Friday, November 30, 2018

no blog today

Taking a sick day.  Believe me you don't want to hear the details.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

a wise old saying

There's an old saying that goes "Don't switch horses in mid-stream."  A modern version might be "Don't change numeric catagories in mid-sentence."  I know it's not as catchy, but a young reporter on this evening's news should listen to my advice.  While introducing a man who has been active in "Toys for Tots." an admirable charity, by the way, the reporter said that this gentleman had been involved with the charity "for the last (and here he fumbled a little) 30 decades."  Really?? He looked awfully good for 300+ years old.  Happily, the anchor man worked '30 years' into his final wrap up, just in case any of us were really confused.  

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

a new toy

Today I got to play with a new toy.  Well, technically, it was an arts and crafts tool, but a new one to me.  This evening I helped with our annual Advent Festival at church.  Lot's of carry-in soup for supper, yumm, and Christmasy craft projects for the children.  That's where I came in.  I had agreed to help with the set up and our youth pastor said he had some things for me to cut out.  I envisioned sitting and cutting with a pair of scissors but he had something much better.  I don't know the name of this tool but some elementary school teacher might.  It was a flat tray with a roller device across the top.  A set of shaped blades imbedded in a sheet of stiff foam is layed on the tray, a few pieces of paper are placed on top of the foam and the whole tray slides left or right propelled and gently pushed down by the roller and, hey presto, it cuts out clean, crisp shapes.  In an hour, I cut out wreaths, Christmas trees, candles, bows, snow flakes, and ornament shapes.  Then, of course, we helped children assemble creations like advent calendars, using the shapes I had cut.  That was fun too.  

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Thw Festival Of Trees

Today, for the first time ever, I visited the "Festival of Trees" at the Embassy Theater.  This display of amazingly decorated trees has been going on for several years but in the past I've always seemed to miss it.  Every year by the time I would hear advertising about the festival it would be over.  But this year, I actually got to see it, and it was ok. The theme this year was "White Christmas" and most of the trees were strung with white lights which I found kind of repetative.  There were a few that were quite beautiful and I did enjoy the experience but it wasn't the 'wow' I was expecting.  The friend I was with did serve in the Navy and toward the end of the display, which extended over two floors and a balcony, we found the Navy tree.  It was really well decorated with white ropes looped over the branches and a white sailor's hat as the tree topper and ornaments in the shape of anchors and other nautical things.  It was fun and really well done. All in all, a good experience but now I'm sitting here enjoying my old tree cluttered with ornaments made or given by various family members and friends, many connected with fun memories of times spent together through the years.  I guess I know which one is my favorite tree.  

Monday, November 26, 2018

One more thing to think about

I mentioned in my last blog that one of my nephews and his family may be coming to visit me for a few days later this month.  I am excited about this and very pleased that they are coming, but I realized, as I looked around my livingroom today that it has been a long, long time since I have entertained a two-year-old.  I need to do a little (or a lot of) child-proofing.  I've already hung the least precious, most sturdy ornaments toward the bottom of the tree but now I need to think about the stuff on my shelves.  I can only move so many things up to the highest shelves.  But as I sit here I am looking at the big bin, now empty, in which I store my Christmas tree ornaments.  It occurs to me that I could hide a lot of fragile pieces in their.  Problem solved.  Now all I need to do is figure out what these kids will eat for breakfast.  I think they will probably want more than my usual hard boiled egg.  I might actually have to, gasp, cook something.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Christmas just got more exciting...

I had been told that a nephew and his family who live in Spokane will be moving to the Washington DC area for a couple of years on a military assignment and that they might stop by Fort Wayne on their way.  I've known about this possibility for some time but thought that this move was to take place 'sometime next year.: I just found out today that they may be coming as early as this December.  This is very exciting for me because we may be able to have a Christmas celebration while they are here.  My Christmas tree is up and almost all decorated, my balcony lights are on and I am pleased that my apartment will look very festive while they are here.  Now all I need to do is figure out how to sleep six people (they have four children, ages two through ten) in my two-bedroom apartment.  Between couches and beds I know we will make it work. 

Saturday, November 24, 2018

another passport note

When I renewed my passport last month I also ordered a passport card.  When I received my new passport yesterday it was all alone but there was a form inclosed explaining that my passport card and my old passport would be mailed separately.  I guess that makes sense for security reasons.  My old passport arrived today and I am happy to have it back, even with two holes punched in it, for the history it represents (22 countries at last count) but I was amused to see that, while my new passport was mailed in a priority, insured envelope, the old one came in a plain brown envelope.  Who knows how the card will arrive?  
Here's something else that gave me a little laugh. I admit to being easily entertained.  On the picture page my passport is identified as being a passport in three different languages: English - passport, French - passeport, and Spanish - pasaporte (or maybe that last one is Italian?).  These three words are so similar that I don't know why they bothered.  If they want to identify the document in other languages, why not Chinese or Korean or Burmese or German or Russian?  Yet another question that I'll probably never have an answer to.  Ah well....

Friday, November 23, 2018

passport puzzle

A few weeks ago, with the help of a very nice postal employee, I bagan the process of renewing my passport.  It came in the mail today and it looks very nice, new and crispy clean with all those blank pages.  I guess those will be a challenge to me.  I love to see those pages being stamped.  If I had lived in the good old days I would have had one of those suitcases with the travel stickers pasted all over it.  What surprised me about this passport is that, after all the jokes you hear about terrible passport pictures, mine doesn't look too bad. If you overlook the lack of glasses and a smile, it sort of looks like me but, because of the lighting or something when my picture was taken, I look like I have strawberry blonde hair.  This is not a bad look, in fact it's the look I had for many years, but for the last several years (10 at least) my hair has been gray.  So here's the question. Do I dye my hair to match my passport or just hope security people will assume I had a very rough flight?  

Thursday, November 22, 2018

It was a good day...

...also very filling.  I hopr you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving day.  Most of my family gathered for a traditional dinner.  Happily, my son and daughter-in-law hosted and all I had to do was provide sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie.  We managed to keep the political conversation to a minimum and I discovered that two other people in my family share at least part of my views.  I am not alone. Then we tackled religion (no great differenccs there) and finally got around to sharing humorous family stories, some of which I actually hadn't heard before.  All in all a delicious and satisfyingly normal Thanksgiving.  I really do have lots to be thankful for.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Another tradition experienced

This evening a friend and I went downtown to experience the 13th annual "Night of Lights." It was fun, although I was reminded that I really don't enjoy large crowds.  We saw several displays light up including the ever popular Santa and reindeers (or is it reindeer, I never know). That brought back memories of seeing the older version (before LED lights) on the side of Wolf & Dessauer's Department Store when I was about five years old.  
It was also cold tonight.  I considered it a good "dress rehearsal" for my trip to Finland next March.  I bundled up in layers, wore the heavy red coat my brother gave me with scarf and stocking cap and am happy to report that I stayed nice and warm.  Well, my nose got a little cold but that's to be expected.  Needless to say I was not concerned about looks. All in all it was a fun experience but probably not one that will become an annual must-do for me.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Pass the common sense please.

I understand they are toughening the laws about texting and driving and I'm OK with that.  Except, it seems to me common sense would dictate that drivers keep their eyes on the road.  One can only hope. Today I heard of another situation that seems to also point to a lack of common sense.  There is an annual, very colorful Polar Express train, heavily decorated with Christmas scenes on the sides of the cars that travels through the country during the Christmas season but this year, according to the report, the train will not be lighted as it travels along late at night.  The reason, last year some people got too close to the train, trying to get good pictures and the powers that be are concerned that someone will be struck by the train.  I do understand their concern but it does seem a shame that a lack of common sense on the part of a few (you don't stand close to moving trains) diminishes the event for everyone else.  Earlier this year when I was visiting the Grand Canyon I heard of several recent incidents (there and in other cliff-filled parks) of people falling to their deaths while taking selfies.  Perhaps common senses needs to be taught in school, or maybe, just maybe, people should sometimes put down their phone/cameras and just enjoy the view.  OK, I'm climbing down off my soapbox now before I slip and fall.

Monday, November 19, 2018

I won't be buying that.

I mentioned last week that I have been enjoying a variety of Christmas catalogs that have been showing up in my mailbox.  I received one yesterday that is new to me.  It's called "Wind & Weather" and as you might guess contains lots of decorative weather related items like multifunction barometer / thermometer gadgets and pages and pages of outdoor Christmas and any time decorations.  Since my 'outdoors' is limited to my balcony I am not really tempted by most of these.  However there was one item that caught my attention.  My son-in-law has a wonderful collection of nutcrackers (you know, the kind that look like old time soldiers) and from time to time I have added one to his collection as a Christmas gift.  So, in the catalog I saw a very nice, traditional looking nut cracker that is almost five feet tall and meant to stand guard by your front door.  I though it might be a fun gift until I looked at the price.  $399.00!!! Yikes!  I love my son-in-law a lot but that isn't in my gift budget for this year or any year.  I'll keep it in mind for when I win the Power Ball lottery.  Or, maybe when I write the great American novel and sell the movie rights.  Equally likely events.  

Sunday, November 18, 2018

a unique Thanksgiving celebration

Every year, for at least 15 years now, the Korean congregation at our church hosts a Thanksgiving Dinner after church on the Sunday before Thanksgiving to honor US veterans who fought in Korea during the Korean War.  The number of veterans is dwindling year by year as you might expect, but, since the entire congregation is invited, the total number of attendees goes up year by year.  While we are all happy to honor the veterans, we've also caught on to the fact that ihis is a really delicious dinner.  Not only do they serve up all the usual Thanksgiving goodies - turkey, beef, ham, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, dressing, gravy, pumpkin pie, etc. - they also serve kimchi, noodles, rice, dumplings and pulgogee.  Needless to say, I didn't need much for supper this evening. Let's hear it for great Thanksgiving traditions.  

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Elf, the Musical

I've seen the movie "Elf" several times and have always enjoyed it.  Tonight I got to see the Civic Theater production of "Elf, the Musical."  It was a big production, great sets, 35 singers and actors (including some very funny elfs) and seven musicians.  The singing, dancing, skating, and acting was all very well done.  My only complaint, and it's just my opinion. is that all of the musical pieces were sung at the same intensity and volumn.  I like musicals with a variety of types of songs - some soft and slow, some loud and fast. "Oklahoma" comes to mind.  This evening's was a fun performance but no "Oklahoma." On the other hand, we all ended up believing in Santa by the end of the show, so it was a success,

Friday, November 16, 2018


I'm not a huge sports fan but I do enjoy seeing coverage of high school girls basketball.  Especially if the teams involved are familiar to me.   Tonight, for example, I learned that Woodlan (my high school) beat Leo (the eternal rival) by 40-31.  You go girls.  I like to daydrean that if we had had girls basketball at Woodlan fifty-eight years ago I could have been a star.  I know some big city schools had half-court girls basketball way back then but it wasn't an option at Woodlan.  We didn't even have football until my senior year.  While it's fun to imagine I could have been a basketball star, even in my daydreams, a reality check reminds me that, as a tall, gawky teen, I had two left feet.  I know this is true because when the class of '62 was practicing for our graduation processional, after our principal had carefully explained that we would step forward right foot first, doing the hesitation step, I boldy stepped forward left foot first, which the principal loudly pointed out to everyone.  Thankfully, this was only practice. Talk about lasting trauma.  When i got married, my father and I agreed that we would not be doing the hesitation step as he walked me down the aisle.

Thursday, November 15, 2018


There were several reports on the news today of traffic accidents, thanks to the first messy, icy, mushy weather of this season.  It seems early to me and I didn't like seeing leaves frosen in the slush but I did my 'little old lady driving' imitation (oh, wait, that's not an imitation) and managed to get to and from my appointment unscathed.  This evening, though, I enjoyed a different kind of "Accidental."  A friend and I attended a musical fund raiser for an Associated Churches project held at Come 2 Go, also known as C2G.  The young (they looked very young to me, 20 ish?) group who performed were called "Accidental" and they were very good.  They played and sang well and weren't too loud.  All things I appreciate.  A happy accident indeed.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

I know I should...

but I probably won't.  Tomorrow, according to my nifty calendar, is "Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day."  What a fine idea, and just in time for Thanksgiving when I will no doubt fill it up with leftovers. However, on the list of fun household chores, cleaning out my refrigerator doesn't make the top five, or the top ten or the top 15 for that matter.  If you're wondering what I would consider fun household chores, those are things like baking brownies (I need to do this for a lunch on Sunday) and watching Roomba vaccuming my livingroom (if I had a Roomba).  That's it, those are the only fun  chores I can think of.  Oh, and watering my house plant.  That's not too bad.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

I love my library!

Libraries have always been good for getting books to read but in the last week I've put the library to uses I never would have imagined a few years ago, let alone in my childhood.  This week I have renewed some materials on line, checked out a movie and a series of TV shows.  I have not yet tried the 3-D printer but I could for a dollar an hour.  This evening I had a little time between meetings at our church and walked across the street to the library to buy a sandwich and a cappucino.  Good stuff to eat and good stuff to read. What more could I want?  Last week I had to pay a 50 cent fine for an item I neglected to renew on line (even with their emailed reminders). I remarked to the librarian (yes they still have those, and no, they don't serve the coffee) that it's really embarrassing to have a fine when it's so easy to renew books.  She replied that it's much more embarrassing when you actually work there.  Nice to know they're human too.

Monday, November 12, 2018

mathematical joy

It's fun to see the light come on.  On Monday afternoons I tutor a 4th grade boy in math and reading.  I tutored the same student last year and I remember that at the beginning of that year he couldn't multiply or divide and was very shaky on math procedures in general.  We worked quite a bit on math but I really credit his teachers, last year and this, for unlocking his math potential.  Today, when we sat down to work he started explaining to me how to calculate area and perimeter.  We worked on several problems and he noticed that the area number was always larger than the perimeter number.  He challenged me to find a rectangle with measurements that resulted in a perimiter number that was larger than the area.  We found one and he was very pleased.  Next week I'll show him an example where the two numbers are the same.  Obviously, I like number games but it's so exciting to see him really enjoying math.  

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Remembering a veteran I never knew.

Today in not only Veterans Day but also the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I "the war to end all wars."  Well. it was a hopeful thought.  My father-in-law fought in France during WWI and from some history I've read, it was a very nasty war.  I never met my father-in-law.  He died in his 50's, before my husband and I met, from heart and lung problems which began years before when he inhaled mustard gas during the battles.  His name was Clarence but everyone called him 'Brick' because of his red hair.  I asked once why Brick and not Red, turns out one of his brothers was called Red.  I guess my daughter and granddaughter come by their red hair honestly.  I think my husband's parents were married in, or close to, 1920.  I know they had been married for 15 years before my husband was born and that was in 1935.  He was a child of the depression and I guess my mother-in-law was feeling that depression.  She told me once that when she was about 8 months along she had the thought that "this child will probably grow up to be a criminal, like Dillenger."  Happily he didn't. So today I'm saying thanks to Clarence for serving in WWI, and, more importantly, getting this whole family started.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Veterans Day Eve

Tomorrow is Veterans Day and I will honor the veterans in my family then but today is Veterans Day Eve, also known as my daughter's birthday.  She is 45 today which doesn't seem possible but I've done the math and it's right.  Or, as my grandson pointed out, it's  the 35th anniversary of her first double digit birthday.  When she was young it was very convenient that her birthday was the day before Veterans Day because the kids always got that day off from school.  Since they didn't have school, her girlfriends could come to a birthday sleep over. Now there's a missnamed event if there ever was one.  But they were fun times and happy birthday memories.  Now she shares her birth date with her brother and sister-in-law whose anniversary is the same date. which makes for more fun family celebrations.  Isn't it grand how life rolls on?

Friday, November 9, 2018

Karaoke anyone?

This evening I attended a different kind of musical program presented by Heartland Sings, formerly known as the Heartland Chamber Chorale.  Their music is always beautiful but tonight was just for fun.  The music was still beautiful but instead of an evening of operatic or classical music it was an evening of music by The Carpenters.  People were invited to register ahead if they wanted to perform karaoke style with the professional quartet, the lyrics were projected on the big screen and everyone was invited to sing along.  I did not perform on stage.  My best contribution to music is, and always has been, audience member.  One of the karaoke singers would have done better to also stay in the audience but the others were all quite good.  "We've Only Just Begun",  "Rainy Days and Mondays" and "Close to You" were among my favorites.  In February they will be doing a similar program of Beatles songs.  I think I would like to see that also.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

missions accomplished

Today I got two projects finished that had been on my mind for some time.  Things did not go as smoothly as I had anticipated but I have successfully applied to renew my passport and my driver's license.  However, I should have done a little more research.  I did go on line to renew my driver's license and was informed that I couldn't renew on line if I had done so last time.  So off I went to the BMV where I was informed that if I wanted a 'secure card' I needed my birth certificate, marriage license, passport and social security card. Since I also planned to renew my passport I had all of those items with me except my social security card.  I never carry it with me.  Turns out I could get a regular license without all that stuff ($17.50 and my old license, thank you very much).  I did pass the vision test although it was a close thing and I didn't break the camera so all is well.  As for the passport, a very helpful clerk at the downtown post office took me through the process.  As I was reading the sign posted on the pasport office door saying that they were open by appointment only, the clerk saw me, asked if I was renewing or needed a new passport?  When I told her it was a renewal, she opened the office, gave me the form to fill out, took my picture (another take off your glasses and don't smile masterpiece) and gave me a form to fill out. I showed her my driver's license and old passport (which got sent off with the application) and wrote a check. ($140.00 for passport book and card).  I did have to go back home to get my checkbook because you can't charge the cost of a passport. Who knew?  Anyway, I've done it and within four weeks I should have two brand new documents proving who I am.  I've been told that they will return my old booklet with the new pasport and I hope that's true.  I know I can't use it any more but there are ten years worth of memorable stamps on those pages.  

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

A little known fact

At least I didn't know this.  November is "Peanut Butter Lovers' Month."  I wasn't aware that peanut butter has a month of its own but it certainly deserves one.  After all it is one of the basic food groups, right up there with chocolate.  I also noticed on my calendar that tomorrow is "Cappuccino Day."  Perhaps I shall indulge in a chocolate cappuccino and a peanut butter sandwich.  After all it is important to celebrated these noteworthy days.  Notice how I just slipped chocolate in there even though it doesn't have a special day in November?  Some things deserver to be celebrated on a daily basis.  Besides, Thanksgiving will be here in two weeks and I need to sharpen my eating skills.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Election night

Well it's over.  The big midterm election is over.  Some won, some lost and, I suspect, life will go on.  Some of my choices won, some didn't. I am not devistated.  In fact I am actually quite excited.  Do you realize that we will not have to listen to a political commercial until the 2020 presidential campaign?  Those ads probably won't start until mid 2019.  So I figure we have at least six blissful months before the barage begins again.  There really ought to be a law that candidates can't start advertising until two months before the election.  Sadly, I'm guessing that falls into the "don't hold your breath" catagory.  Ah, well.  On a happier note, I finally tried out the steak at Ruth's Crist Steak House this evening.  A friend discovered that if you eat at the bar during happy hour (4-6 pm) some meals are half price.  I had a lovely little steak with crab, asparagus and Bernaise sauce for $13.  Of course by the time I added a glass of wine, coffee and a shared salad it wasn't cheap, but still quite comparable to other steak places in town, and yes, the meat was very good.  I was actually quite mellow by the time I got home to listen to election results.

Monday, November 5, 2018

a mini identity crisis

On Saturday I sat through a meeting in which our motivational speaker referred to Fort Wayne as Fort Worth (once even Fort Worth, Indiana) four times in his speech.  Finally someone spoke up from the audience and corrected him.  This evening I was at a church committee meeting so did not see the president's speech.  I did, however, see some highlights on the late news in which President Trump repeatedly referred to being in Indiana but never once referred to Fort Wayne. Again, this was on the parts I saw.  I do realize that his main purpose in being here was to support the Republican candidate for senator, which involves a state wide vote but still I would have like a mention of Fort Wayne,  I like Fort Wayne.  I appreciate living here.  I would just like to see our good city receive a little more national attention.  Don't forget to vote tomorrow.  Unless, of course, you don't support my candidates.  Then you can skip it.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

I guess I'll pass

I heard an interesting commercial on TV the other day. No, not a political ad, I've been muting those.  This one was an ad for cosmetic botox.  All the warnings of possible side effects are enough to assure me that I never want to do this but one statement really made me womder.  The announcer said that this treatment would make the lines in my face look better.  What does that mean?  How does a line look better?  Is it deeper, more clearly defined, easier to see?  If I was considering this process I would want to be assured that my lines would become invisible, look gone rather than better.  Honestly, the thought of a face lift (better yet a full body lift) has flitted thorugh my mind from time to time - usually when I'm looking in the mirror - but when I consider the cost (and possible pain) vs. the long term results, I realize that I would much rather spend my kids' inheritance on travel.  Much more fun.

Saturday, November 3, 2018


This morning when I looked outside about sunrise I thought I was looking at the fabled city of gold.  I've commented before about how many trees there are in Fort Wayne.  In the suummer the view I see from my balcony is a sea of green, with an occasional building here and there.  This morning, with the early sun shining on all the trees that have changed color it was a sea of gold with a occasional shot of hot red as an accent.  God is such a great artist. 

I've got to go set my clocks back now.  Not sure if I'll be up in time for sunrise tomorrow. Enjoy your extra hour everybody.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Just a little dizzy.

I don't think the sidewalk was actually moving up and down but it felt that way for a little bit.  Earlier this evening a friend and I went to a gallery reception at Artlink (very interesting) and then decided to get supper at Main Street.  As usual the food was very good, and, as usual. I was tempted to try one of their interesting martinis. It was very, very good, but also more potent than I remember them being.  Perhaps it had something to do with starting to drink it on an empty stomach.  Whatever, by the time I finished my meal and the drink (I wasn't going to leave any of that chocolate, caramel concoction in the glass) I was actually feeling a little woozy.  Happily, I have nowhere to go but bed right now.  I'm sure it will be all better in the morning.  It better be. I'm heading for a Presbytery meeting at church.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Here we go,

Happy November everyone. Now that Halloween is just a sweet memory, it's time to get serious about Thanksgiving and Christmas. Someone asked me earlier today if I had started my Christmas shopping yet.  The short answer is "No."  I'm waiting for my BFF to tell me she has finished her shopping.  That is my yearly signal to start.  Unfortunately, it was my dental hygienist who asked the question and she had her fingers in my mouth as she asked it so my answer was less than clear.  I am happy to report, however, that the hosting duties have been assigned.  My daughter-in-law's mother will be hosting Thanksgiving and my daughter will be hosting Christmas dinner.  I'm so excited.  I'm perfectly happy to cook and carry in and delighted that I won't be faced with all the dishes and other clean up to be dealt with after the event.  Ho, ho, ho. Things are looking good.