Sunday, October 4, 2015

my "fortress of solitude"

Another reflection on my apartment. When I walk in here after being gone most of any day I lock one door, with a lock and a deadbolt, and feel comfortably alone and secure. Granted, I can also lock the sliding glass door that opens on to the balcony but I'm not too worried about that.  If someone is determined enough to climb up or down to my 10th story balcony in an effort to break in here I'm pretty sure he/she would just break the window and come on in.  But that's not the point.  In the house I sold I had six doors (4 up, 2 in the  basement) that led outside, either directly or through a garage. Five of those doors either had glass in them or a window immediately adjacent so for 33 years that house was never really secure.  Granted I didn't waste any time worrying about it but now I only have one door not to worry about - so relaxing.

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