Thursday, June 12, 2014

mixed feeings

On the news this evening they reported on a woman who was upset because she was asked to cover up while she nursed her baby in a public place.  According to the news report, it is the law in Indiana that a woman can nurse a baby anywhere in public and there's nothing in the code about covering up.  I nursed both of my babies until they were each a year old so I'm obviously in favor of mothers nursing infants, although it was a different era and I didn't nurse in public. I am curious about how uncovered this woman was though, because evidently several patrons complained to a flustered sales person about the nursing mother before he asked her to cover up.  When interviewed, the owner of the company said she was going to provide training for her staff on how to deal with the situation because she said "We have nursing mothers in here all the time."  If that's the case, and presumably no one had complained or been offended before, I'm really curious about how uncovered this woman was.  Ah well, I guess I'll never know..

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