Tuesday, November 22, 2016

really I'm not a Scrooge but...

I don't think I'm a selfish or miserly person. I give to my church and donate to a number of charities. However, I made up my mind a long time ago not to give to charities who send me something.  I figure if they can afford to send me a nickle or a quarter or a calendar they don't really need my money. I typically drop the coins in our monthly bucket collection at church. Today I got a begging letter with a slightly new twist. it contained a check, made out to me, for $2.50. The accompanying letter assured me that it is a real check that I can keep and cash, but they're hoping that I will mail it back to them, with an additional $10 to help their research and education programs. But wait, there's more. If I return the check with an additional $15 or more they will send me a free insulated tote bag.
Or (just thinking out loud here) I could use the $2.50 to buy an insulated tote bag at Kroger's thereby cutting out the middle man and saving myself $15.
Maybe I am a little Scroogish after all. Bah, humbug!

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