Sunday, March 9, 2014

on cats and dogs

My daughter and her family have two wonderful, large dogs -  a boxer (3 years old) and a shepherd boxer mix (7 months old).  They are delightful dogs who get along with each other like a big sister and little brother.  After spending a very pleasant afternoon with dogs and family today, and enjoying an excellent ham dinner, I came home to my "only cat" who is "helping" me type this blog.  Much as I love dogs (I've had six of them through the years), I must admit my cat is a more comfortable fit for me at this time in my life. She's a champion snuggler who teaches me how to relax, reminds me to stretch, and generally keeps me calm; sort of a live-in furry therapist.

1 comment:

  1. After you left both dogs slept all afternoon, I guess a visit from NaNa is just that exciting :)
