Monday, January 6, 2025

the mystery gift

 Today, as my spouse and I were packing away the last of the Christmas decor scattered around the house, we found a clear plastic wrapped flat package which had slid down between the family room couch and an end table.  When we opened it we discovered a large tri-fold card titled "Back in 1943."  Neither of us had seen this before.  We think that someone may have brought it to my birthday party earlier in December (because we had said cards, no gifts) and while here realized that, since I had just turned 80, I must have been born in 1944 not 1943.  So, our best guess is they just left it behind??? However it happened I am enjoying looking at it.  It lists all sorts of things that happened between 1948 and 1968, from the time I started kindergarten to the year I got married the first time.  Definitely my formative years.  Here are some of my favorites - Sky King and Lassie on TV, also Leave it to Beaver and Gunsmoke, my Betsy Wetsy doll, the "Little House" books, Bazooka Bubblegum, Tootsie Rolls, proms, and Elvis Presley (I saw him in concert when I was 13).  Thank you, thank you to the mystery person who left this behind.  It's being lots of fun.  

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