Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Reading to Live Longer

As heard on TV: Reading, and especially reading and belonging to a book club can help you live longer.  If that's the case, based on all the books I've read over the years, I should live to be 100 while my friend Sandy, who always has a book in her hand and three in her purse, should make it to 150.  Turns out though, as I listened further, that the age benefit seems to come from the socialization, being part of any group, rather than the actual reading.  It made me think of the book club meeting I attended last week.  I've recently joined this club at the urging of a friend and so far the books we've read have been interesting but not necessarily what I would have chosen on my own. At last week's meeting we were served a lovely snack, all sweets and nuts, then began our discussion of the book. With our leader's help we stayed focused on the book and author for about 20 minutes, but then focus started to shift. Before I knew it the group was talking about presidential politics, scams being perpetrated on  the elderly, what happened last week on The Bachelor, and a myriad of other topics.  Our gallant leader tried to get us back on topic a few times but eventually gave it up as a lost cause. So now I'm left with this question - will belonging to this club help me live longer or will it just seem longer?

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