Thursday, April 17, 2014

Oh Pufferbelly, where are you?

I just turned on the 11pm news and one of there first teasers was a reference to the Pufferbelly trail.  They even showed a quick picture of the Pufferbelly sign, so now I know I'm spelling it right, but I still don't know where it is.  I'm waiting with bated breath to see what more they have to say.

As I'm waiting for this news I'm flipping through a catalog of jewelry from Kohl's especially for Mother's day and find myself amused by the pages of engagement and wedding rings.  I guess it would be good to make an honest woman of Mom.

Ok, the Pufferbelly trail is evidently somewhere between Gump and Hathaway Roads and it's being extended into a subdivision I've never heard of.  Eventually, they say, it will hook up with the Fort Wayne River Greenway.  Maybe, eventually, it will just meander past my house.

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