toddlers all day, you don't worry about calories. Once a year she would decide that it was time to have our garage sale (always in her super neat garage of course).  We actually did pretty well at those garage sales since we had lots of children's clothes and toys to sell.  I always marveled at what she sold.  I did keep my children's clothes clean and in good condition and they sold well, but I never resold socks.  Somehow, my kids' socks always ended up looking dingy on the bottoms (probable from running around shoeless on my un-swept driveway).  My neighbor's children's white socks looked like they had just come out of the package.  Shoppers would marvel at those socks.  She may have owned shares in a bleach company.

Friday, August 12, 2022


 Today is "Truck Driver Day" so I salute all those truck drivers out there, especially the semi drivers.  I don't know about you, but I'm not in any hurry for them to be replaced with self driving trucks.  It was in the news a few months ago that teenagers were being taught to drive the big rigs and I'm not too keen on that either.  My Uncle Russ (who looked just like Clark Gable) drove a semi for many years, after WWII and into the sixties.  For most of that time he drove an overnight route from Youngstown, Ohio to Pittsburg and back again.  I don't remember what he was hauling but I was told about a couple of interesting incidents during his driving career.  He never caused an accident but one night he had pulled on to the shoulder of the road to change a flat tire.  He was well off the road and had put out all the necessary flares, but a drunk driver still managed to swerve off the road and hit him, breaking both of his legs.  Doctors said if he had been a shorter man he would have been killed.  

The other big excitement in his trucking career, and a much more satisfying event, was the night he helped a small plane in trouble land on the highway in front of him by slowing way down, putting on all his flashers, and keeping the highway open so the pilot could land.  They did this while communicating only with wing wagging and lights flashing.  It all worked out fine.

Years later, my oldest brother, not my west coast brother, tried his hand at long haul driving.  He drove for North American Van Lines and had some interesting experiences of his own.  Most of his driving was along the southern route from the mid west to California although he did get a taste of driving in big cities, including New York, which can't be fun when you're driving a semi.  After a few years he gave up trucking.  He said he just got too lonesome.  Even though he could chat with waitresses and other drivers at truck stops, it wasn't the same as being with family and friends.  I had never thought of trucking as being a lonely job, but my brother was a real people person, a type A for sure, and it just didn't work for him.  He went on to have a very successful career selling cars, a much better fit.

And last, but not least, my cousin Herb drove a milk truck for most of his adult life.  He drove that big tank truck from farm to farm collecting the milk that the farmers had collected from their cows and taking it to the plant to be pasteurized and processed.

And that's it, as far as I know, those were all of the big rig truckers in my family.  The biggest thing I ever drove was our VW bus.  

Thursday, August 11, 2022

the sand box

 This morning my west coast brother texted me and told me that today is Play in the Sand Day, and that brought back such a happy memory that I decided to share it.  This memory goes way back.  I had a wonderful kindergarten teacher named Audrey Wendolyn.  I thought she was beautiful.  During the year she was my teacher, she got married, and, joy of joys, invited all of her students to the wedding.  My mommy took me and it was dream making.  Watching her walk down the aisle was like watching a fairytale play out.  I have no idea what the groom looked like but I'm sure they 'lived happily ever after.' After the wedding my mommy bought me a bride doll to remember the event.  Do you remember those pre-Barbie dolls that came in square, flat boxes with a clear top, so you could see the doll's dress spread out in a circle?

But about playing in sand, my only other clear memory of kindergarten is the sandbox.  It was actually a sand table, so I could stand up to play in the sand.  This was nice at a time when little girls wore skirts to school.  The sand was clean and white and felt wonderful running through my fingers.  Such a lovely tactile memory. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

road trip

Todays question on my trivia calendar is "Where in the world can you find the Mutter Museum, home to many medical oddities, including a few slivers of Albert Einstein's brain?" I have never heard of this museum but my nurse friends may know.  The u in Mutter should have two little dots over it (an umlaut) but I haven't figured out how to do that.  But back to the question.

The answer is Philadelphia, PA.  Evidently this museum can be found inside the headquarters of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, which is one of the oldest private medical societies in the US.  It was founded 1787 and its Historical Medical Library is one of the country's oldest medical library.  You can Google the College of Physicians of Philadelphia and learn all sorts of additional information.  

It all sounds interesting to me.  Field trip anyone?

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

credit where it's due...

 I took a friend to the DMV this morning to get her picture ID updated.  It had expired and she needs it for a trip to Baltimore next month.  I must admit I wasn't looking forward to the experience.  Even though, over the last several years, I've been able to renew my license plates and driver's license on line, I still have memories of standing in long lines waiting to renew my license in the month of my birth, December, often with much of the wait outside, shivering in the cold. Today was a whole different experience.  My friend pulled a number, and before we could even sit down was called up to the counter.  While waiting for her I noticed a large banner on the wall saying that the Dupont site earned the status of best DMV site in the state last year.  I believe it.  I'm sure it helped that my friend had all the required documents with her; she was able to check on line to see what was required.  But, as we walked out, mission accomplished, seven minutes after we walked in, I was full of admiration for the smooth system and the courtesy, calmness and professionalism of the people working behind the counter.  So, and I never thought I'd say this, kudos to the DMV.

Monday, August 8, 2022

seeing stars

Tonight is Global Sleep Under the Stars Night and also International Cat Day.  As far as International Cat Day is concerned there's really nothing much to say.  Every cat I've ever know always assumed that every day was Cat Day.  

As for sleeping under the stars, it won't be tonight.  It's pouring down rain.  My last chance to sleep under the stars was when we traveled north of the Arctic circle in Lapland, Finland a few years ago.  We went with hopes of seeing the northern lights but no luck there.  They may be a myth.  However we did have several chances to see the amazing night sky and (and this was the most fun) we slept in a glass 'igloo' and my bed was right under the glass canopy.  A really fun way to see the stars without freezing.  We did take one late night sleigh ride in two person sleds pulled by reindeer.  It was fun, beautiful views, beautiful stars, but I have never been so cold in my life.  I would like for my next star gazing expedition be to the SW USA, where it's warm.  I know, I know, deserts get cold at night, but it's chilly cold not sub-zero.  Any one up for a trip to Mesa Verde?

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Oh happy day..

 My west coast brother informed me that today is American Family Day and requested that I blog something about the family.  Earlier today, answering questions from a good friend, I discovered that today is also Sisters Day and National Hand Loom Day.  I mention that last because I use a hand loom (actually a lap loom) to do all my craft work.  That really doesn't have anything to do with my family except that over the last few years I have gifted many family members with scarves woven on my loom.  And about Sisters Day, I don't have any biological sisters.  I did have a 'sister-cousin' who was very dear to me, and I have an amazing sister-in-law, married to my west coast brother; one of the smartest things he ever did.  But I'm also part of a very supportive and loving sisterhood, a yarn group we call Faith, Fiber and Fellowship or FFF for short.  Our weekly meetings are equal parts spending time knitting, crocheting, or in my case weaving, and very supportive conversation.  But about American Family Day, I hardly know where to start.  We were not a "Leave it to Beaver" family.  My mother certainly didn't wear pearls and cute dresses to clean house, but we were a very loving family, secure in our sense of belonging, of being American.  My father's grandparents had immigrated from Germany and they settled in a predominantly German-American community.  However, my dad's parents were determined that he would be American so they spoke only English in their home.  This was great except when he was sent to first grade, the teacher taught the classes in German.  He struggled through the first year but then, and I suspect my grandpa had something to do with this, it was decided that the children in the small Lutheran school would be taught in English.  I'm pretty sure this also had something to do with not wanting to be identified as German during WWI.  So, were we an American family?  Oh yes indeed.  

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Zoom on...

 In my opinion one of the greatest practices to come out of the pandemic was the wide spread use of Zoom meetings.  Happily, while pandemic restrictions have eased, some Zoom meetings still go on.  This morning was an example.  Once every three months representatives of the regional Presbyterian churches gather for a Presbytery meeting, usually in Indianapolis because it's centrally located.  However, during the pandemic we started meeting by Zoom and have continued to do so.  Interestingly, the meetings that used to last all day, especially if you include drive time, are now finished in under two hours.  I also, selfishly appreciate the fact that with so many people attending (there were over 70 today) everyone's pictures on the screen are postage stamp size, so I really don't need to worry about how I'm dressed (we all know the 'from the neck up' rule) and I certainly don't need to put on makeup.  Hooray for Zoom!

Friday, August 5, 2022

one more thought

 I wrote yesterday about the milk and cookies lady, one of my all time favorite real estate sellers, and writing that reminded of one more fun incident with her.  As I mentioned, she was a pro at the house selling process, so I wasn't surprised to find the house perfectly staged, fresh cookies and a pot of coffee and mugs on the kitchen counter for our first open house.  Needless to say, this encouraged potential buyers to linger so I was still showing people around the house well past the posted 4:00pm closing time.  My sellers knew the rule, no sellers at the open house, but assumed it was over, so came walking into the house as if they owned the place, which of course they did.  My lady was quick though.  As soon as she realized there were possible buyers still in the house, she pretended to be another house hunter.  This surprised her husband, but he caught on quickly and went along with the charade.  Needless to say, they were very enthusiastic about everything they were supposedly seeing for the first time.  Very convincing, and we did sell the house within a month.  

Thursday, August 4, 2022


Today is Chocolate Chip Cookie Day, a fine day indeed, I'm sure you'll agree, chocolate chip cookies are hard to resist.  Years ago, when I was selling real estate, I specialized in working with families being relocated in and out of town.  One day I had an appointment to list a house for a family who had been transferred many times before.  When I met with the lady of the house for the first time, the house was immaculate and there was a faint aroma of something baking in the air.  She was obviously a pro when it came to listing her homes.  Generally, I tried to be very professional when I met with clients to gather all the necessary information, and that professionalism included not accepting anything to eat or drink.  So, when the lady asked if I would like anything, I politely declined.  Then she said "Are you sure?  I have milk and chocolate chip cookies."  Now I ask you, what person who ever enjoyed after school snacks as a child, could possibly say no to milk and cookies at three o'clock in the afternoon?  Not me!  Needless to say their house sold very quickly.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022


 Yesterday I received notice, as did everyone else in my apartment complex, that beginning today radon tests would be done in the two buildings, beginning today and ending Friday.  This is evidently an EPA requirement but they've never done it before in the seven years I've lived here.  I'm really not too concerned about radon since I live on the 10th floor.  When I read the sentence in the notice that said "Your residence may be selected for placement of a measurement device." I laughed, thinking that they certainly weren't going to test apartments on the 10th floor.  In my prior life experience as a homeowner and Realtor radon tests were done in the basement, or, if the house didn't have a basement, then on the first floor of the dwelling.  So when someone knocked on my door at 9:15 this morning I was a little surprised, but, thankfully, dressed.  I am now the proud possessor of not one but two radon tests, side by side, on the wall inside my front door.  I am not allowed to open my windows but I can run my AC.  This is good since it's supposed to be hot and humid for the next couple of days.  I'm also not allowed to touch, move, tamper with, cover or in any other way fool with the tests or they might have to do them over.  I promise I'm not remotely tempted to fiddle with their test packets.  As I said, I'm really not concerned, but if they do find radon on my floor they are going to have a massive mediation project on their hands.  

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

more goodies

 August is shaping up to be a very good month.  Today is National Ice Cream Sandwich Day, Coloring Book Day and Dinosaurs Day.  Not so sure about the dinosaurs but settling down with an ice cream sandwich and a coloring book sounds good to me.  When I was in college, studying to be an art teacher, it was made very clear to us that children should express themselves and not be forced to color in coloring books or on coloring pages.  But I think there is a time and place for everything.  I remember, as a child, finding it very satisfying to color in coloring books, but I also liked to draw my own pictures.  If, as is especially possible this time of year, you have access to blank paper, a really good coloring book (I was partial to Cinderella) and a new box of crayons, hopefully at least 48, life is bliss.  

Monday, August 1, 2022

August already?

 It does seem like time moves faster these days.  When I was a child summers lasted forever.  Have you ever studied an hour glass?  I think the sand actually runs through at the same speed (any input on this would be appreciated) but as the top bulb empties the sand seems to run out faster and faster.  That's how I feel about recent years.  So here we are.  It's August first.  According to my west coast brother August is National Napping Month and National Eat Dessert First Month.  This sounds like my kind of month.  On the other hand, I'm pretty sure we are in the 'dog days' of summer.  My son-in-law evidently thinks so.  Each Christmas he gifts me with a calendar full of pictures of my family, especially the grandchildren.  Each month I look forward to flipping the page to see which pictures he has included.  This morning, as I excitedly flipped the page, I discovered that all of the August pictures are of my three granddogs.  Now, don't get me wrong, I like Wallace, Perry and Stewart, but cute pictures of them don't thrill me like pictures of my grandchildren.  Ah well, happy August everyone.