Tuesday, April 30, 2019

They agree on something!!!

This is so exciting.  I heard on the news today that some Democrat and Republican bigwigs met in Washington DC today to discuss infrastructure.  It seems they all agree that roads and bridges across the US need some work. The reporter referred to it as a 'facelift' but it seems to me that more than a coat of paint is needed in lots of places.  Once they have agreed on how much money can be spent (granted, this may take awhile) I would like to volunteer to suggest repairs they can start with.  (I know that grammatically that line should read 'repairs with which they can start) but it's late and I'm tired.) I mean, they have to start somewhere, right?  So why not right here in Allen County?  I would be very happy to point out 20 or 30 of my not-so-friendy neighborhood potholes.  I drive a small car which could get swallowed any day now.  

Monday, April 29, 2019

A scam....

...or not a scam?  I really don't know, but yesterday evening, when I logged on to my blog site a big warning sign popped up.  It filled the whole screen and informed me that I had three dangerous viruses that had infected my laptop.  it also said that I needed to click on the big button right now to solve the problem.  The sign had a logo in one corner that sort of looked like the 'windows' logo, but something about the whole thing jsut didn't feel right.  Perhaps I've gotten overly suspicious with all the warnings about scams that are flying around, but I decided not to click that (possibly innocent) button.  Instead, I turned everything off, then on again and ran my Malware program.  It had evidently been some time since I had last checked for bugs because it took several hours to run through its diagnostic program.  In case you haven't guessed by now, that's my excuse for not blogging last night.  Once it was running I didn't want to stop it, and I must say, my computer is runnung really well today.  I probably should do this more often. Now, of course. Malware wants me to buy their new, improved version.  I passed on this.  So was it a scam or not?  I will probably never know.  

Saturday, April 27, 2019

the Phil doesn't disappoint

The Fort Wayne Philharmonic performed Berlioz's "Fantastic Symphony"  ("Symphonie Fantastique" for purists) and it was amazing.  I had never heard this symphonybefore but I would certainly hear it again.  The music tells the story of an artist's love for an imaginary woman and moves from lyrical interludes to very intense sections toward the end where he imagines himself being hung for having killed his love.  A strangely twisted story transformed into wonderful music.
I should mention the piano soloist, Stewart Goodyear, who played the "Piano Concerto in A minor," Op. 16 by Grieg during the first half of the evening.  He was excellent also.  
All in all, an outstanding evening of music.
You can hear this program on Thursday, May 9 at 7:00pm on WBNI - 94.1 FM. It's worth a listen.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Power Ball actors

I wonder how announcers are chosen to read the winning lottery numbers?  Since I seldom buy lottery tickets (my husband used to call them a tax on the mathematically challenged) I have time to listen to the announcers without getting too hung up on the numbers.  I think it's amusing how they try to put so much enthusiasm into saying each number.  I can imagine the auditionss.  "Read the number 10 with feeling, now 11."  And what comes next?  If you excel at reading numbers on little balls, where do you go from there?  Nope, I can't thinl of the next logical step, but I doubt if you'll make much money from franchized reruns.  

Thursday, April 25, 2019

mind games

Two days ago I listed all the streets and intersections partially or completely blocked, making driving anywhere I want to go a challenge.  Yesterday I tried to fool the system by taking a different route and, as you might expect, when I crossed Clinton Street downtown the barricades that had closed lanes on both sides of the street the day before were gone. So, today I decided it might be safe to follow my usual route on Clinton. But no, as I turned on to Clinton from Superior (the corner is still blocked there) this morning, I discovered that, just for fun, they had closed the two center lanes.  But, hah, I showed them.  I needed to be in the far right lane anyway.  Tomorrow, just in case you're wondering, all of the streets will be open, no lanes closed.  I know this will be so because I don't need to drive anywhere tomorrow.  

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

penguins and otters and monkeys,

Oh my!  The zoo will be opening soon.  They showed some animals frolicking around on the evening news.  I haven't gone to the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo much in recent years.  My children are grown and my grandchildren are all teenagers so I don't have anyone to go with.  Now I do realize that I could go by myself, or with another adult but it's just not the same.  I might get a chance to go this summer.  I have a nephew who is living with his wife and four children in Maryland for the next two years.  They visited with me in January and said that they might come back in the summer to go to the zoo.  I mentioned this to a friend recently who laughed and pointed out that they are living near the Washington DC Zoo.  His point being that they probably wouldn't want to drive here to visit our zoo when they have a really big zoo near by.  But I think they will come.  There are advantages to a smaller zoo.  The main one being that you can see the whole zoo in one day.  When you have four children ranging in age from 3 to 12, a one-day zoo is nice.  I hope they do come.  It's always better to view a zoo through children's eyes.  

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Just because I'm paranoid...

doesn't mean someone isn't out to get me.  In this case I suspect the county and city road crews. Not only are they starting a long project to replace pipes along North Clinton, my most convenient way to go anywhere north of downtown, including my grocery store, they have also blocked off several blocks of Superior Street, and limited lanes on other sections.  Superior is, of course, my usual, easiest way to set out from my apartment to places downtown.  As I zigged and zagged around those barriers this morning to make it to South Clinton, I discovered that that usually four lane stretch of road was narrowed down to two (and sometimes one and a half) lanes with closures on both sides of the road.  I wish I owned the company that makes all those cones and barrels.  In case you're thinking "Well, Luci, you do live about a mile from several of the places you need to go.  Why don't you just walk?"  Believe me, the same thought has occurred to me.  The problem is much of the downtown road work involves putting in new corner sidewalks, which means I can't get to the cross walks.  I counted four intersections torn up on my way to a meetig this mornung.  Is it any wonder I'm feeling like someone is out to get me?

Monday, April 22, 2019

a bag lady?

I have become a 'baglady.'  Not the homeless kind, the trying to be organized kind.  I realized today as I looked at the bags lined up at the end of my desk that there might be a better way to organize my papers and stuff for various meetings and volunteer activities.  I have a bag for paperwork on the art collection at church and a bag for Session meeting stuff (actually that's more like a big bag (I use my CindaB briefcase for that one) and three big notebooks.  I also have a bag for tutoring a 4th grader and another for my Bible study and book club books. I have an ACPL bag for my library books, and, my favorite bag of all, the big bag my sister-in-law made for me that holds my weaving supplies.  
On second thought, maybe there isn't a better way to organize.  It may not be pretty but at least I know where everything is.  I'm just lucky that I've collected or been given a number of sturdy cloth bags over the years.  
And, if I ever need to haul several bags from my apartment to my car at one time, I can load them in my little grocery/laundry cart and wheel them around that way.  Now there's a bag lady image for you.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Another Easter come and almost gone

It was a good Easter for our family and I hope it was for you also.  The church service was beautiful, full of glorious music and a stirring message.  After wbich, eight of my family members gathered here at my place to enjoy a fairly traditional Easter dinner.  We had ham, green bean casserole (my brother's speciality), sweet potatoes, green salad, fruit salad, and all the usual 'fixins'.  We also had banana pudding cake (my daughter's contribution) for dessert.  It was all very tasty, few leftovers (always a good sign) and easy, fun conversation.  But I do have a question.  Some friends and I were talking earlier in the week about our Easter plans and we all commented that we would be having ham for Easter.  Then one in the group asked "Why ham?  Why is ham the traditional Easter meat?"  We all agreed that it probably wasn't what Jesus and his disciples had for their Passover dinner, since they were all good Jews, so why ham?  The obvious answer is that it tastes good, but is there another reason?  I would love to hear your thoughts on this.  

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Look Alike Day

Today is "National Look Alike Day."  I didn't know about this special day until I heard about it on the evening news but, ironically, I had an almost 'look alike' experience earlier today.  It wasn't exactly fun but it was interesting.  I attended the funeral of a younger friend's mother this afternoon. I learned that she (the mother) was three years younger than me.  As I was looking at pictures of her displayed around the room, I came upon one that looked like her high school graduation picture.  What was scary was that it also looked like my high school graduation picture.  Same color hair, similar hair style, same shape and color glasses, same color sweater.  It was kind of spooky, actually.  

Friday, April 19, 2019

Give me that old time religion...

I go to a church that advertises itself as offering "thoughtful worship for thinking people" and, for the most part, that approach suits me very well.  However, sometimes, especially around Easter and Christmas, it's nice to just experience emotions connected with my faith.  This evening was an opportunity to do just that.  I attended the Good Friday service hosted by our Korean congregation.  We did have translations for the scripture readings and hymns so it was easy to follow along.  The service was very traditional, with readings in Korean and English of Christ's seven words from the cross.  That was moving, but what moved me the most was the singing.  Our little Korean congregation contains many good singers and they are not afraid to sing out.  We sang several hymns I didn't know like "I Must Tell Jesus" but all of them had very singable melodies.  My favorites though were the old traditionals, especially "Blessed Assurance" and "The Old Rugged Cross." All in all an excellent worship experience. 

Thursday, April 18, 2019

April showers and April theater

If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flower bring?  Pilgrims!  Ha ha ha.  Sorry, I'm a little tired of rain and needed a laugh.  Happily, I was able to spend this evening inside, enjoying the last play of the season at First Presbyterian Theater.  "Ben Butler" is a funny play.  This may seem unlikely since it deals with run-away slaves seeking sanctuary in a Union fort early in the Civil war.  It's a fascinating, well-acted production full of some interesting twists, and I recommend it.  It runs weekends through April 4.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Fifty dollars later...

The charger on my computer is working, nothing wrong with the power cords except that they keep twisting themselves up.  I don't know why. None of my other electric cords behave that way.  A nice young man at A+ Computers ran some diagnostic tests, and showed me his trick for untwisting cords (so evidently I'm not the only one with this problem).  He agreed with me that the best real fix would be to replace the old dead battery with one I can actually charge so I won't be dragging the cord from desk to sofa and back again.  I looked briefly, and a little longingly, at the new computers they had on display, but, after seeing the prices (yikes!) decided a $50 investment in a new battery is my best decision right now.  The older I get, the more I believe in keeping old things running as lomg as possible.  The battery has been ordered and should be here in a week or so.  He didn't say why they didn't have one in stock.  I suspect that it has something to do with the age and/or model of my computer.  Ah well, such is life for computers and gray haired ladies.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

computer woes

I couldn't write my usual blog last night.  My computer wouldn't stay turned on.  It kept turning itself off, which is aggravating, especially when I'm trying to ger something written.  Tonight, so far, this same computer is behaving perfectly, like nothing ever happened.  I think it heard my muttered curses and threats to drop it off the balcony.  When it does turn itself off, it seems that the way to get it to come to life again is too pull out the power plug at the computer end and then plug it in again.  I'm hoping that this is only a problem with the electric cord and plan to take everything to A+ computers tomorrow to see what they can suggest.  Stay tuned.  

Sunday, April 14, 2019

a true fan

Remind me not to eat lunch at a sports bar, especially when lunching with an avid golf fan.  Today, a friend and I decide to have lunch at Proximos downtown after church,  When we got there the only seats immediately available were at the bar so we said "sure" and sat at the bar.  It was only after we had settled in and were given our menus that my friend noticed that the big golf tournament, the Augusta National, (you may have heard that it was played this weekend) was being shown on the TV at the end of the bar.  Turns out she's a big fan of Tiger Woods and got very excited as the game progressed.  I watched with mild interest.  It's always good to see an athlete manage a comeback.  My friend, on the other hand, shrieked, gasped, jumped around, shouted, and generally thoroughly enjoyed the end of the tournament.  Happily, there was no one sitting really near us so she didn't disturb any one too much.  At least I don't think so.  I must admit it was a lot more exciting with her sound effects than if I had just been watching it at home.  By the way, I had their version of Eggs Benedict made with pulled pork and served on cornbead.  Very good. 

Saturday, April 13, 2019

A tech success!

I'm feeling quite proud of myself, or at least relieved. right now.  No, I haven't thrown my shoulder out patting myself on the back, but I am feeling good.  I have recently taken on a new volunteer position at church.  I am the newly elected Clerk of Session (a kind of impressive title for secretary).  Part of my job is communicating by email with the 24 people on the committee so I knew I needed to create a contact group because it's a whole lot easier to send emails to a large number of people that way.  Over the years, I have created other contact groups so I didn't expect a problem.  However, since the last time I created such a group, gmail has reconfigured some things.  It took me a few hours, spread over three evenings to finally find the symbol I needed, get into the right program, and finally, this evening, get all the names and emails entered into a contact group.  Really, taking so long to figure this out is nothing to be proud of.  Any 12 year old could probably have done it in ten minutes.  But I admit to being technologically challenged and so I savor every hard won victory.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Slightly ahead of the game

I counted my money after I got home this evening and discovered that I am two dollars ahead of the game.  Which means I haven't, as I feared, spent more than I've sold at the garage sale, but it's a close thing.  Ah well, it's all for charity.  I will say my little blue Fiat performed admirably.  With front and back seats flipped down on the passenger side we were able to slide the shelf unit easily into my car so getting it to my apartment building was easy.  Getting it from the parking garage to my apartment was a bit more of a challenge.  I borrowed a luggage cart from the office and that made getting it into the building fairly easy.  A nice young man helped me with the double doors.  But I discovered that it was too tall, standing on the cart, to fit into the elevator, so I manhandled (womanhandled?) it into the elevator, watched in dismay as the door closed and the elevator took off without me, waited 'til the same elevator came back down again, with my shelf still on it, and finally made it up to my apartment.  I am happy to report that it fits and looks good just where I had planned to put it.  Which is a good thing because I'm not hauling it down again.  

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Well, it's almost mine.

My friend and I got our table set up for the garage sale.  Her stuff takes up about 3/4 of the table space and quite a bit of floor space, which is about what I expected.  This evening the sale was open for just an hour for church members and staff.  I sold three paperback books to a lady who explained that she had to buy her books at garage sales because she likes to read in the bath, and, if she falls asleep, tends to ruin library books.  Whatever the reason, I was glad for the sale.  And yes, I bought the wicker shelf unit.  Now all I need to do is get it home.  My son-in-law will haul it in his truck if all else fails but, when I got home this evening, I flipped seats down in my little car and I think it will fit.  It's a little over six feet tall but not too wide or deep.  I'll find out tomorrow.  I learned, before I bought my dubious treasure, that a church friend also wanted it.  I was going to let her buy it but she told me that her husband didn't like it, so I bought it.  I don't feel too guilty since the money goes to local church mission work.  So win win all the way.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

garage sale, continued

This evening, during a meeting at church, we were given a 15 minute break which gave us time to explore the tables of stuff which has already been set out for the sale this Friday (9-4) and Saturday (9-2). The meeting just happened to be in the same room where the sale is being set up.  I saw lots of lovely things and many things that were not so lovely.  Old filing cabinets, vinyl records, a slide projector (remember those?), stacks and stacks of dishes, Christmas decorations, books, lamps, furniture and so much more.  So many things that I don't need and don't have room for.  I am curiously drawn to one tall, narrow, natural wicker set of shelves.  I don't know why I like this thing or where I would put it (although I have some ideas) or even if I can fit it into my car to bring it home, but I have a sinking feeling that, if it's cheap, it my just follow me home.  If it doesn't work out I can always re-donate it to the sale next year.  

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

giant garage sale

A friend and I are renting a table together at the First Pres Giant Garage Sale which is this Friday and Saturday.  I suggested this because my friend recently had to move a lot of antiques out of an antique consignment shop that was going out of business.  Most of the table will be her stuff (I mean treasures) but she insists that I should put a few things in the sale myself.  The problem is that I downsized pretty thoroughly three years ago, so I don't have that much stuff to get rid of.  Although, if I'm honest with myself  I don't really need 5 suitcases, no matter how much I travel.  I also have a fine collection of DVDs of the plays I have been in over the years.  Do you think those would sell for big bucks??  Hah, hah, hah.  I'll keep thinking.

Monday, April 8, 2019

How can this be?

I just saw a headline that said atheism has become the largest religion in the United States.  Really?  I thought atheists, by definition, didn't believe in any god.  How can not believing be a religion?  Do they congregate together and sing songs and listen to sermons about what they don't believe?  I'm sorry, it's late, I'm tired and I will have to think about this more tomorrow, or maybe not.  I will be upset if they start sending missionaries knocking on my door to ask if I've been unsaved.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

it's official

I know that technically spring started a few weeks ago but this morning I had proof positive that it's really, really here.  I woke up early and the birds were singing loud and long.  I'm not talking geese here, although they were adding their two cents worth.  It's the little birds singing at least three distinctive songs that had my heart singing.  I haven't heard these exuberant voices since way last fall.  Of course I have no idea what these birds are "saying" to each other. For all I know they are claiming territory or trying to line up birdy babysitters but to me they sound happy.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

another look at Finland

I think this building in Helsinki is really quite imoressive.  It sits on a high hill with many steps leading up to it.  71 percent of the citizens of Finland are Lutheran and this is a Lutheran Cathedral.  
And speaking of Lutheran churches, this is a view of the pipe organ in another Lutheran church in Helsinki.  This building is unique because it was carved into a rock (small mountain) in downtown Helsinki.  I wasn't able to get a good outside view because it just looks like a rather simple smoothed wall and doorway leading into the church.  But well worth seeing inside.

Friday, April 5, 2019

While my back was turned...

I spent a little time out on my balcony today because it was warm enough to do that, and I discovered that, while I was traveling, the crew that had been working on the other side of the bridge clearing overgrowth along the riverbanks got to work on our side.  There is a big long swath of bare riverbank across the river from our building.  I don't really mind the freshly shaved look because I know that nature will pretty quickly supply new growth.  I am sorry that they couldn't wait a week so I could see how they did it. Ah well.  
On my side of the river, the trees are still in place which means that my plastic bag is still there also.  I will admit that it is beginning to look a little weather worn but it's still there (14 months and counting), and now, twelve trees east, there is another white bag caught in a tree. Who knows how long it will hang around.  
Have I mentioned that I'm easily entertained?

Thursday, April 4, 2019

This is a view of one of the water front areas in Helsinki where condos sell for over a million dollars. Lots of interesting old buildings with water front view. Too bad it was a cloudy day.  One thing I really appreciated in Helsinki was a large grocery store right down town, less that a block from our hotel.  Maybe someday Fort Wayne will have something similar.  A person can dream.
In contrast, when we got to the far north the sun was shining.  This is a picture of the kind of log cabin we stayed in at Kakslauttanen (say that 10 times fast) Resort. They called these cabins Kilos and if you look closely you can see the glass half-dome room on the north end. This is where I slept and I loved being able to see the stars overhead as I fell asleep.  These cabins could sleep 4-6 and felt quite luxurious for two people. It seemed more luxurious to me when I found that a van would pick us up and take us to the big lodge where we ate all our meals.  I can walk a half mile on level ground with no problem but icy, snow covered, up and down hills in COLD weather is not my idea of a fun walk.  Much as I enjoyed this trip, I found myself thinking longingly of a previous trip to warm, sunny Spain. I will not be moving north of the Arctic Circle any time soon.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

This is a copy of a map our guide shared with us, showing where our resort was.  The red line indicates the Arctic Circle so you can see we were quite far north.
Of course all we had to do was look around to know we were pretty far north. It was beautiful.  We had two clear nights and the stars were spectacular.  Too bad about the northern lights but lots of other natural beauty to enjoy.  

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

never say never

Well, finally, I figured it out.  Here is one view of a street scene in Helsinki, the capital of Finland.  Somd fun facts about Finland.  It was ruled by Russia (right next door) for over 100 years and before that by Sweden for many years.  Now they are very proud to be an independent country.  71 percent of the people in Finland are Lutheran and (this is just my personal observation) there are a lot of tall people in Finland..

a quest for pictures

The problem with taking only one major trip a year is that, after each trip I need to re-learn how to download pictures onto my computer.  You would think this would be a straightforward matter and sometimes it is.  But sometimes, like this evening, while I saw the little pictures show up on my computer screen, they have now disappeared.  I'm sorry, but you will just have to believe, at least for another day or so, that I really did go on a chilly but beautiful trip to the snowy north.  

Monday, April 1, 2019

Not long enough?

Fun fact - sauna is the only word of Finnish origin commonly used in English.  The cabin we stayed in came equiped with a sauna so my friend and I decided to try it.  I was underwhelmed.  It was pleasant enough for a little while but after 15 minutes or so I was ready to get out.  I think I probably didn't stay in long enough.  We did follow the heating directions and poured the ladles of water over the hot rocks producing plenty of steam, and it was good to breathe humid air for a little while but I did not feel any compulsion to run outside and roll in the snow.  When we were in Helsinki earlier in the trip we were driven by a public sauna where three young ladies were standing outside in bathing suits ready to jump in the very cold lake.  The air temperature was about 32 degrees.  They obviously had steamed long enough to really want to cool down. Personally, I get more pleasure from a long hot shower.  As another friend on the trip said "It was an interesting experience but not worth remodeling the house to put in a sauna."