Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Superbowl Clueless

I was reminded yesterday that this coming Sunday is Superbowl Sunday. Now I will admit to having heard of Superbowl Sunday and have, over the years, even watched bits and pieces of some of the games (on TV of course). But this year the only thing I will be doing that's even a little bit Superbowl related is helping to cook up a big batch of ham and bean soup at our church on Saturday morning so we can sell it on Sunday morning to anyone who might want a bowl of soup with their Super Bowl entertainment, or possibly to drown their sorrows if the game doesn't go their way. A good bowl of ham and bean soup makes everything better.  I'm sure a lot of fans will find the big game very entertaining but it will have to be really, really good to top the excitement of the last game of the 2016 World Series. By the way, does anyone know who's playing?

Monday, January 30, 2017

yesterday was Curmudgeons Day

Last night I missed writing in this blog but it was for the best possible reason. I was tired and happy after spending most of the day with my daughter and her family. We were all celebrating her safe return from a six month deployment. But, since I didn't write yesterday, I must comment on the special day that was celebrated yesterday. Yesterday was Curmudgeons Day. I was much too busy being happy to act like a curmudgeon but happily I have another chance. I have a small part in an upcoming play at First Presbyterian Theater and the role is definitely curmudgeonly. I get to be nasty, harsh and grumpy in both of my scenes. In fact the director has told me that I am too smiley by nature and I need to practice pursing my mouth and looking mean. So don't be surprised if you see me looking mean. I'm only practicing. It's just an act. Today, on the other hand, is Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day and who doesn't appreciate a good session of bubble popping? That should bring a smile to everyone's face. Sadly I used my last piece of bubble wrap to wrap a package lately so I guess I'm back to being curmudgeon;y.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

See this movie

I saw a really great movie today. It's called "Hidden Figures" and it deals with the early days of the US space race. I had no idea how much of the calculating / computing of trajectories etc. was still being done manually when the space program was started. I enjoyed seeing the early - fills a whole large room - IBM computer with punch cards which reminded me of the earliest days in my husband's computer software career. Of course, on a more human level it was the story of some really amazing people, including a lot of women, who made it all happen. I'm not at all surprised that this movie received several Academy Award nominations. It was really very good. How long has it been since you applauded at the end of a movie in a theater. The audience did today.
I opened a help ticket earlier today, number 1056369. No response yet and now my cell phone is saying "this phone isn't configured to make calls. Do you want to change this phone's plan?" I've been very happy with Republic up til now and do not want to change plans but I must have a working phone. Please help.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Kazoo Day

I see on my nifty calendar that tomorrow, well today technically, is Kazoo Day which suits me just fine. I feel like tooting a kazoo, or blowing a horn or making loud joyous music somehow because my daughter, who has been deployed for six long months will be home.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

feeding the hungry

On the fourth Thursday of each month women of our church gather to fix lunch for anyone in the neighborhood looking for a place to warm up, relax, enjoy a good lunch and, after lunch is over, play BINGO. We also have a big supply of clothing on hand that people can help themselves to. I was pleased to see some really nice warm coats in the selection of clothes available. Today we served chili, salad, and cookies. Everything went fast. After lunch people really get excited about BINGO. We give $1 to anyone who gets a BINGO until our cash runs out. Today one of our pastors said that she had never called a BINGO game and had always wanted to so we let her call the game. She did very well, having a good loud preacher's voice, and seemed to have as much fun as the players. We try to have as many different winners as possible but it always seems like some people win multiple times while others not at all. Happily, there don't seem to be any ill feelings. All in all a great way to spend a Thursday.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

pondering medical marijuana

I heard on the news today that a veteran's association is trying to get the government to approve the use of medical marijuana to treat veterans. I have never smoked marijuana or even eaten a marijuana brownie, not, you understand because of a particularly high moral or ethical stance (although I will admit that I've never liked the idea of loosing control of my mental facilities, even temporarily) but primarily, i guess, because I was never offered any in college or later. I must have led a very sheltered life. But getting back to the idea of using marijuana as a medical treatment, I actually think that's a very good idea. I remember learning, years after my mother died of cancer, that marijuana can be very effective in treating nausea. Back in the 60's her chemo therapy involved a week of treatment followed by two weeks of feeling nauseous followed by one week of feeling pretty good. Then the whole process started over. I've know of other people too who became agonizingly thin during chemo therapy because they always felt too sick to eat. If there is a treatment out there that can overcome the nausea and kill some of the pain then why not use it? If I should ever end up with cancer I hope someone will bake me some brownies.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Alternate Truths

Evidently people in and out of the Trump administration are being accused of promoting alternate or alternative truths. I find this to be a fascinating concept. I can understand differences of opinion or beliefs but alternative truths seems like a more interesting concept. I have no idea who's correct about how many people attended the inauguration or how many millions of illegal votes were cast. But if this is going to become an acceptable approach to the truth I have a few alternate truths of my own to put forth. Here goes: 70 is the new 40. I still weigh what I did in college, I only ever eat healthy foods. I only ever read serious, motivational books. I exercise every day. I keep my apartment spotlessly clean. I only dress in the latest fashions.  Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha....
That was fun.  Feel free to indulge in your own alternate truths.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Library reflections

I sat here this evening in my pajamas and bathrobe and renewed five library books, two of which are books on CD.. I also noticed that I have a 25 cent fine due which I will pay the next time I am actually physically in a library. I love this modern convenience. I like to be able to check out books quickly on their nifty machines, return books at the downtown drive through, reserve books on line and so much more. But I must admit that a part of me misses the little library in the town where I grew up where the only librarian knew me by name and also remembered my father, as a child, "reading every book in the library".I liked to watch her stamp the due date on the card, then slide it back into the little pocket glued into the front of the book, and again and again until all of the books I had selected were mine to take home for a magical two weeks. I generally went to the library while my mother was grocery shopping. She knew I wouldn't get into any trouble there. The closest match I had to that experience as an adult was visiting the bookmobile that came through our neighborhood once a week. I would bundle my two little ones into the big old English baby buggy my sister-in-law had loaned me, add all the library books to be returned and push them the half block to the bookmobile stop. The driver knew me by name I was a regular after all, and the kids and I would spend a blissful half hour exploring the newest offerings. Happy memories, but the most glorious thing about the library, then and now, is that it's all free, free, free (except for an occasional pesky fine). There is just no better entertainment value anywhere than the public library.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

What on earth is pogonophobia?

That is the question posed on my trivia calendar today. Pogonophobia? Sounds like a fear of pogo sticks doesn't it. Or maybe it's the fear of being run over by a mad man on a pogo stick? Or maybe its a fear of the old comic strip character Pogo? Those were my guesses but no, it turns out Pogonophobia has nothing to do with pogo sticks at all. Pogonophobia, it turns out, is the fear of beards. So now I'm wondering what kind of beards scare people. It's a good thing the ladies on "Duck Dynasty" aren't afraid of beards. Those big bushy long beards don't exactly scare me but you never know what might be lurking in them. My late husband had a beard but it was a nicely trimmed Kenny Rogers style beard. For a long time he had our grandchildren convinced that a herd of tiny little elephants lived there. I'm pretty sure I will never be bothered by pogonophobia unless of course I start sprouting a beard of my own. Weird things happen when a women reaches a certain age but that would really be scary.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Let's hear it for the ladies

There were women's protest marches all over the US and in other countries around the world today. Here in Fort Wayne women marched on both sides of the abortion issue, and yet there was nothing on the news tonight about bricks through windows or cars set on fire. Thank you ladies for demonstrating how a protest is supposed to be done.

Friday, January 20, 2017

A really important day

Today is Presidential Inauguration Day in the USA. Anyone who knows me knows that I didn't vote for President Trump but now that he is our president I have adopted a wait and see, hope for the best attitude. I thought his speech today was really pretty interesting. What I don't understand is what the protesters think they will accomplish at this point, especially by breaking windows and burning up a car. The only thing I find more repellent is the fact that a few radicals out there seem to think that now, suddenly, America is only for white people.  As I said, I am adopting a wait and see attitude and I sincerely hope that what I will see is more people waiting and seeing. Patience people, I really think this is going to work out unless of course he tries to repeal Roe v Wade. Then I might have to march, but I promise I won't break windows or burn cars.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Better than dancing the Polka???

A friend suggested to me today that, while it's exciting to think that January is National Polka Music Month as I mentioned yesterday, today is an even more appetizing day. She told me, and it was mentioned later on the news (so it must be true) that today is National Popcorn Day! What an excellent day. While I can't dance the Polka, I certainly can pop popcorn. Just last week I popped up a double batch of my famous (well family famous) salt and pepper popcorn to share with my grandkids. It's an easy recipe. I use a hot air popper, supposed to be healthier, then pour on a generous amount of butter - thereby negating the health benefits, ah well. Then I sprinkle it liberally with salt and pepper. Yumm.  Then I heard that Mayor Tom Henry has named today the University of Saint Francis National Championship Day in honor of their first ever national championship in football which they won this season. Since Saint Francis is the college where I got my Masters Degree I am always pleased to hear of their successes. So sit back, enjoy some popcorn and watch a football game and you will have covered all the bases for this excellent day. Oh yes, it would probably be good if you had some Polka music playing quietly in the background. Oh, and have a beer in honor of the German Polka heritage. This day just gets better and better.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Put on your dancing shoes.

Are you ready for this? According to my calendar tomorrow is "January is National Polka Music Month" Day. (Today is Thesaurus Day but that just doesn't seem very interesting, or should I say stimulating?) Anyway, I hope you've been playing Polka music this month. I am not a Polka dancer or any sort of dancer really but I do enjoy seeing people dance the Polka. I get my chance once a year at German Fest here in Fort Wayne. That's also when I get my once a year glass (or should I say stein?) of good dark beer. Every year dancers of all ages whirl and twirl to the distinctive music. The best demonstration I've seen yet at German Fest was when two couples, who obviously knew what they were doing, danced in and out and around each other switching partners back and forth and moving seamlessly through the dance without a missed step. It was really lovely to watch. Hard to believe that at one time in history the Polka was considered risque because men put their arms around women's waists.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

"treading the boards" again

Out of the blue today I was offered a part in the next play at First Presbyterian Theater. Evidently the lady who was selected to play the part of 'Agatha' had backed out for some reason. I don't know the full story there. When auditions for this play "The Children's Hour" were scheduled I didn't try out because I thought I would be on vacation when the play was on. However, that vacation has since been rescheduled so I am free to be in this play. It's not a big part but it is a fun one. I am playing the part of a skeptical old house maid (I know, I know, type casting) who is highly suspicious of the lying, conniving little girl who has pulled the wool over her doting grandmother's eyes.  We did a first read through tonight and I think this is going to be a really good production. The teen playing the nasty granddaughter is really good. The show will be on during the weekends of March 11, 18 and 25 (just in case you want to mark your calendars.
And by the way, the play that is on at First Pres Theater now is called "Heroes", It's very good and it runs for two more weekends.

Monday, January 16, 2017

A Foggy, Foggy Day

I was out and about earlier today and got home about 2:00 pm. From then on I had a front row seat to watch the fog roll in.  It's been fascinating. For a long time the view from my balcony looked like a Japanese print with misty areas and brushed black trees. Later, still day-light outside, the fog was so thick I could barely see the trees 20 feet from my building. All very restful and quiet. It was a great day to stay in and read a good book which I did......OK, enough of this admiration of grayness. Bring on the sunshine! Please!!!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

another possible addiction

I am watching the first episode of "Victoria" on PBS and I strongly suspect that this will become a Sunday evening habit for as long as the series lasts. Between the beautiful clothes, the rats and the plot to declare the young queen insane so her mother and uncle can take over as regent it creates a nifty hodgepodge of plots and subplots. I can't help wondering if any of it is based on fact. Probably a very loose interpretation of history but fun nevertheless.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

another day, another spree

Today I took a third granddaughter on her post-Christmas shopping spree. We did the mall, Half Priced Books and Ulta. Then we had lunch at Cracker Barrel, an annual tradition with this particular grandchild. She has a fondness for their pancakes. This was preceded by a sleep-over. I cooked spaghetti for supper last night, scrambled eggs for breakfast this morning and generally had a busy, wonderful time. Now, however, I'm exhausted. Could it be an age thing?? Yawn....

Friday, January 13, 2017

What was I thinking?

I went shopping at the mall today, looking for a winter dressy top in a color to match some lovely amber earrings I was given for Christmas. Silly me, what was I thinking? It's January, obviously I should be shopping for swim suits, resort wear, and bright colored summer tops all of which are very nice but not what I was looking for. But all of which were readily available in every store I walked into. Although I did find some really nice fuzzy pajamas on a deep discount table so the day was not wasted,

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Has any one ever called you an Indianan?

According to the news today the federal government has approved calling the citizens of Indiana Hoosiers. Apparently, up til this time, official documents have referred to us as Indianans. It must be so because, when I typed it out, my computer didn't auto correct it. I have never, to my knowledge, been called an Indianan. They also made it clear that the term Hoosier applies to anyone who lives in Indiana whether born here or not. That's reassuring since I have lived most of my life in Indiana but was born in Maryland. Does that make me a Marylanden? No, spell checker doesn't like that. I guess I'll just be proud to be an official Hoosier.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

it seemed reasonable to me.

This past weekend a committee that I'm on spent two days visiting with a potential associate pastor for children, youth and families. During dinner on Sunday evening (at Biaggi's - yummy) this candidate made the comment to five of us gathered there that when he does some activities with youth or leads them in discussions he expects them to put their smart phones away. I, being a 72 year old person who enjoys live conversations with friends, saw nothing wrong with this at all. Imagine my surprise at a follow-up meeting this evening when the youth representative on our committee stated that he didn't like the idea of giving up his phone, even for a little while and none of the other kids would like it either. Among other things he said "You know, it's like in school, if the teacher's lecture gets boring you can just get out your phone and play a game or text someone." Really?  All four of my grandchildren, in four different middle and high schools, have told me that they are not allowed to have their phones out during school hours at all. So that's about six hours at a time that they are separated from their phones and they all seem to survive. Granted, at the end of the day almost every student I see walking out of school is on their phone. I accept that it isn't only kids who are super glued to their phones these days. On a trip to Scotland last summer I happened to look up from a conversation I was having with two other people in our group during dinner and realized that we three were the only ones talking. The other 13 were all sending and checking messages on their phones. Granted, we were eating Haggis o maybe they needed the distraction. And now truth compels me to admit that during our meeting this evening I was on my phone twice, briefly, to check on one of members who was running late. I also noticed that our youth, who was so concerned about phone restrictions, didn't touch his during the two hours that we met. I guess we were less boring than his teacher.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Admitting to an addiction

I admit it. I'm addicted. It happened gradually over several years but now I can't fight it. While I love going to the library - it's a life long habit - and roaming the aisles of book stores - new and used - it is just way too comfortable and convenient to buy books through Kindle. Late at night, having just finished a good book and longing to start the sequel, it's so easy to pull up Kindle on my Nexus, type in the author's name and hey, presto, there's the book I'm looking for. One click, they charge my credit card, and I can start reading, all from the comfort of my electric blanket heated bed. Since I haven't found a local chapter of EBRA (Electronic Book Readers Anonymous) I shall have to continue to deal with this addiction on my own. Ah well.....

Monday, January 9, 2017

the deed is done

Today I un-decorated and disassembled my Christmas tree and put it away. I also packed up and put away all the little and not so little bits of decoration all over the apartment and generally restored everything to its normal every day state. It had to be done. It happens every year but right now everything looks so empty. All the pretty lights are packed away. A casual friend told me recently that she keeps her tree up until April, changing the decorations for Valentines Day and Easter. In a way that sounds fun but I think I will continue to put everything away in January then I can look forward to the bright newness of it all after Thanksgiving next November. In the meantime I will start to dream of spring. It's bound to come some time. Right? Right! Hold that thought.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

a self driving car

Self driving cars are evidently, and not surprisingly, the hot item at current car shows. I think it would be fun to try a self driving car but I would like to experience it in virtual reality first (much more relaxing). I'm wondering though, how much can a self driving car do? Can it take me through the car wash or the drive through window at McDonald's or the drive up window at the bank? Can it pump its own gas? And what about cost? I have a feeling that I could pay for a whole lot of taxi and bus rides for the cost of a new SDC. Although, if it could come and pick me up at the door so I don't need to remember where I parked at the mall or grocery store it might just be worth the price. Something to think about.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

a peachy martini

I've had an interesting day food wise. For lunch I went to Brava's Burgers on Fairfield.  Really excellent burgers and hot dogs but I had their poutine. I first tasted poutine in Canada. It's made with fried potatoes or french fries covered with gravy and sprinkled with cheese curds. May not sound like much but it is really good. Then on to dinner this evening at Main Street Bistro. The salad was fine, the scallops were yummy but the hit of the evening for me was my peachy martini. I'm not a big fan of martinis but their peachy martini is really excellent. Such a yummy day!

Friday, January 6, 2017

Want to try Eukonkanto?

One of the fun presents I received for Christmas is a page a day Trivia calendar. Each day I'm presented with a trivia question - answer on the back of the page. I have known, or been able to guess all of the answers until yesterday when I learned that the original manuscript of John Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men" was eaten by his dog? Really? The dog ate his manuscript? Does this mean the dog had good taste or was the manuscript written on particularly tasty paper? Did the dog eat the whole manuscript? It is a fairly lengthy novel after all. Did the dog survive?
While I was still pondering these questions, I read today's entry. It seems that Finland hosts a world championship race in the sport of Eukonkanto. What is Eukonkanto? Turns out it's also know as "wife carrying". I think that might be a sport worth watching. If it was televised, I would watch that instead of football or golf. Maybe Fort Wayne should introduce it as part of the Three Rivers Festival.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

a close encounter of the wrong kind

I was driving along in the left lane on the north bound side of Coldwater Road today on my way to pick up my grandchildren from school. Traffic was light and people were driving rather slowly because of the light snow.  As I came over a slight rise I realized that there was a white pick-up truck facing me, kind of diagonally, in my lane. Needless to say there should not have been a truck facing toward me in my lane. As quickly as I figured that out I tapped my brakes and began to skid. Fortunately there was no one close behind me so I was able to swerve into the other lane and get past the truck. After a while my heart beat slowed down and, not haring any crashing noises behind me, I proceeded on my way. I can only assume the truck hit the same slick spot I did, possibly going a little faster (I do drive like a little old grandma on snow) and spun around. I think I owe a debt of gratitude to my guardian angel who was obviously working overtime today.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

a funny little elevator encounter

Picture the scene - three ladies of a certain age get on the library elevator together to ride down to the main floor (one floor so not a long ride). As we got on we were all looking rather somber, not really looking at each other, you know how people do on elevators. Then I noticed that one of the ladies was wearing a pair of really bright, pretty red boots so I complimented her on them. That got the three of us talking about liking distinctive clothes. Then the third lady said, while she liked fancy clothes, all she really wanted was a rich man. Red boots lady immediately asked if he had a brother, i added a request for triplets and we all agreed that we weren't fussy about color. This was a mixed race elevator group. By the time the elevator doors opened we were all laughing like crazy. I love it when elevator encounters work out this way.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

a chance to plan ahead

I received my Three Rivers newsletter today. That's the one with the calendar that lists all of the special days for the month. I don't usually write before the fact about these exciting special days but two of them caught my attention. Next Monday, January 9, is "Clean Off Your Desk Day" followed two days later by "January is Get Organized Month". I think they're trying to tell me something. It's not that I'm wildly disorganized, not really, but my desk does seem to be a clutter magnet. Everything I don't want to deal with right now seems to end up there. Second runner up is my coffee table. Every once in a while I dig in and clear everything off; filing, pitching and organizing. This usually happens a day or so before company is coming. I recently shared with my daughter-in-law what I thought was my secret for a quick clean up before company - gather up all of the stacks of papers that have accumulated on desks, tables and counters, stick it all in brown paper sacks and hide them. I always found that the best place to hide the bags of to-be-dealt-with-later stuff was my bedroom closet. Presumably even guests who explore your bath room cabinets won't peak in your bedroom closet. An added benefit is that, as these bags of paperwork accumulate in your closet, they create a nice insulating barrier against an outside wall. Interestingly, as I was sharing my paper sack clutter solution plan with some friends I discovered that I'm not by any means the only one who uses this plan. It's evidently a time honored tradition in some households. Who Knew?

Monday, January 2, 2017

follow up on the great ball drop

Heard on the morning news today - over 5000 people attended the great ball drop here in Fort Wayne  on New Years Eve.  I believe that.  There were lots of people packed into a half block area.  One of the producers / promoters of this event said that they were pleased with the turn out but realized they need to make some improvements for next year. He suggested more food and drink sources, a greater variety of music and entertainment, and finally - this is what I was waiting for - a better ball drop experience. It really won't take much to improve on the ball drop which was simply a relatively small light image projected on a brick wall which kind of slid down the wall as we all counted down.  They were also projecting the numbers (minutes and seconds) on the wall and I personally think it would have been more effective to simply show the numbers, count down and shoot off the fireworks. Don't worry about the ball, just enlarge the fireworks display. That's my suggestion for what it's worth. I did hear one commentator suggest that they should drop a giant apple for Johnny Appleseed. Maybe they could station someone on the roof of the building who could tip a bushel of apples over the side to cascade down the wall as the clock strikes midnight. It would be more exciting that what they had this year. Ok, that's all my griping. I really am glad it's 2017. Happy New Year again, everyone.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Another thing to add ot my list,

my "I don't ever want to do that." list, that is. A clip on the local news reminded me of this. I do not ever want to sky dive, bungee jump, dive off a 100 foot cliff, eat chocolate covered ants, engage in mud wrestling, swim in the St. Mary's River - you get the idea.  I'm not sure where this ranks on my list but I absolutely never want to participate in the Polar Plunge. What is the allure of stripping down to your shorts or swim suit in winter weather and running madly with a bunch of other crazy people (a bit like lemmings) into an ice cold river? Today was a beautiful day to take a brisk walk around Headwaters Park but jumping into the river? No thank you.