Monday, October 19, 2015

a weird vision

Today the man came back to my apartment to put the new top on my desk. Two weeks ago when he assembled the office furniture I had purchased we discovered that a big hunk had been broken off one corner of the desktop. So today the new top was put on and now everything looks fine. But when he was finished he left me with the damaged top and the big cardboard box the new one came in. He said that some people cut off the damaged section and use the rest to make a book shelf or something.  That made me laugh because it reminded me so much of my husband's way of thinking. Always save everything, there may be a use for it.  After the furniture man left I hauled the damaged top and the cardboard down to the place in the basement where I've been told to leave such things. A couple of hours later as I was leaving for a meeting I walked past the place where I had left the stuff on my way to the garage and saw that it was gone.  That got me to wondering. Do they really recycle all the big cardboard boxes and other stuff (like desktops) that people leave down there or is there, somewhere in the depths of the basement, a room full of stuff that might come in handy someday?  I hope I'll never know.

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