Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Guilty as charged

I admit that while I try not to show it, I do get irritated when two friends with carts stand chatting in a grocery store aisle and effectively blocking it so no one else can get through.  I've even been known to say "Excuse me." very nicely of course and I have even shifted a cart (but never one with a child in it) so I and my cart, and sometimes people behind me could get through.  So there I stood innocently searching the shelf for my brand of multi-vitamin when I heard a familiar voice say "Luci!"  It was a friend I haven't seen for a few weeks and we immediately launched into a swap of what have you been doing lately stories.  We must have stood their talking for a good five minutes before I heard a shuffling noise behind me and realized that someone was waiting to get through.  We moved out of her way of course and kept talking while trying to avoid blocking anyone else.  I do apologize to the stranger in question.  I will try to be more understanding..

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