Tuesday, January 28, 2025

ah, music....

 My west coast brother informed me that today is "National Blueberry Pancake Day."  We celebrated by going to Blueberry Pancake House for lunch.  But today is also "National Kazoo Day."  I'm not sure who invented the Kazoo (I'm sure you can Google it if you're really curious) but I applaud that person.  In my opinion the Kazoo is the very best instrument for a non-musical child.  I know this because as far as my musical talents are concerned, I make a really good audience.  I actually took piano lessons for a year or so as a child, no success there.  I never attempted a band instrument or marching band which would have required coordination, also not a strength of mine.  But I can play a Kazoo.  Anybody can.  I really appreciated the great blessing that a Kazoo can be when two of my granddaughters (sisters) were given violins at school and urged to join the violin orchestra (and I use that term very loosely) at their elementary school.  They practiced faithfully on those violins, often when I was watching them after school, (I think their parent planned it that way) and they performed in one school concert which I dutifully attended.  Everyone in the group seemed about equal in their violin virtuosity and the resultant performance is best forgotten.  Believe me, if they had all been playing Kazoos it would have been so much better.  I am happy to report that those granddaughters gave up their violins after one semester, much to their parents' and my relief.  They did, however, have Kazoos, which they didn't practice on nearly so much, but I really didn't mind it when they did. 

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