Friday, May 30, 2014

most embarrassing moment

For some reason I was reminded today of an embarrassing moment which my children treated me to many years ago. First you need to know that I am not a heavy drinker.  I average about one glass of wine a month and maximum two beers a year.  After work one cold slushy winter afternoon I was shopping in a local drug store with my two, at that time, teenage children.  As we walked through the aisles of the store which were wet with tracked in snow I slipped and fell down.  Luckily I was wearing a heavy coat and I wasn't hurt at all but a concerned clerk expressed her sympathy.  I hadn't walked more than 10 steps when it happened again, same clerk, same sympathy.  And, would you believe it, it happened again? I had some very slippery shoes on.  Of course by this time my dear concerned children were laughing their heads off.  When we came to the check-out counter the same very solicitous (and probably fearful of being sued) clerk was behind the counter. After I assured her yet again that I was fine my son turned to me, deadpan, and said "Mom, I told you you shouldn't have had all those beers."  If looks could kill, he would not have lived to see manhood.
There's an old saying, "Revenge is a dish best served cold." My grandchildren are rapidly approaching their teens so I know some time, some how I will be avenged.

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