Friday, March 21, 2014

The first full day of spring

Today was the first full day of spring, so naturally, when I glanced out the window at 7:00am it was to see my yard, driveway, lawn, trees and bushes covered with snow, probably not more that an inch, but still a thorough blanket of the white stuff.  By afternoon it had all melted away and we had a high temperature of 55 degrees.  I also discovered that my crocuses are up, 4 inch skinny green spears of hope.
On the evening news the weatherman presented an interesting comparison; last year on this date the high was only 11 degrees, while in 2012 on the same date we had a high of 87 degrees.  Proving, if anyone doubted it, that March is an exciting and totally unpredictable month. Altogether, today was an excellent first full day of spring.

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