Friday, October 4, 2024

Say cheese.....

 Today (and I found this one all by myself) is National Smile Day.  It's also Cinnamon Roll Day.  My west coast brother told me about that one, but I'm choosing to ignore it because I'm still trying to loose the five pounds I gained on our recent vacation, and everyone knows that just sniffing the aroma of 'Cinnabons' can cause you to gain at least a pound.  But I do like the idea of Smile Day.  Friendly smiles always brighten my days.  But people aren't the only ones who smile.  My dogs used to smile at me when I gave them treats.  Cats not so much, but I did see an interesting report on dolphins on the news this evening.  Evidently they have a facial expression that really is a smile.  They have been observed smiling at each other.  However, they don't seem to smile at people.  I can understand that.  People they encounter most often are observing them in captivity situations.  That would probably not evoke a smile in me either.  Don't get me wrong, I really do like dolphins and I have seen stories of friendly interactions with humans and watched them perform.  But enough about dolphins.  Give someone a big smile before you go to bed tonight.

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