Friday, April 18, 2014

about mail and Mother's Day

Not long ago the US postal service was considering cutting delivery to homes to 5 or maybe 4 days a week to which I say "bring it on."  I've been tracking my mail contents for a while and by my calculation, 90% of my mail goes directly into the recycling bin, 3% is "must open" bills, etc.  7% charities that I at least consider giving donations to.  So imagine my delight when I got another Mother's Day jewelry catalog in today's mail, this one from JC Penny.  There were a few pretty pieces and yes, several pages of wedding rings - another effort to get moms married I guess - but the items that perplexed me were two pendants in the shape of frogs.  What do frogs have to do with moms?  The only thing I can think of is that some of us moms kissed a lot of frogs before we found our prince.

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